Protect What's Mine

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[A/N: Poor Lumine....taking a direct hit from Ei's signature attack but hey she did what nobody did and lived to tell the tale. Its ok, Xiao's got yeah. Also I can't do Xiaolumi without Lover's Oath that was be damn foolish to simpy me and my fellow Xiaolumi shippers! So, you'll find a slowed and reverbed version up above. I am debating on having Xiao discover the huge snake bones or if I should not. Let me know in the comments.]


Three days had passed since the rescue and two since having to flee Narukami Island. The steady flow of the salty tide on the sandy shallows as they destroyed any evidence anybody had been walking through. The sea painted with pastel hues of the rising sun as light peaked through the cracks in a broken down shipwreck. Near by sheltered away from sight was a small camp as a fire crackled and burned a very distinct teapot glimmered and gleamed. Hidden expertly away from any would be thieves. But this teapot was far from the ordinary as a lone dark haired adeptus approached it and lifted the lid to vanish inside. 

Inside was a scenic and beautiful sanctuary domain nestled in the mountains peaking out from the sea of clouds. A small forest meadow with an adeptal gate with twin lion dog guardian statues could be seen. There in the meadow was a small grape vine orchard being tended by a young redhead male who just nodded his greeting at the adeptus rushing by clutching what looked like a bundle of herbs. His destination was the manor itself as he didn't even bother to stop and speak with the finch-like spirit that tended to this realm. 

With haste he didn't stop until he reached the humble kitchen where inside was to his surprise, Thoma chatting with Zhongli. "Is this enough?"he asked.

"Yes that should be plenty, thank you."thanked Thoma taking the herbs and got to work.

"Thoma here is quite the interesting young man. Quite the jack of trades in fact."grinned Zhongli.

"You're no slouche either though, Zhongli-san."chuckled Thoma as he finished up making the healing ointments.

"How is she doing?"Xiao asked anxiously.

"She just woke up, but Miss Lumine's got quite the headache and her injuries will take time to heal...."Zhongli chuckled watching Xiao snatch the ointment vial and run out faster then Paimon heard the word food. The former geo archon having a nostalgic and amused look on his face while Thoma just stared in confusion. "...And there goes the young adeptus."

"Is he really that young?"Thoma questioned.

"Over two millennia is young for an adeptus. He's just starting the prime of his life and testing his wings."Zhongli grinned. "It's extremely rare for an adeptus to find love so when they do find it they tend to be very protective, if not possessive on a more primal level of what they consider their own. Domains, territory, creations they've made...they are very territorial about it."

"Interesting, so they have an animalistic side to them?"Thoma inquired.

"Have a seat, Mr.Thoma seems this going to turn into quite the lecture. It should take us only about twelve hours."grinned Zhongli.


Xiao hurried up the stairs and went straight for the master bedroom located to the right while his room was on the left

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Xiao hurried up the stairs and went straight for the master bedroom located to the right while his room was on the left. Carefully he opened the door to reveal the dimly lit room with only the fireplace to provide the light needed. A weak whine reached his ears along with the soft ruffle of violet bed sheets. On the bed curled up like a loaf of bread was the tuxedo colored kitten that belonged to the blonde laying in the bed. Her wounds from confrontation just days ago bound tight over her bare shoulder and torso. Only a black silk nightgown and her thick dark purple quilt to cover her body as she covered her eyes with her arm.

Lumine's complexion was pale and drenched in sweat from the pain she was in and the blood she had lossed. Her skull felt like it was going to split open with how it was pounding as she felt somebody sit down on the edge of the bed. "You had me worried, Lumine."came the familiar voice that was now soft as she felt a firm hand gently move her arm away from her eyes to reveal the familar face. At his gentle caressing touch on her cheek she let out a pleased hum to nuzzle into his hand.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."she said hoarsely, voice cracking from lack of use. However she hissed as she tried to roll over to face him better. It was not just her head that hurt was her damn back.

"Hey don't try and move you'll open your wounds that way."he was fast to rebuke.

"Sorry."she whimpered. Her currently dull honey amber eyes locked on the vial in Xiao's hands in curiosity. "What's that in your hand?"

"Oh this? An ointment that should help the pain and speed up the healing of your injuries. I can put it on if you want?"he offered earning a soft nod from Lumine. So with careful hands he helped her sit up and removed the old dressings covering her wounds. The slash wasn't deep but it was not shallow either and not pretty and as it was flaring an angry red around the scab. Hopefully this was due to the electro and not because of something more serious. So taking the medicine in the vial he emptied its contents onto his fingers repeatedly as he applied it to the injury sight. Lumine's pained hiss each time was brief as it gave way to a relief sigh. Already some color returning to her face as a result as Xiao rebounded her wounds in fresh bandages.

"There. Now just take it easy for now, Lumi. As soon as you're well enough we can continue that search."he assured helping her lie back down again to tuck her back in. 

"You're not still angry?"she asked. Honestly it had been eating at her after the lecture he had given her. But these stupid wounds had prevented her from resolving her concerns. She was half expecting another sharp rebuke but none came. Instead she was surprised to instead receive a kiss on her forehead before he moved away to sit on one of the round cream cushions by the kotatsu table with the violet quilt. 

His expression turned sour as he crossed his arms and avoided her gaze, "You...You had me very worried. I thought I lost you..."

"Oh Xiao..."Lumine whimpered at the cracking tone his voice had held. Xiao was used to getting hurt but he was not seeing her dancing to such a dangerous waltz every time she had to fight. The fact he had feared for her life meant she must had been in pretty rough shape these last few days. "Come here."she motioned for him and like a lost puppy he came over to crawl in beside her. His embrace careful as he held her close and buried his face into the crook of her neck as she hummed an ancient tune that caught him by surprise. "Does she know the meaning of that song?"he thought. If she did or did not he did not care at this moment as he began to relax with a content purr. He would do everything he could within his power to protect her, to protect what was his. Be them monster, human, or deity he would keep this promise for this woman in his arms mattered more to him then anything.

To Be Continued...

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