c h a p t e r - n i n e

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— Isabella's pov —
≪What the fuck!!≫ Her mouth fell open when I told her about Lando. I wasn't talking at all right now because I wanted to see what her reaction would be. Is she mad, excited, obsessive, annoying.

≪You've been hanging out with THE Lando Norris without telling me?!≫ Mad and disappointed I guess. I just nodded at her because I didn't know if I should explain myself. Because there is not really something to explain I guess. But then she asked me to explain and I needed a minute to figure out what to say.

≪I didn't tell you because I didn't even know who he was since like a few days ago.≫ It was not a lie. I had a thought but I wasn't sure about it. ≪So why didn't you tell me a couple days ago.≫ She shrugged and her expression was curiosity.

≪Because he hasn't told me who he was back then.≫ I explained it as much as I wanted to and needed to. But Lya looked like she was going to explode here in front of me. ≪Friends don't lie.≫ She said angrily.

I took a deep sigh because I knew that she didn't mean to be so angry. She's just surprised and I get that. And I was preparing myself to explain a lot to calm her down.

≪He told me everything today because I asked him about all the helmets he has in his house. He thought that I already knew which I did. But he didn't want to say anything about himself because he thought I would think different of him because he's famous.≫ I saw Lya's face expression change.

≪And you know that I wouldn't think different about people when they show me their true selves. And when he realized he could trust me and I was a real friend, he told me everything. But because I have a formula one and Lando Norris fan as my best friend, I wanted to make sure he was okay with me telling you. And I told him that you also wouldn't treat him differently because you respect people.≫

Lya looked happier. She told me that I was right and that I did the right thing. But she still wondered about a few things and I explained it all to her.

≪He's helping us with moving?!≫ Again Lya was surprised to hear that. I nod at her. ≪Yeah and I hope you can act normal around him because he's just a human being and my friend.≫ As I said, Lya started nodding her head.

≪So... do you like him?≫ I knew this was going to come and her face looked suspicious. And with suspicious I mean the fact that she already thinks I like him but is just making sure of it. I immediately shake my head no.

≪He's nice. A good friend. But I'm not ready for any relationship right now after everything that happened with Josh.≫ Meaning every word I said, Lya looks like she doesn't believe me even tho she didn't even say a word.

I give her a look which makes her say that she believes me. I still know she doesn't but I'm just hoping she does. I don't want to get into any drama right now. Not while we are trying to start over. I try to start over. And that guy isn't part of it, not it that way. I just hope Lya knows that.

Besides. He's still famous which means that if there was a guy I would fall in love with I don't really want it to be a famous person because that will only lead me to more drama. And the spotlights would be pointing at me which I definitely do not like at all. I like to do my own thing just like the others and not get noticed. Just being invisible.

And I can only see Lando and Max as friends. They're nice and good to talk to. They are definitely gentlemen otherwise they wouldn't save me from a creep, let me crash at their place, give me a ride back to the hotel, ask me to come and hang out to get to know each other better and at the end walk me out. They're just nice guys, good guys.

Lya was right when she told me about how sweet they might be even tho she doesn't even know them personally. And now they're actually my friends and I'll probably introduce them to her some time.

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