Only For You

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[A/N: Lumine has to be careful while celebrating with her friends. Xiao upon return goes back to his duties but he can't help a sense of dread, so hearing her call he hurries to her side only to see she's fine. But he can't shake his anxiety. Also who are you guys pulling for on the rerun double banner if you are pulling, Albedo or Eula? Or maybe you're after Noelle and Bennet? Either way best of luck on your 2.3 banners my readers. I'll be pulling for Bennet and Albedo.]


The last few days had felt like walking on egg shells for Lumine and people were starting to notice. Ningguang, Keqing, Biedou, and even her good friend Xiangling was noticing one by one. Even Cloud Retainer had taken noticed of the blonde traveler's anxiety. Lumine had started getting startled easier then she used to, jumping at every little sound or shadow. "Damn it Childe, it's because of your warning I can't calm down and enjoy the festival..hmmph...."she thought with a frustrated sigh as they left Biedou and Xinyan behind.

"Are you ok Lumine? You practically jumped out of your skin when Gouba came over."Xiangling asked in concern. The bear beside her looking just as concerned with a cute tilt of his head.

"I guess Inazuma has me more shaken then I care to admit."Lumine sighed.

"You have been awfully easy to spook lately."hummed Paimon in agreement.

"I'll be fine, but I do think you should get another opinion on that dish."Lumine pointed out. 

"Oh like somebody with a more milder palate?"Xiangling asked, earning a nod from both Lumine and PAimon.

"Ooo~! Paimon knows who we could ask. You know, a certain somebody you've been going out with since the last lantern rite?"Lumine smiled at the suggestion as Xiangling's eyes turned wide.

"Ooo~! You're dating somebody, Lumine? I didn't know that!"squeaked Xiangling in delighted surprise. "What's he like?"

"He comes off rather guarded and sharp tongued but he's got a good heart."Lumine hummed as her hand subconsciously went to the base of her neck. She knew he probably was busy taking part in the Moonchase with the other adepti over the last few days when his duties didn't keep him busy. Actually the last few days had been a bit lonely...weird considering all the people and even the time she was spending with Keqing and Xiangling. "If I call for him he'll come."

"Alright but lets find somewhere more quiet. He's not much for crowds after all and he did promise you."Paimon agreed. So with their goal and task in mind they set out to find somewhere not as busy here at the docks.

 So with their goal and task in mind they set out to find somewhere not as busy here at the docks

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The mid autumn breeze was a welcomed one over the towering peaks of Jueyan Karst. But with the change of the season came a softer silence as gone were the migratory birds like the sparrows and graceful cranes. Deer making a break for it as tigers sleeked through the underbrush with a hungry growl as they leaped at their targets. But despite changes the land's bounty was rich and fruitful. But no longer would the lilies and qingxin flowers bloom as the weather was just too cold now. The earth slowly getting ready to slip into a frigid slumber until spring once again brought color and life to it. 

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