We do love you chap 15

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No one's pov

After Eloise had shared most of her traumatic events all through her life no one knew what to say or what to do. Scarlett and Lizzie were shocked she had just opened up well sort of since it wasn't exactly how they wanted that to go but it was a step and a big thing not only for the both of them but also for Eloise.

Lizzie's pov

I don't know what to say or do I can't even read Eloise's face. I guess this was going to happen sooner or later but I didn't expect it to be like this.

I look up at El and her hands are shaking but her face is just straight maybe she's waiting for us to say something? I really don't know.
I look at Scarlett and she's just sat down on the Couch with her hand on her mouth and she has tears on her eyes. I guess I should say something since it was kinda my fault all this happened I mean It was a big miss-understanding but I did say what got us to this point...

"El, we-I" I try but I juts really can't find any words but I need to try and fix this for all of ours sake

"El, we didn't mean it like it hasn't been hard for you, we had no idea what you had been through but we knew that whatever it was, wasn't easy" I reassure her and it's true we didn't know, we didn't read her file, we only knew what Clara had told us and that was enough for us to know that her life hasn't been easy at all. She doesn't say anything just looks at me with her hands still shaking

"We never entended to make it seem like that hun, not at all" Scarlett says wich surprised me since the last time I saw her she looked like she wasn't going to say anything but honestly thank god she did I know El will need both of us to explain to her what we were saying

"Baby what I was trying to say was-" before I could finish El cut me off

"What? That you're going to to send me back? That you don't want me here anymore? That you feel bad for me? That you pity me? Because I've heard them all and if that's what you're going to say better save it and I'll just go and pack my things" El said all in one breath

"Hunny we are not sending you back or neither pity you, we want you to stay here with us so we can keep you safe and give you all the love we can and not only that but also take care of you" Scarlett said

"So the why, why were you saying "this is just to hard maybe we shouldn't be doing this" huh? Huh? Elizabeth" she said looking at me dead in the eyes

The thing is that definitely came out wrong I didn't mean it like we shouldn't be doing this, that we should be taking care of El, what I actually ment was that It was to hard to think about all the stuff she has been through and that maybe we shouldn't be talking about it right know since we hadn't read her file or niether knew what she had been through and the part I didn't get to say was that I love her so much that it's way to hard to think about all those things and how much I wish I was there all her life so she didn't have to go through all that pain.

"Baby you got it all wrong I didn't mean it like I didn't want you here or how we want to send you back what I actually wanted to say was that I knew your life hasn't been easy, hell it's not easy but I didn't know anything of what had happened to you and I don't want to talk about your trauma while not knowing what it actually was that's what I ment and El you also didn't let me finish I wanted to say that I love you, so much, that it hurts me that I wasn't there through the first part of your life to protect you and keep you safe, that I wasn't there to give you all the love I could, that WE weren't there but now WE are here for you to love you, to keep you safe, to take care of you and be here for you. We don't want to send you back we want you here for ever if that's something you would like and we know it's going to take time For you to trust us and let us take care of you but we are willing to wait all the time in the world if it means that we get to be with you" after I finish I have tears running down my checks and I look at Eloise and she looks like she's processing what I juts said more like taking it all in

I feel a hand grab mine and see Scarlett with tears on her eyes

"El what Lizzie just said it's a 100% true we love you so much and all we want is to be here for you for whatever you might need us and we know that is something you are not used to but we want to help you get used to it and let us be there even if it takes time" Scarlett said

Eloise's pov

Is this actually real I mean do they actually love me? Even after all I said all I have been through and they don't even pity me. my fucked up mind is telling me that they are lying and only want to play with my feelings but my hearts says they mean it and actually love me and want to take care of me even tho I have no clue how that feels or to let them do that.

I look to both of they're faces and they have tears running down their checks I'm honestly on a big dilemma here, do I follow my mind or my heart?
The thing is that all my life I've been following my mind I never let my feelings get in the way or at least I try to and when I fail that's when things hurt the most. I want to believe them I really do but I'm scared...

"Promise me you mean it, promise me you'll never let me go" I tell them I want to know what they're going to say and see if they're not lying I mean the speeches sounded pretty convincing but I juts need to know for sure

"El we promise we will do everything we can to keep you with us for ever" Scarlett says and I look into her eyes...

I can't help but run into them and hug them like I've never have before

Scarlett's pov

I look at El waiting for her to say something but then I feel her crash into Lizzie's and mines arms while she cry's her eyes out we both hug her tight and I run my hand through her hair...

"We love you El, so much sweet girl so much" I hear Lizzie say wen I heard the thing that I wasn't expecting at all, but It was all Lizzie and I wanted to hear

"I-I love y-you both t-to" and that just made me cry even harder

When do you think cara will show up?

Does this mean Eloise is going to stay with them?

Will Eloise change her mind and leave?

Damn I kinda really liked this one let me know what you guys think.
Love y'all so much ❤️

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now