Problems chap 31

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No one's pov

Eloise has been healing nicely and her breathing is getting way better than before. Kendra and Eloise are still going strong but her moms still don't know about it. she still hasn't talk to them about how she's feeling and how this situation is really affecting her but she's planning on doing it soon

Lizzie's pov

Today we really want to go and talk to the principal at school we can't stay quiet any longer but we really need Eloise to talk so we know how to proceed with this

"I'm really over this I can't sit here and just let those boys walk around while our daughter is literally sitting on her bed recovering from surgery" Scarlett says

"I know, me neither" I say

I get a notification on my phone and it's from El how she can't walk a lot right now we decide on her to text us if she needed something since she doesn't like yelling even if it's hers so we came up with that

I look at what El texted me and she says that she wants to talk to Scarlett and I so we both walk upstairs to her room

"Hey babes you want to talk?" Says Scarlett sitting down beside her on her bed

"Yeah" she says quietly

I Really don't know what she wants to talk about but I hope it's about how she's feeling about all this situation

Eloise's pov

I decided I need to tell moms what it's actually going on through my head since I'm not really scared anymore I'm mad, I'm mad that they did this to me and well not only me but also my friends and it's not fair that they don't get any consequences after what they did

"I-I um you know I wanted to talk about chad and Tyler" I say quietly

"Okay" mama says stroking my hair

"I you know at first I was scared and well sad cuz you guys didn't believe me but I'm past that, I am. but then I was scared cuz I couldn't stop thinking about m-mark and I don't like thinking about him, i feel like they just brought too many memories back and well the-the n-nightmares came back and that scared me and I feel like if I start going back to all of this you guys are not going to love me anymore and I don't want that to happen because I love you way to much but after talking to grandpa he made me realize that you guys would still love me but the thing is that I'm just I'm not scared anymore I'm mad because I had made progress all the things I had already kinda healed came back after what they did and that, just messed me up. I know we have to do something about it and I want too, I do, but if the principal didn't believe before why should he now?" I say trying to say it as fas as I could so my voice wouldn't break but that didn't help a lot since it still did

"Look El We know you're scared and we know that they brought things back that you don't want to remember but me and your mom are here for you okay to help you, to try and make you feel better and if not we'll just lay with you in bed the whole day because we love you and we're here for you so don't shut us down okay? Because we're never going to stop loving you, you hear me" Said mama looking at me in the eyes

"I-I'm sorry I know I shouldn't but I've been alone my whole life and I've never had this before I guess it's just how I cope and I know it's not right but I'm trying, I really am" I say looking at both of them

"Hey you don't have to be sorry we know that you're trying and that's all that matters we know you're doing your best and we are too so maybe we can learn together" said mom

"Yeah i'd like that" I said smiling a little

"Good. Now what do you want to do about chad and Tyler?" Asked mom

"I-I Don't know" I said the truth is I kinda don't want to talk to the principal since he probably won't believe us

"Well mama and I thought that maybe we should go to the principal and see what he says and if it doesn't get us anywhere then we'll take legal manners but that's only if we have to okay?" Said mom

"You mean like getting a lawyer and all that shit?" I said

"Hey lenguage, but yes" said mama

"Oh I guess that's okay" I say hoping it doesn't happen since I really don't want to talk to a lawyer or well anyone that is not close to me

"But can we do it tomorrow i really don't feel like doing this today and my stomach is hurting a little" I said and it's true, it is hurting I think it's time for my meds. I don't know

"Oh yeah okay it's time for your meds anyway so I'll go get them" said mama

She came back with the pill crusher since I still can't take pills without being anxious and she also has the honey, yes I take them with honey since if I don't it's just powder and it gets all weird in my mouth

"Here I'll crush them for you" mom says

After I took my meds we just stayed cuddled up in mom and mamas bedroom since their bed is bigger and watched a bunch of movies

"I'm really glad you guys are my moms" I said looking at both of them

"Well we're really glad you're our daughter" mom said and mama hummed

"I wish I had your last names and you guys weren't just my foster parents I mean you're not just that to me but legally you are you know?" I said trying not to sound harsh since it's literally the opposite to what I want to say

"What are you saying El? You want us to adopt you?" Mama asks

"Well yeah but only if you guys want to you know I was just rambling you guys don't have to I just really want to stay with you forever and I'll probably get moved for whatever reason soon enough and I don't want to move since you are the best foster parents I've had all my life and I-" I get cut off by mom

"El it's okay breath, we want you to stay with us forever too, we'll see what we can do about it okay?"

"Okay" I said smiling at them

"I love you baby" said mama kissing my head

"I love you both too"


What do you think the principal will do?

Do you think he will believe Eloise's Version of the story?

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