Guardian Suzaku

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[A/N: Back to Inazuma they go. Ei/Raiden welcomes Xiaolumi as her personal guests while Sara goes to reach out to Kokomi. Seems Ei is in on Zhongli's plan to help them. seems Inazuma has their own name for Xiao...wha!? Also I want to address something that one of my readers brought up. They asked if Lumine is pregnant and my answer is no she is not. I should explain, the success rate of that happening for adepti x human is low(probably why we only know 2 half adepti in game so far). But I do have intentions of them maybe having a kid or two in future seasons. But I'll address this at a later date.]


The gentle soft fall of flurries over the island nation of Inazuma was still a sight to behold mixed in with the falling blossoms of the sacred thunder sakura tree. By this time the statue of the omnipresent god had finished completion for the most part. Where Visions once could be seen now were countless precious elemental ores. The civilians, adventurers, and military alike all going about their daily lives dressed in their winter kimonos and clothes. But there was something different over the span of the last few days as security around Tenshukaku had drastically increased, causing rumors to spread.

"Did you hear? Their saying a very important guest from Liyue has been welcomed into the Shogun's palace."came one hushed whisper.

"No way seriously!? Is it maybe somebody from the Qixing?"asked another in disbelief.

"No I hear the guest is actually---"

"Hey quit your gossiping and get to work!"

Looking up the soldiers gasped at spotting a winged figure land gracefully onto the upper most balcony of Tenshukaku. The wings closing before vanishing in a golden light. "It's Suzaku! It's Suzaku-sama!"came the shouts startling the figure perched on the balcony railing. Just as fast the figure vanished into the building through the window. The figure was in fact one of the honored guests in question his winter traditional Liyue robes flowing easily with each movement the dark haired adeptus made. Clutched securely in his arm was a basket full of items ranging from mochi to dango to medical supplies, curtesy of one housekeeper and the Kamisato siblings. "Why were they calling me that?"he pondered in his thoughts. It was quite strange how they kept calling him this "Suzaku" or whatever it or whomever that was.

The room that Raiden and Sara had provided was rather large and luxurious, something befitting a diplomat or a high born clan noble. Beautiful silk drapes of indigo violet hanged from the ceiling at each beach that were carved to look like foxes wrapping around it. Brilliant orbs of amethysts clutched in their jaws. Dark maple furniture filled the room while not far away a warming fire burned and crackled. A folding screen on one side of the room near the dressers with a kimono rack not far away. Not far away the small silver haired fairy was happily enjoying some food brought in by the shogun's staff at the kotatsu table. At said table low and behold sat the electro archon munching away on a stick of tricolored dango, a romance light novel in hand. Not far away in the warm queen sized bed partly obstructed from veiw was Lumine. Propped up with some plush violet and blue pillows and robed in her silk nightgown Gone were the bandages around her forehead but remained around her shoulder and chest. 

"Oh hey Xiao's back, hi Xiao~!"greeted Paimon.

"Ah so you made it back, Xiao-san."greeted Ei. 

"Welcome back Xiao."greeted Lumine with a smile, looking a lot better then she had in weeks. Yae's odd treatments were working but the poor girl still seemed to be flushed with a light fever from the mild head cold she had gotten. "How were Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma?"

"They are well. They gave me this here for you Lumine, they were pretty worried after finding out what had transpired."Xiao informed as he set the basket down beside Lumine as he sat down at the edge of the bed. "They send their best wishes to you."

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