c h a p t e r - t h i r t e e n

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— Isabella's pov —
«Are you sure you want to talk to him?» Lando looks confused at me by what I said. «Yes I'm sure. I just want to clear things up with him.» I look up at him and stand up. Without saying anything else, I walk outside to where Josh and Luke are standing. «Can I talk to you» I look Josh right in the eyes as he nod. «Alright.» Luke says and walks away. But next to me he stands still and says, «I'll be inside, just yell if you need me.» He whispers in my ear. I nod at him.

«So are you together with him? You already found someone else?» Josh asks calmly but angry when Luke got inside. «No I haven't. He is a friend.» I say. «Why are you with him here then? How can you already date anyone else.» He asks twice. «As I said Josh, he is my friend. Even tho if we were together it wouldn't even be your business anymore cause we broke up, remember?» I was literally getting so annoyed by him.

«You didn't answer my questions. Why are you here with him. In our apartment.» He asks with the repression on 'our'. «God Josh. It isn't our apartment anymore. And again he is my friend and he didn't want me to go alone so he suggested coming with me.» I explained for no reason. «But you're mine. You're always gonna be mine.» He says while looking down at his shoes.

«Stop it Josh. I'm not yours, and I was never yours. You need to forget it. We broke up and we're not gonna get back together. You have to move on.» I say. And right now I mean it. Every fucking word of it. He has to move on. Cause I already moved on from him. I don't want him to be stuck with the feeling of us getting back together cause that's just not going to happen.

«I'm going back inside and I'll pack the rest of my close and then I'll leave.» He just stood there. He didn't even say anything. So I just turned around and went back inside. When I walked back into my old bedroom, I see Lando sitting on the floor packing my things up. «Need some help?» I said and sat down next to him. As soon as we packed everything, we walked out of the room and said goodbye to Luke and Josh that were sitting on the couch.

Lando closed the front door and I put the suitcases into the trunk. While driving to my parents, it was quiet. The only thing you heard was the soft music on the radio and the car moving. «You okay?» Lando says while we both look in front of us. «Yeah.» I answered shortly. «Bella, if there's anything wrong you know you can talk to me, okay?» IN the corner of my eye I see him looking at me. «Okay. Let's just enjoy visiting my family.»

We arrived at my childhood home and got out of my car. I knocked on the door and just moments after, a little girl stood on the other side of the door. «Bella! I missed you!» She said while giving me a hug. «Hey Millie, I missed you too!» I said while hugging her back. «So are you letting us in?» I asked after she made us standing in the cold for a while. «Yeah sure.» She smiles as we follow her further into the house.

«Hi sweetheart.» My mom comes around the corner and gives me a hug. «Hi mom.» I greet her back with a smile. «Nice to see you again Lando.» She looks over my shoulder to the curly brunette that's standing behind me. «You too.» I look behind and see him smile politely to my mom.

«Would you two like a cup of tea?» My mom asks while we sit on the couch. I look at Lando and he softly nods. «Yeah okay.» I said while I turn my head back to my mom. «Alright, it'll be done just a second.» She smiles and leaves the living room.

«Where's the bathroom?» Lando asks. «It's in the hallway right by the stairs.» I explain to him. He stands up and slowly walks away.

«Sooo... is he your boyfriend, Bella?» My little sister sits a bit closer to me and whispers in excitement. «Omg Millie. No he isn't, he's my friend.» I said innocently. «If you say so.. but I don't believe you.» She smiles naughty. I literally forgot how she can be so stubborn to believe me. Even tho I'm kinda stubborn to if I had to admit.

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