Thanks, Updates, & Explanations

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Man what a wild ride this season/arc was for Xiaolumi here and I loved doing every minute and word of it. At the time of writing this Xiaolumi's series has become my longest to date and my favorites. Yes I had some hiccups at the start and mixed chapters up I was doing(oops) and had to completely rewrite said chapters....but oh well. Hey mistakes happen yes? But anyways at the present date "Dark On Me" is well over 3k-4k+ milestone mark and WoC has reached over the 2k+ mark.

There are some chapters that were difficult to write but others flowed more easily and naturally for me as I am sure you might have noticed. But I enjoy this so, so much and went out of my way to even do some research and refresh my mind on some history and lore, both in game and in real life. Sumeru is going to be interesting as it will take place around late spring to early summer in the story. To answer your question....yes there will be a wedding chapter in a sense. I actually have been doing research for it. Like did you know Liyue has a tradition of throwing balls made from flowers? Its rather interesting. Another fact is much of Asia do not wear white and black to weddings like more western cultures. Colors like red and gold were far more common for it back in ancient times.

Now, onto something I want to address and that is who attacked Lumine. I will not reveal much but I did provide some hints. He's a new face and one we'll have a very high chance of meeting in Sumeru. But he has his eyes on our girl and that is not a good thing. By the time season 3 starts Lumine will have recovered but she won't be 100% since stamina really, really gets zapped after a long recovery time vision or no vision. Lumine normally wouldn't have had problems with fighting Fatui(she beat an archon for pete sake!) but she was already weakened and was in no means able to use her sword properly and they took advantage of this. 

Back to happier topic and that's the fact these lovebirds are engaged, yay! Some probably feel that might be a bit fast but there actually most agree a year and over is long enough to know for sure. Besides every couple is different with some taking longer and some faster. Considering the crazy bullshit they went through and that Xiao isn't human and Lumine's over 500 years old I think a year is plenty lol. The wedding itself I am not sure where it will be but probably in Liyue or Sumeru. If Sumeru it would probably be during the festival. If we go Liyue I would on purpose put the wedding right dab smack around Xiao's birthday(April 17th).

Season 3 will take place in Sumeru's archon quest and a bit before it obviously and will have some fun moments and probably some dark ones. But the biggest event that would happen would be their important day(I hear wedding bells~<3 ). But I also have some fun ideas for them with Kusanali and Cyno. I even have some ideas for some silly domain Indiana Jones style adventure(s). The next season I actually would like to know what you'd like for some scenes between them next year in 2022. 

Now somebody brought up the fact they thought Lumine is pregnant and I again tell you she is not. This is because of a multiple of reasons at this time. The first is Lumine just was not in her window for it to happen when they were on Watatsumi Island. The other is the conception rate between adepti and human being so low if Ganyu and Yanfei's existences are anything to go by. Also I just plain think its too soon for kids yet for them here and the way I see it to be honest around Fontaine or Natlan would be the soonest I probably did it, if I did.  It also depends a HUGE deal on if you guys would want that. If it happens do you want Fontaine, Natlan, or somewhere between Sumeru and Fontaine? 

I've had some ask me how the Courtship Rite works and if they can use it themselves for stories. To this I say yes you may use my idea but direct them to my story or give mentions towards me for it. Now onto what the Courtship Rite is as it was explained in tidbits here and there. Since adepti are illuminated beasts they still have their animalistic side to some degree within their instincts. That means their more territorial over things they see as theirs. This includes the instinct to court a lover/mate. Each kind of adepti as Zhongli explained goes through the rite differently but the rite happens in stages. But bird adepti are rather unique in their Courtship Rite and it goes like this....

Stage 1:

The Courtship Rite is triggered by a swift, private ceremonial ritual under a new moon when the adeptus is alone. But will not trigger if they are not 100% convinced and committed to the person of their affections. As soon as it starts, the personality and some parts of their appearance may change in minor or more noticeable ways within 48hrs. They will purposely start looking for the one they are courting and grow rather protective if not a bit possessive. If they can't find them they grow cranky or even upset or depressed. They do not take kindly to those they deem a threat being around the the one they're courting. However if the adeptus doing the courting is in fact a yaksha, their eyes will change color and the glow from their tattoo will change.

Stage 2:

They start growing rather clingy and always looking for their intended mate. Grabbing anything shiny they think the one they are courting will like. Going out of their way to give grand gifts(Lumine's hairpin he gave her for example) and grow more flirtatious and affectionate. At this stage the personality changes and appearance take a complete change in the eyes and hair. The adeptus sweeps the one their courting away from prying eyes. The Claiming begins and at this point there is no stopping the rite, at least not easily. The adeptus then ends up marking them by biting during the intimacy allowing both a sense their emotions. The mark usually reflects what kind of adepti they are in appearance and is not visible to mortal eyes except the one that bares it. The mark will protect the intended from an overload of adeptal energy and the corruption from malicious forces/spirits. This stage tends to last 1 - 3 days and always happens in autumn. 

Stage 3:
The need to stay beside the intended newly marked mate increases. At this stage do not approach recklessly or try to approach with malicious intent! Their personality will shift and change if their mate has been threatened and this makes them very deadly and violent and only two things can stop this the sight of their mate safe or the culprit is destroyed. If the adeptus is in fact a yaksha this aggression will intensify ten fold and they may even shift to their true form more willingly. Both the intended and the adeptus become very sensitive to the others' emotions, becoming empathic to each other. At this point if the intended is human they will attempt to finish the rite in a human manner and it will end the rite. But if the intended isn't human this will not be the case and will go straight into another Claiming before concluding.

I actually was dropping hints on all the stages for the longest time, but I wonder if you can spot them now that we're at the end of this season. With that I say once more say a huge thank you for this love and support you give my Xiaolumi series. I look forward to seeing you all in 2022 for season three, "Everything To Me" for some awesome mischief before we go to the Chasm and Sumeru. Until then I hope you all will enjoy my Diluc x Lumine story which will have no Paimon in it at all. It is titled "Hanging By A Moment". With that a happy holidays and new year, I shall see you all next year after my break where we tackle some side story stuff like Itto and Tsurumi for Xiaolumi before we go to the Chasm and Sumeru.

~Sincerely ad astra abyssosque, Aria Snow

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