Where A Deity Was Slain

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[A/N: Xiaolumi finally meet Teppei and Gorou yay!! And also here, enjoy one of my favorite Naruto openings I put for Act II of Inazuma. After some feedback Xiao will be the one to clear the storm caused by Orobashi's spirit, stopping the storm after finding the snake bones. After all it is Xiao's job to purify and purge such things before it gets too far out of control.]


"Are you sure you're ok?"

"For the hundredth time Paimon I am fine and fighting fit, Qiqi and Barbara made sure of that."she huffed. Lumine rolled her eyes at the fact she had not just Paimon hovering over her like some annoying mother hen. Xiao had been staying close as usual but even his patience was growing thin with the fairy as they continued closer towards the gorge. With help from not only Barbara and Qiqi when they visited her serenitea pot her wounds had healed enough for her keep moving forward. However the closer they got the more Lumine could see Xiao grow on edge and his temperament grow even more sour. 

"Xiao are you alright? You haven't been in the best of moods today."Lumine asked slowing her pace to walk beside the currently moody and brooding adeptus.

"Tsk, nothing's wrong with me. This island is so thick with the fury of a god's vengeful spirit it is effecting the weather near by."Xiao frowned. In reality though it made him feel very anxious and uneasy as his golden gaze never left the storm on the horizon. The skies over Yashiori Island were dark and foreboding as lightning was constantly striking the land and sea around the island like brilliant spears of pure energy.

"Vengeful..wait you don't mean?"Xiao's reaction was all the confirmation Lumine needed. Had their destination up ahead been the sight of the archon war or was it something else? She did not know. What she did know was Xiao's sense of duty and responsibility would urge him very likely to investigate and possibly try and cleanse it. 

"Yes that island is heavy with it."Xiao confirmed.

A sudden shout of distress caught all of their attentions making them waste no time rushing forward towards the source. There huddled covering his head in the sandy shallows of the shoal was an ebony haired soldier. His uniform though was rather different from the two shogunate samurai that were about to finish him off.

"Hey that's the girl from the wanted poster, seize her!"shouted one of the samurai.

However those words had caused Xiao to act but with his foul mood his patience was nonexistent. "Get out of my way!"he growled leaping higher then any human could and quite easily with his bare hands had dispatched and knocked out one samurai before Lumine could finish the other.

"Wow you really a grouchy adeptus aren't you?"Paimon began but squealed when Xiao grabbed and held her by her celestial scarf. He did not look amused.

"What was that annoying fairy?"he hissed.

"Paimon, what did I say about teasing him when he's in one of his moods?"scolded Lumine in slight amusement as she flicked her blade of the blood on her sword, wiping it clean with a cloth. 

"To not to to do it. Paimon's sorry just let Paimon go!"squeaked the fairy before finally Xiao let her go with an annoyed huff.

"Phew...You saved me. I thought I was about to die."came a relieved, exhausted sigh from the bright and cheerful ebony haired man. He was dressed in a military uniform and had some degree of samurai armor on him. But no katana or vision or both could be seen on his person. He was not the most noticeable man with his slightly wavy ebony hair, slim but fit figure of average height, and warm hazel eyes. By the looks of his hands he was more of somebody that had been working at a desk instead of training drills. But for his grateful smile to actually make Xiao of all people to relax a little said a lot about his character as a person. 

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