Bonus Chapter: Christmas In Hiding

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[A/N: While the season is over I did promise you some side stories that take place during the time Lumine is recovering. This is also your reward for bringing the series so far and it wouldn't have without the support, comments, and love you give. Season 1 is now well over 4k and will probably be at the 5k mark by the time you read this special chapter set around Christmas(so before Lantern Rite and they became engaged). I hope you enjoy my present to you all in this wonderful chapter that brings the holiday cheer and the warmth with it. I wish you all a Merry Christmas 2021 and you can expect Season 3 in January at the earliest. I shall see you all then as this the last chapter I shall post for War of Change. I also attached a Christmas song for Xiaolumi I hope you'll enjoy.]


All about the island nation of Inazuma snow fell gently to paint the land in a sea of silvery white. Icicles covered and hanged off the branches and roofs like shimmering chandeliers of frozen water. Everywhere children laughed as they played and fooled around in the snow not far from the watchful eyes of their loved ones. Lanterns and streamers filled the shrine, city, and even the towns and villages with color and cheer. The busy folks rushing about and some slipping and falling on the patches of ice. 

Over in Watatsumi Island the holiday cheer was just as infectious with the Winter Festival just on the horizon that late December. Everywhere the shrine maidens were busy as bees as shrine maidens shouted out directions as one lone divine priestess was doing all she could to keep everything organized and prepared. It was around this time a trio of familar faces had begun to ascend the stairs toward the shrine.

"Lady Sangonomiya-sama!"came a greeting earning the young pastel pinkette's attnetion.

A smile at seeing it was in fact Ayaka Kamisato along with Thoma. Little Taroumaru clutched in the blonde's arms. The blonde fixer had more Mondstandt style winter clothes on while the young clan princess with parasol in hand was in her winter kimono. Not far behind them the young tengu general of the shogun's army had joined them.

"Happy holidays Divine Priestess."greeted Ayaka with a grin.

"Yes a happy Winter Festival to you, Sangonomiya-sama."greeted Sara. "The Almighty Shogun sends her regards."

"Ayaka-san, Thoma-san, and Sara-san it's a wonderful surprise to see you all. What brings you here?"greeted Kokomi as he hurried over to greet them properly.

"We brought gifts, but we also have something for a certain pair of love birds we wanted to check in on."Thoma explained, Taroumaru letting out a soft eager and concerned whine.

"I was also wanting to check up on them, not just because M'Lady asked me to go get a status on our comrade's recovery."Sara said calmly in agreement. 

As if their conversation had summoned him a dark mist appeared between them causing startled yelps of surprise. Once it vanished there stood the dark haired adeptus. "Kokomi can I" Xiao's golden gaze glanced behind him at feeling like he was being watched. "Hn? When did you all get here and what's with all those gifts?"

Thoma let out a small chortle of amusement at the puzzled and confused look on their adeptus friend's face. "It's Christmas time Xiao-sama. It's a tradition to bring a gift for loved ones just to show you care or are thinking about them."

"Christmas...? What is this nonsense you speak of?"he asked, his tone annoyed and sharp but his eyes full of curiosity that betrayed him. 

"It's a old tradition, I am most surprised you never heard of it, Xiao-sama."pointed out Ayaka.

"I'm not surprised Xiao-sama doesn't know."Everyone turned their eyes on of all people, Thoma. "It's a holiday not celebrated too often outside Monstandt, Snezhnaya, and Fontaine. Else where it's either the Winter Festival or something else entirely."

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