First day chap 10

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⚠️TW:NONE ⚠️


No one's pov
Lizzie and Scarlett woke up before Eloise did so they decided to leave her to rest since she had a rough night and went to make breakfast.

Eloise woke up alone and she got out of Lizzie's and Scarlett room and went to hers to go get ready.

Eloise's pov

I'm in the shower and I can't stop thinking about last night god is so embarrassing I mean I'm 15 years old And I'm acting like a baby all I do is cry... it's getting on my nerves.

I hope Lizzie and Scarlett aren't mad because I don't want to get hurt anymore but I guess I'll understand if they are I did wake them Up in the middle of the night because of the nightmare I had. god how pathetic am I so fucking stupid.

I'm getting kind of hungry so I decide to get out of the shower and get dressed I starts walking down the stairs and godddd it smells sooo good.

I go down stairs and see Scarlett and Lizzie laughing at something I guess they felt I was there cuz they both turned around
"hey hunny how are you?" Scarlett asks me
"I-I'm good" the truth is I'm embarrassed as hell

Lizzie's pov

I can see Eloise is embarrassed or ashamed I really don't know I'm still trying to read her but from what I'm getting she's probably still upset about last night from the way she stuttered it was a little weird.

"Are you sure?" I ask again
"Yeah" she says
"Hunny if your worried about last night, it's okay we didn't min at all we we're actually happy we got to help you" Scarlett said as if she was reading my mind
"A-A -Are you sure I woke you guys up pretty late I-I really didn't mean too" she says
"Ohh sweetie we mean it it's okay, we didn't mind" I assure her.

I decide to change the topic since it was getting a little awkward.

"How about we eat breakfast yeah?" I say Scarlett and El nod so we go and sit at the table and start eating, I see El struggling a little "hey El if you don't want anymore that's fine you can just say you don't want anymore" I tell her

"Oh okay, sorry"

"No,no it's okay you don't have to apologize"

"So El how about you go upstairs and brush your teeth so we can go shopping" Scarlett says which I agree to

"Yeah okay" El answers

"You think she's okay?" I ask Scarlett

"I don't know I hope so"

(Skip to the mall lol)

Eloise's pov

We get to the mall and it's pretty full... my hands start sweating, I'm super nervous I haven't been to a mall in like 7 years it's weird I don't like it's way to overwhelming. I think Lizzie noticies that I'm nervous she grabs my hand and squeeze it I don't know why but it felt comforting...

"Hey El" Scarlett says pulling me out of my thoughts


"How about we go to the apple store firsts" she says

I have no clue what "Apple store" is I suppose it's a store but I don't know of what so I just shrug

"I'll take that as a yes" she says

We walk in and the place it's full of electronics but my eyes fly over to a pair of headphones they look so cool I guess another thing about me, I love listening to music it just calms me down for some reason. Scarlett pulls me to another place of the store but I can't seem to take my eyes of the headphones...

Scarlett's pov

We decided to go to The apple store first since me and Lizzie thought it would be good to buy her a phone maybe a laptop for school you know so she can do her work easily and the phone so she can call or text if she needs us...

I pull El to the phones "hey El do you like any of this ones" I ask her pouting to the phones

"I-I don't know" she says I can see that she's distracted I follow her eyes and see that she's looking at some headphones "you want those?" I ask her

"No, no it's fine I was just looking at them" I knew she was lying I also knew she wanted them "you know what I think I'm we're gonna get them either way" Lizzie says I look at her over at El and I see her eyes light up, god she's so cute.

We ended up buying a computer a phone and the headphones Eloise kept saying how she didn't need any of this and that we didn't have to get her any of this. After what it was probably 15 minutes of convincing her that it was okay and that we wanted to buy them for her she finally accepted.

"Okay so I think it's time to look for some clothes" Lizzie says

We go over to the store and star looking over I see El fidgeting a lot "hey El what's wrong hun?"

"I-I don't know what to get" she said

" how about we both help you out and pick some clothes we think you'll like" I say trying to get her to calm down a little

"Yeah okay"

Lizzie and I rummage through the store and pick lots of stuff jeans, sweaters, shirts, underwear, everything.

No one's pov

After they were done shopping they decided to head home and get some dinner so that's what they did they got home and started eating.
It was quite early so they decided to put a movie on Scarlett and Lizzie knew that Eloise had no idea who they were since she probably wasn't allowed to watch any tv so they decided they were gonna let her know by putting a avengers movie and see if she could connect the dots.

Eloise's pov

Damn I feel so bad Scarlett and Lizzie spent so much money on me they got me so many clothes and a computer, even the headphones I wanted!. It's not that I'm not grate full I just can't help but feel bad.

They said that we should watch a movie so I guess we're doing that know Lizzie and Scarlett are cuddling together while I'm on the floor.

"El hunny you can sit on the couch" Scarlett said so I did and sat at the opposite of them when Lizzie said
"Sweetie come here" opening an arm for me... I hastiaded I haven't had cuddles in we'll all my life but I guess trying it wouldn't be bad.

I was right cuddling felt good Lizzie had me wrapped around with her arms when I looked up to the tv a saw what I think it's black widow and Wanda. WAIT why do they look like Scarlett and Lizzie. I turn to them and then back at the tv

"Holly shit" I said

Lizzie and Scarlett started laughing "I guess she figured it out" Scarlett said


"It is, it is hun" WHAT THE HELL I'm living with actresses and I didn't know and for what I know marvel is big so that means they're like famous famous. But you know I don't feel like they are, they're just the nicest people ever

I snuggle more into Lizzie's arms and my eyes start to feel heavy and then I hear Lizzie say
"Good night sweet girl" and kisses my head

"We love you" Scarlett added

Okay so this is more like a filler chapter I feel like, idk how to feel about it but it's okay I guess
Anyway don't forget to take care of yourselves and remember that you're loved ❤️

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