Legal chap 37

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⚠️TW: CRYING? (Is that a TW?) ⚠️

No one's pov

Lizzie, Scarlett, RDJ, isaac parents and Kendra's parents decided on taking legal manners against Tyler chad and obviously their  fathers.

They decided to fill a restraining order to start of but Scarlett and Lizzie pressed charges against the two boys for assault, obviously Eloise agreed so today was the court day to see what was going to happen.

Eloise's pov

Today is the day we have to go to court and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I couldn't sleep last night thinking of all the ways today could go and for some reason my brain couldn't think of one good thing, everything was bad so that's freaking me out

"Mom I don't think I can eat" looking at the plate in front of me

"Fine but at least eat the fruit okay?" Said mom

"But I'm to anxious" I said scratching my wrist while I tried to stay still

"Alright fine you can eat later" said mama taking my plate away and putting it on the oven since we don't throw food away or at least that's what mom always says

"Go get dressed El" said mama after she finished helping me brush my hair since my curls were all over the place

"Go get dressed El" said mama after she finished helping me brush my hair since my curls were all over the place

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Her outfit ^^^ (she has a full shirt not a crop top)

I got dressed in whatever since how are you supposed to dress when you're going to court? I don't know so I just chose something some what nice

"Mom is this okay? I don't have anything court style to wear" I say running my hands through my hair anxiously

"I mean if that's the best you could come up with, I guess it's okay" said mom

"Yeah it's okay but stop messing your hair up I worked hard on it" said mama and I laughed

"Come on El, we have to go" said mom

We got in the car and mom started to drive when we finally got to court I run up to k and give her a little kiss while I say hi to Isaac and everyone else

"Hey grandpa" I said to RDJ

"Hey El come here" he said giving me a hug wich I enjoyed

"Guys we have to go in now" said mom so we all went in

We all sat down and the judge came in. shit I didn't think how nerve wracking this was going to be

I feel a hand on mine and I see mama holding it tight and drawing squares as she always does when I'm anxious it kinda keeps me calm

"We're all here to address the assault charges against chad and Tyler so can we all please hear everyone who is here to testify" said the judge

It's been around 40 minutes and everyone has given their statement, including me, I was nervous as hell I don't know how I didn't break down I honestly feel like I could break down at any moment and I don't like it and even more now since the judge is about to give his verdict

"You did so good babe, I'm proud of you" whispered k and I smiled at her and kissed her cheek

"Thank you baby" I whispered back

"Can we all stand up the judge is about to give his verdict" said the police officer so we all stood up

"After hearing everyone statements and analyzing the evidence against chad and Tyler im here to say that they both are sentenced to one year of juvenile and six month of community service" said the judge and I finally felt like I could breathe

"You were so good El I'm so proud of you for standing up my sweet girl" said mama

"I love you mama" I said and hugged her tight

"Alright let's go home" said mom

"El wait" said k

"Hey um I know this is not the best place to ask you this, but you know I think it's something about us, we ask this things at the worst places so Um would you like to go on a date with me?" Said k rambling a little

"Wait really?? Of course I want to go on a date with you" I said

"Yeyy okay I'll go get you at 6 tomorrow" she said pecking my lips

"Okay" I said dipping in the kiss

"El, come on" said mom

"Well I gotta go now" I said and gave her hug and then walking to the car

We finally arrived at the house and I went up to my room and listen to music when out of nowhere I started to cry

Lizzie's pov

Scarlett and I were in our room talking and seeing how we were going to deal with next week since Scarlett has to go to New York for a little while since she has some interviews so we're trying to figure out if it's best that all of us go or me and El stay here

Scarlett and I were talking when we hear the door open a little and I look up to see El standing up outside our door and crying heavily

"Moms" she said about to break down

Scarlett immediately got up and hugged her before she fell she carried her and put her on our bed and El wrapped her self on me

"It's okay you're okay" I said playing with her hair trying to get her to calm down

She kept crying hard for a good 10 minutes and she started to have trouble breathing and coughing

"Baby I think you should get her oxygen tank" I told Scarlett

We keep and oxygen tank here in case Eloise needs it since she still has a little trouble breathing not always just when she gets to worked up the doctor said it was normal but we do have a check up soon so that's good

Scarlett came back with the oxygen and I put in on Eloise's nose

"Breath babe, deep breaths" I told her while running my hand trough her hair hair and Scarlett was rubbing her arm

Eloise kept trying to breathe

"You're doing so good baby" I told her and I could see her trying to fight sleep since her eyes keep dropping

"Go to sleep hun" Scarlett told her

"We're here it's okay" I told her and she finally gave in and fell asleep

"That was kinda scary" I told Scarlett

"Yeah we haven't needed the oxygen for a little while" she said and I nodded

"Do you think she's okay" said Scarlett

"Yeah maybe I think she just needed a good cry maybe all her feelings about this situation caught her up and how it's all over she felt relieved and was finally able to let go" I said trying to reason a little about what just happened

"I think you're right I don't think she let her self feel everything when she needed to so now that they're taken care of she feels relieved so I guess it makes sense" Scarlett said

"Yeah" I said while I played with Eloise's head and kissed it

"We should really get those adoption papers her birthday is soon and if we want those to be her gift we need to get on it" I told Scarlett

"You're right I can't wait" she told me

"Me neither babe, me neither" I told her

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in a little while I just had lots of homework and literally had no time.
Hope you guys understand.  love you ❤️

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now