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[A/N: The priestess tactician has the perfect solution to keep Lumine hidden with Xiao while she recovers. They must go where the Fatui can't safely follow. She takes them to the undersea palace, Enkanomiya. And damn at over 30 chapters this has now become my longest fanfic to date. O_o Next chapter is the finale and by far my favorite chapter. Afterwards we'll take a break from Xiaolumi before Sumeru drops in 2022. Sumeru/Season 3 of Xiaolumi's series is called "Everything To Me" so I will see you guys there and in any side stories set before Sumeru!! I have attached some Okami OST for this chapter, please enjoy.]


Watatsumi Island in winter was a sight to be hold as blotches of ice now covered the more calmer waters. Once pastel hued grasses now dyed with snow and frost covered the island. Innocent and gleeful bubbles that once floated out of the very earth itself no longer appeared and wouldn't until spring beckoned the land into wakefulness once more. The sun itself shined bright but it lacked the warmth it used to have as tendrils of wisping clouds moved across the sky in thin ribbons. Slowly five figures had left the shrine behind them for the bottom of the island. 

One an elegant priestess with pastel hued pink hair and an aquatic themed kimono. The next behind her a celestial fairy with silver hair and a rose gold circlet crown and not far behind was the dark haired young yaksha. Carried on his back was a petite and slender short haired blonde still recovering from her injuries. Taking the rear and remaining vigilant and cautious was a young golden ginger haired male with a fluffy ginger tail and ears, bow in hand in case he had to act. These were Kokomi, Paimon, Xiao, Lumine, and Gorou each respectively.

"How much farther to this pool thingy?"Paimon asked. "Paimon's getting nervous."

"Tsk, you are also so impatient annoying fairy."Xiao huffed as he paused to adjust Lumine to keep her from sliding off his back.

"Don't be too harsh on her, Xiao. I admit I'm anxious myself about this Enkanomiya place."sighed Lumine. It felt frustrating she couldn't yet walk on her own due to not being strong enough. It was slow progress but bit by bit she could feel her strength returning but her stamina would come later. If only the medicine Yae — Kokomi now having taken over that care — didn't make her so drowsy. But it was numbing the pain and her cold was gone now so she wasn't going to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

It was also a rough and bumpy track to the bottom of the shrine where a mighty waterfall cascaded with a thundering roar of sea water. The swirling dark pool it emptied into had an almost ominous blue glow to it as it turned dark at the center. "Well here we are guys, this is the entrance. I wish I could go with you but Kokomi can only guide so many down to the palace."sighed Gorou.

"It's alright Gorou, I'm still happy we got to see each other again and you have the permission sigil as does Kokomi."Lumine smiled in delight. "Come to my home any time you want to visit."

"Yeah, of course! I look forward to seeing you again Lumine-san, Paimon-san, and Xiao-san. May your recovery be swift as Omnikami's strikes."Gorou agreed with his bright smile as his tail began to wag excitedly. Lumine found it very cute but she still preferred Xiao's gorgeous golden wings.

"Well we best be off Gorou-kun. I'll be sure they reach Enkanomiya safely and without any complications."Kokomi assured.

"Of course Your Excellency. May you return to us safely and your journey be smooth."Gorou bowed before saluting her. 

With a bright, serene smile Kokomi ended up creating some kind of water sphere around the trio. But unlike with the slimes or blasted hydro mages of Abyss they could breath in this bubble. "Alright just stay close and don't do anything to burst that bubble, understand?"Kokomi instructed sharply. Instantly all eyes turned to Paimon.

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