c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n

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— Isabella's pov —
We looked each other in the eyes. I looked into his deep ocean blue eyes that had a little spark in them. Looking down at his lips. His pink lips that were shaped in a small smile that matched with the spark in his eyes. The only thing I could think of right now was kissing him again. And I guess Lando was thinking the same cause at that moment our lips connected again.

From sitting on the bed changed to laying on the bed. With my head on the pillow and his head pressed on mine. And that led to his lips moving to my neck. Then he stopped for a second and looked at my face but not long after he continued. I trailed my hands through his curly hair. But then I felt like it was going too far. His hands traveled around my body while still placing kisses on my neck.

«Lando.» I said softly as I heard a hum in response. But he kept going cause he didn't get it I guess. Maybe he thought he should keep going cause he thought I liked it. I did tho but also I didn't. But maybe I did get what I meant. Maybe he didn't care. Maybe he is like Josh. No, Bella we aren't going there. Lando isn't like Josh, right?

«Lando.» I said again, hoping he'll get it now that I want him to stop. But he didn't he kept kissing and touching me. Slowing his hand reached for the bottom of my shirt, wanting to lift it up. I reached to his hand and got it away from my shirt. His lips went back to mine while I was just struggling with my thought on what to do. My thought went to Josh.

I closed my eyes out of response and experience. My mind just pictured Lando as Josh. Instead of having Lando kissing me, it was Josh. It went back to the moments in my old apartment here in Chicago. And how Josh didn't care about my decision and thoughts. But then all of a sudden, my thought went to Lando and Josh disappeared.

I had a feeling Lando would get me. That he cared about my decisions and thoughts. Lando is different than Josh. «Lando.» I said again. He hummed again. I have to do it now. He'll understand. He'll respect me. He's not Josh.

«Lando, I'm a virgin.» His head shot up as I said it. My secret. His face.. He expressed different emotions. He looked surprised, sad, like he felt bad. He immediately moved off me. He didn't say anything, he just went to sit on the edge of the bed staring in front of him.

«I'm sorry.» I sat up and looked at his back. But he turned his head halfway. I didn't really know how he felt at this moment. I don't know if hes mad at me right now. Or disappointed that I didn't want to have sex with him. I don't know. I can't read him.

«You have nothing to be sorry about.» He said and turned all the way back to me. «I'm the one that should say sorry. I just uhm, didn't think properly.» He apologised while I wasn't thinking of him saying sorry. He couldn't know it. «It okay. You didn't know.» I said out loud. «So uhm you and Josh..» He started something that I didn't want to talk about at all.

«I think i'm going to sleep, early flight tomorrow.» I got up from the bed and walked into the bedroom and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. When I got out, he was still sitting in the same position as before I left. I just got into the bed besides his and turned my back the other way, staring in front of me. And shortly after, I fell asleep at the thoughts of tonight.

I wake up by the buzzing sound that my phone made on the nightstand. It's so early. It's just a few hours before 6 am. I definitely didn't get enough sleep which means ima sleep on the plane.

I sat up in the comfortable bed and opened my phone. But before I could even glance at my phone, I saw Lando already up. He walked out of the bathroom, all dressed up with his hair wet. Got he looks good. Just his wet curls, ugh.

I checked him out slowly and softly until he looked aside him, right at me. My face shot down to my phone not saying anything to him. Neither did he when he definitely noticed I was checking him out.

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