Lumine's Darkness Pt. II

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[A/N: Ah shit...Lumine snapped and something seems to be controlling her? XIAOS DO SOMETHING!! Please Xiao you gotta save her not only from Ei but from herself! Also why do I get Makoto and Ei's real names mixed up like almost every time!?]


Thunder boomed and lightning roared with each clash of the blade. Fire burned filling the area with smothering smoke and steam from blasts of water. This was not a battle of human and god anymore before the eyes of the adeptus. It was like he had been tossed back in time to the time of the Archon War. Like watching the hidden furiosity of a falling star against the swift, brief might of lightning. 

What had happened to her? 

What had happened to Lumine?

A dark energy like that Dainslief and Aether both bore was consuming her the more she fought back. But the shogun was faster still and easily was deflecting and holding her own against the blonde. Slowly after they parted Lumine raised her hand a combination of anemo and electro ran wild in the palm of her hand. A sinister grin as her eyes remained unnatural. 

"I see now, you're not human. You never where human were you?"noted the shogun deflecting another assault from Lumine the hairpin Xiao gave her falling to the sand below as steel met the flesh of her foe's flank.

Not wasting a second at seeing his chance Xiao had raced in relying on his natural abilities with his vision having been sealed for now. Not wanting to hurt her muttering the cleansing ceremony he had used that first time with her nightmares he held and restrained her. Slowly before his eyes the energy and the elements vanished. "He purified the energy from the Abyss."thought the shogun in surprise. Before Xiao's eyes her eyes returned to normal, her voice confused, "Xiao?"

"Oh thank the archons...Lumine you're back..."sighed Xiao in relief that it had worked. But she was hurt and he could feel the blood sticking to her body like tree sap. 

Lumine slowly moved away offering a smile, "I don't know what happened but I'll be alright. We can talk more later after we get out of here."

"But Lumine your wounds —!?"Lumine though didn't let him finish as she bolted straight again at the shogun as the deity struck again. But all it took was one strike from her Musou no Hitotachi before Xiao could reach her in time. "LUMINE!!"he cried at seeing her struck down. In that same instant the sinister looking world vanished shattering away back to the city square. 

The sight of Lumine laying unconscious and badly injured sent Paimon into a frenzy as she flew over to join her friend and Xiao as the adeptus grabbed her. Thoma's own blood ran frigid, "LUMINE!! XIAO BEHIND YOU!!"he screamed at the sight of the approaching electro archon poised to strike a death blow. Xiao reacted jumping away with Lumine with a swift burst of his anemo to his surprise. 

Around this time Thoma had freed himself, grabbed a spear, and tossed it like a javelin straight for the shogun's head. Raiden reacted in kind swiftly deflecting it with a shockwave blast of her electro that sent the small group flying. Lumine jolted awake by the blast howled in further pain. Some how her fallen hairpin being blasted away with them as Thoma grabbed it and steadied the couple at the same time.

"Hurry, this way!"Thoma called making a break for it. 

Xiao holding Lumine close protectively in his arms shot a glare at Raiden before following after the blonde housekeeper and the fairy just as the storm began to thunder and roar with the heavy rains. The piercing gaze of the shogun watching them flee.

"Raiden-sama! Are you alright?"asked one guard.

"Who were they? One of them looked like a member of the yokai clans."said another.

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