Ambitons And Dreams

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[A/N: Lumine and Xiao vs Ei/Raiden final confrontation. Wait...Lady Yae when did you get here!? Also at the time of writing this we are extremely close to 2.3 and I'm super excited. Albedo my dear alchemist and Bennet plz come home!] 


Lumine and Xiao both landed on their feet onto the pristine white sandy ground. The eerie blood red sky and pale red moon loomed over the crumbling torti gates. At the very heart of this plain sitting in mediation in the air was the electro archon herself as they approached her side by side. Ei's indigo eyes slowly opened as her feet moved to touch the ground delicately before taking a few steps forward to greet them.

"So, you've returned, alive and well I see."greeted Ei.

"Lady Beezebul, I got a bone to pick with you. Last time we encountered you did something ot my Vision, not that I care."Xiao greeted with a soft hiss. 

"Lady Ei."greeted Lumine trying to steady her trembling hands. Xiao's sharp eyes had taken notice making him stand a bit closer as he moved and adjusted his grip on his jade spear. "Come on calm down, I gotta stop shaking."she thought with a shaky breath. However her body still remembered their last encounter which had not been a good experience.

"Lumi just breath."came Xiao's soft whisper for her ears alone. "Calm your mind." Lumine let out a long drawn out breath as she did as instructed her eyes never leaving the electro archon before her. 

"Indulge my curiosity why don't you. Why is the reason I find you both standing before me here again and what's more why are you here Alatus-san? Is this about he well?"Ei questioned, sincerely curious as to why they stood before her again. The young yaksha adeptus she had a vague idea why.

"I would prefer you not use my old name, Lady Beezebul. Lord Morax is well, but he did not send me. I came here as Lumine's partner and companion."Xiao smoothly and calmly not budging from where he stood. Ready to counter or grab Lumine away from danger if required.  His words making Ei's eyes turn wide. "I go by Xiao. It is the name my archon has given and I will use it."he swiftly corrected.

"You sly bird. You claimed a most interesting abnormality, didn't you as your intended."Ei thought in amusement. Her gaze turning to the inured girl before her. The sight of these two together was bringing back old memories she thought had faded away. Back to times more innocent and simple.

"Regardless..Traveler did you hope your foolish and rash behavior would shelter those people? Or was it simply a means to seek an audience with me?"Ei questioned firmly. Lumine's expression turning harsh as her temper began to slowly bare its fangs again before Xiao's eyes.

"Ei, the Fatui are deceiving Shogun Raiden. This decree should never have happened in the first place with all the harm it has done."Lumine said sharply. It was taking every once of control she had left not to snap like she had against Signora earlier. Loosing your cool towards an archon like Ei wouldn't be wise. 

"Oh, Is that so? Surely you did not rouse me from my state of eternal mediation just for something so trivial. If so you have underestimated me as I know everything about the Vision Hunt Decree. Had the Fatui actually posed a threat I would have purged them from Inazuma a long time ago."dimissed Ei with a slightly amused chuckle.

Lumine and Xiao had no words for this for they knew first hand just how much power the electro archon held at her command. This goddess that had smite Oroboshi and created that electrified gorge during the war. There was good reason Ei had survived the war and the cataclysm both after all. "Then you are aware of what is happening outside this domain of yours Lady Beezebul?"Xiao asked but Ei shook her head slowly.

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