Golden Wings of Vermillion

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[A/N: Ah come, not again Lumine! *dodges attacks from Fatui* Xiao, mind going to go save and fetch your extremely salty revenge seeking girlfriend please!? EEK!!! *dodges damn fatui agents being sent flying comically out door* Damn...Lumine is ticked off...wait a minute are those wings!?]


Cries of fury rang through the the dark halls and chambers filled with an ominous mist that lingered low towards the ground. Streaks of electro, blasts of anemo, and crashing boulders of geo as a living and breathing force of nature ripped through the fatui guards like fire through ice. Cries of agony as the Fatui fell to the vengeful blade of the agile petite blonde. Each strike more aggressive then the last. 

"Hold your ground we must defend the factory until Lord Harbinger arri —AAUURFGGHH!?"he shrieked in a dying cry as steel charged by electro slayed him where he stood.

Eyes of honey amber burned with a deadly gleam as she rose to her feet and flicked the blood off her sword. "She's not human!"a mirror maiden shrieked before she too was slayed with a sharp blade but this time of anemo.

"Stop her don't let her advance!!"

"You damn Fatui will taste my blade for what you have done."came the blonde's frigid tone as she glared over her shoulder. Her pupils briefly changing to look like that of her brother's own. "I shall teach you the power that the stars hold."

Up ahead

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Up ahead.

Just up ahead that is where she was he had no doubts in his mind. However Xiao had not expected to to run into of all people to be that kitsune. The high priestess of Narukami Shrine actually had an expectant and mischievous gleam in her eyes at the sight of him. "I was wondering when you'd show up lil' bird."she hummed.

"Yae, why are you here?"he asked swiftly. "I do not have time for your games."

"Ara ara~! No need to be using that tone with me. I'm here for the same reason you are, after all now come with me Xiao-chibi."soothed Yae as she slipped inside the factory. Xiao followed her inside and instantly almost stumbled, his breath hitching. The miasma that filled this place was thick across the floor like a sickening purple mist. It took everything in him to compose himself. Just what in the seven archons of Tevyet was this place!?

"This factory creates Delusions via using the very Vision taken from the Vision Hunt Decree."Yae explained. "Unless you hurry ahead you're going to loose your lil' nagareboshi. But in your current form you aren't going to reach her fast enough, dear. Now will you do?"

Xiao realized she was right even with his ability to teleport he probably wouldn't make it not with this miasma. A chill ran up his spine as the building shook violently. "She is fighting."he thought. The tattoo along his arm began to give off a glow not of green but of gold that light began to gather howling winds where none existed to swallow him and just as fast the wind bolted forward as a lone golden vermillion feather floated down for Yae to catch.

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