c h a p t e r - o n e

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Isabella's pov
≪What is your plan Bella?≫ Lya sat beside me after getting a late. She packed her stuff with me but apparently she doesn't even know what my plan is.

≪I'm just leaving.≫ I said totally blocked from the world. To be honest, I didn't even know what my plan was either. The only thing I know is that I wanted to leave this place.

≪It's not wise to just leave Josh like that.≫ Lya made it sound so hard to leave him. But I just did what I had to do and I don't even feel bad about it. He deserves it. If
I don't fit into his perfect picture than that's his problem. I'm not going to chance myself to make him feel better.

≪Watch me.≫ At that moment they called for our flight. I stood up and walked further, just know Lya would walk after me.
≪Sure. But if we're doing this, we need a plan.≫ Of course she does. I love Lya but sometimes she makes my head hurt.

She needs explanations and plans for the things we do. That's fine and I think she does deserve it this time. But as I said,
I don't know what my plan is.

≪We'll figure it out.≫ Was all I said. In almost only silence, we continued walking and arriving at the plane. We took our seats and took a deep breath.

≪Why do you even come with me. You don't have any problems with Luke.≫ I stared outside the little window over the plane track. ≪I'm going with you on this little escaping plan because I know you need me. Best friends look out for each other.≫ See, Lya is a good friend. The best actually.

≪thanks Ly. But let's just call this a little vacation instead of an escape plan.≫
I smiled at my best friend as a lot more passengers came in. Just about fifteen minutes after everyone was in, we took off.

To be honest I hate flying. Well, actually just when they take off and when they land. The feeling of going up and down just freaks me out. This was also like my third time flying because I never really went on far trips. We always went on road trips. My sister and I on the backseat and my mom and Will in the front.

We enjoyed watching the things around us and some smells from the nature I take with me everywhere. But now it's nice to go to a whole new culture with other accents and lifestyles.

I always wanted to go to London. See those amazing red busses, the London bridge, Big Ben and of course a lot of clubs and restaurants. We might have a good time there.

≪So where are we going?≫ Lya asked as soon as we stood outside with our suitcases. ≪Let's find a hotel first.≫ I said. Luckily we didn't need so much time to find a hotel. We managed to get an Uber or taxi, how you wanna call it, and he took us to the closest but best hotel.

And of course we thought of the price cause I didn't want to be broke in a snap. During our flight I also kinda came with a plan. I just thought, why not make a trips through England and when I told Lya my idea, she immediately insisted on visiting Bristol.

Why Bristol? That's maybe because Lya loves formula one and one of the drivers lives there. I've personally never watched it and probably will never watch it. I just think it's kind of stupid. They just sit in a fast car and ride a lot of laps around the track. For me it'll probably get boring.

But Lya loves it. And she wants to see the area of the typ of living there. As long as Josh isn't there, I'm fine with it.

≪I'm so tired!≫ Lya yelled out when she threw herself on the bed. I just walked towards the big window with the view on the city of London. As I looked at it, I was just amazed by it. It gives me good energy and I might want to get used to it.

≪Let's just get to know this place and then go to sleep, yeah?≫ I suggested. Lya agreed cause she knew she didn't have a choice.

Together we walked out of the beautiful vintage hotel as we started exploring the place. We went on a walk but got tired pretty quickly. We went back to the hotel and drifted to sleep.

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