Embarrassing chap 25

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⚠️TW: NONE?⚠️

No ones pov
For the rest of the day Scarlett and Lizzie didn't talk to Eloise again they just felt really disappointed and mad about it
While Eloise was crying her eyes out and trying to stay calm so she wouldn't have a panic attack she didn't sleep all night since all the bruises in her stomach hurt to bad when she layed down it felt like she couldn't breath when she did, so she had to stay siting down all night long

Eloise's pov

I woke up today and My stomach is hurting way more than it was hurting yesterday but I can't say anything since if I do moms will probably be more mad than they already are and god knows what they could do I really hope they don't do anything to me I'm actually really attached and I don't want to let go

I walk down the stairs to see if there's any breakfast but there's none weird

"You're coming to set with us you'll eat something there" mama said grabbing her purse

Well I guess I'm going to set with them Im honestly not excited to go this time since they probably told everyone what "I did" wich was practically nothing but oh well

We got to set and when we got inside everyone turned to look at me I knew it of course they know why im here I decided to ignore them and just sit besides flo

"Hey El" flo said

"Hey" I just said looking down

"Want to come with me and get some food" she said

"Sure why not"

We were getting food and I could tell flo wanted to say something

"Whatever you want to say, say it already" I told her grabbing a muffin

"I- I know you got in a fight at school but why tho?" I guess that's a better reaction to what my moms did I mean at least she's asking why even tho it wasn't a fight since I couldn't even fight back

"It wasn't a fight" I told her sitting down and wincing a little I hope she didn't notice that, the Bruises will probably make everyone more mad

"If it wasn't a fight then why are you suspended for a week" she asked

"Because my principal is stupid and believed fucking chad" I said sounding mad, wich i am

"So if chad wasn't telling the truth then what happened" she asked again

"I-I I have a friend his name is Isaac he called me and k saying that some dudes were following him and that he needed help do we went to see what was going on but when we got there they already had hit him and said really fucked up and homophobic things so k and I got mad but we never hit them so then chad came up to me and pinned against the lockers and he started h-hitting me but I never hit him back, I never-" and that's when I chocked up and started crying

Florence pov (bet you didn't expect it😎 and if you did idk lol)

I couldn't believe what happened to Eloise it's not fair that they suspended her but it's also not fair how Lizzie and Scarlett are acting about it

She started sobbing and choking so I immediately went up to hug her

"Hey it's okay, you're okay" I tried comforting her

I hugged her tight and I saw her wince

"El, are you hurt?" I asked her trying to figure out why she was wincing she looked at me with panic in her eyes

"It's okay I'm not mad at all can i see?" I asked her gently

She nodded and lifted her shirt up i gasped at how bad it was she had bruises all over her stomach and some of them looked really bad I tried touching one of them gently but when I put my finger on it she immediately cried out

This cannot be good they should get her to the doctor right now I mean it could be nothing but still or just to get something for the pain

Im so mad at those stupid dudes but I'm also mad at Lizzie and Scarlett they really didn't react well and I'm a 100% sure they have no idea of this bruises and probably don't even know the whole story

"El you need to tell your moms" I said

"N-no they won't believe me they didn't even let me explain, I'll be okay it's fine " she said

"El please? I really don't like the way this look" I said

"I-Im gonna go" she said standing up and leaving

Im honestly so pissed why would that dude do that to her she's such a nice girl she didn't deserve it and she didn't deserve the way Lizzie amd Scar reacted I know she's scared I can see it on her eyes I feel like I should say something before they both do something worse and regret it later

I walk out Looking for Scarlett and Lizzie when I finally find them

"Hey flo" says Lizzie

"I'm not here to be nice or neither I'm here to tell you how to raise your child but if you're going to ground her at least hear the whole story from her not what other people say, do you guys really think Eloise would beat someone up? You guys should be embarrassed" I said looking at both of them straight in the eyes im just so pissed Eloise is like an other sister to me and I don't want her to be hurt

Eloise's pov

I knew Florence would have said something to my moms I mean if I was her I would've said something too I kinda told her so she would say something since my bruises are really hurting and I think my breathing is gettin worse and I'm kinda scared

Right now we're on our way back home and none of us have said something...

We got home and I stared going up the stairs when I heard mom say

"El can you come here please"

I walked back and they were sitting on the sofa with serious looks

"I get it, I'll go pack my bags" I said trying not to cry I knew this would happen I knew this wasn't for ever but a part of me still wanted it to be I wanted to be their daughter but I guess it's true no one loves me.

So I definitely didn't plan on that ending to be like that oop 😌
Anyway hope you guys liked it love y'all ❤️

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