You're Not Touching Her

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[A/N: Sara, bad! Bad Tengu, bad! A clingy, protective adeptus isn't something you want to mess with. Especially when his lover was just damn POISONED by the Fatui dang it!!! YAE HELP!!! *hides behind the thunder sakura tree peaking from behind it* This going to turn into a crazy bird fight ain't it!?]


Birds chirped as electro charged blossoms of the sakura tree still in bloom oddly enough fell like a gentle rain at the Narukami Shrine. The autumn breeze gentle and crisp as it carried the maple leaves in a quiet dance. Inside the shrine tucked safely under a quilt on a futon was a petite blonde skin pale and drenched in sweat and mild fever that was just starting to break. by her side sat the dark haired yaksha as he fended off the exhaustion from the last week. Since the incident he had not left her side, tending to her in a constant vigil. "The miasma's poison is gone so why won't you wake?"he thought in worry his golden eyes watching her in sadness. If only he had been faster he could have reach her before the poison had effected her.

"Hmnhn..."Lumine began to stir a little catching his attention just as Yae entered with Paimon at her side.


"Oh looks like she's finally starting to wake up."Paimon noted as Yae went over to crouch over the blonde.

Slowly Lumine opened her eyes with a weak, drawn out moan wincing from the light she blinked a few times to clear her sight before she was greeted to the smiling face of the kitsune priestess and the overjoyed and relieved face of her beloved adeptus. "Look who finally decided to wake up."Yae greeted.

"Wh...where...?"Lumine whimpered in a daze. This brought about some concern amongst the three for their blonde companion's condition. The miasma had made it difficult to breath and the fever afterwards had been high even with Yae's medicine and the herbs Xiao had gathered for said medicine. 

"Lumine-chan I want you to repeat after me. Three, two, one, one, two, three...Come on now, Traveler."Yae instructed holding up her fingers for each number.

"Come on Lumine just do as she says."Xiao urged.

Xiao though was surprised but relieved to say the least when Lumine with a weak smile reached up for him. "Xiao you look exhausted....and why is Miko Yae here?"came her hoarse reply. To Lumine's surprise Xiao seemed to be on the verge of tears as he took her hand and held it to his cheek. Not caring that Yae was present as Lumine slowly heeved herself into a sitting potision he pulled her into his protective embrace.

"Don't ever do something that reckless again."he stated firmly.

"I'm sorry...I let my temper get the better of me."she whispered.

"Well that's good news. Looks like no damage was done to your brain if you recognized us right away, very good news."hummed Yae in delight. "But we can converse later you don't look up for it."

Lumine had no complaints there as she bent over her knees. She felt right down horrible and her skull wouldn't stop beating like a drum. She was still out of it and her pale complexion reflected this current condition as she let out a small whimper. "My head and my chest are killing me..."she thought. Xiao seemed to sense this and with a firm but gentle touch got her to lie back down before pulling the quit back over her. 

"Rest. I will not be far."he urged softly.

"M'kay..."she mumbled and was soon out like a light, her energy spent.

"Will she really be alright? Paimon's not convinced."wondered the fairy in worry.

"This is normal after a miasma poisoning. It'll be another day or two before she is back to herself so just let her rest, you are my guests after all dears."Yae reassured before going to the next room over.

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