c h a p t e r - t e n

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— Isabella's pov —
It's been a few days and I still haven't heard from Lando. I don't know if that's from the fact that I left or that he's busy.

Today I wanted to do something fun. Just on my own to clear my head. I walk through the city and walk past some stores. I actually quite like watching people doing their thing. A few blocks away I see a little cafe which is always the best place to hang out.

As I walk in I order a coffee and sit down at a table. I put my little bag beside me and take a book out of it. As I said, I just needed to clear my head and spend some time on my own. And for me spending time on my own is sitting in a cafe with people around me which makes me less alone that I need to be.

The sound of people talking and laughing is nice. Depends on what kind of voice and what kind of laugh. But mostly I don't care cause I'm just busy reading. Most people can't really concentrate reading when it's too busy around them but I have no trouble with that. I take a sip of my coffee and open my book.

≪What book are you reading?≫ Suddenly I hear this deep British voice behind me. As I said I am too concentrated to be interrupted while I'm reading. I look to my right and see that Max has joined me at the table. ≪Hey! What are you doing here.≫ I greet Max with a surprising smile.

≪I was looking for a cafe to drink and eat something maybe.≫ I also haven't seen Max in a while so I missed his smile and the fact that he always wants to cheer you up even tho you're feeling happy already. Well, happy is a strong word tho.

≪So what are you reading?≫ He repeats his question that I haven't answered to yet. ≪Oh uhm just a simple novel.≫ Almost every time when I talk about books no one is interested so that's why I just give short answers which most people also prefer.

≪So how're you doing? I haven't seen you in a while.≫ Even tho Lando and I didn't have any contact, Max and I did. We chatted almost every day just to catch up on each other. ≪I'm alright. How're you and Lando?≫ Max chuckled a little bit but I'm not sure why. ≪I'm good too. And Lando has been busy but-.≫ Well, something I didn't expect was to get interrupted in hour conversation. But this interruption I wasn't bothered by.

≪Max, I got your coffee.≫ I turned my head and even tho I didn't even had to and just listen to his voice I knew it was Lando. As soon as I look up he looks me in the eyes and gives me a wide smile. ≪Hey Bella.≫ It was a short greet but it was nice to just hear him talk again. ≪Lando.≫ I even answered him shorter. He joined us at the table and set his drink in front of him.

≪Lando, you forgot my food.≫ Max looks up irritated and before Lando could even stand up and say anything, he did it himself. ≪Never mind I'll get it myself then.≫ Lando looks at me confused by Maxs words. ≪He didn't even ordered food.≫ He chuckled and looks behind him to see Max standing in line to get his imaginary food. I know what he's doing.

≪I'm sorry I didn't call you or text you. I've been so-≫ I don't know why I did it but I just didn't want to listen to Lando apologise. ≪I know Lando, it's alright. You were never forced to contact me everyday.≫ I don't know why I was lying and why it did much to me that he didn't contacted me.

≪It's not alright. I'm sorry that I also left while we were hanging out and I'm sorry for not contacting you after that.≫ He was sorry tho which is the most important. But I also just left rudely without saying goodbye. But I didn't come between him to say it.

≪But I'm free from now on and now I can help you and Lya with moving.≫ Immediately a smile was formed on my face but also on his. ≪That would be great.≫ I think he just had to say what he needed to say and then we could leave it behind us. And then Max came back with his sandwich.

≪Did I miss something?≫ He took place on the same spot he sat a few minutes ago and looked at both of us. ≪Nothing much, just some stuff about Bella and Lyas moving process.≫ Lando says while looking at me. ≪Really, that nice. I can help too if you want.≫ To be honest I'm liking my time much more than my last few months in Chicago.

≪Of course you can help!≫ An instant smile appears on his face which I love.

≪What are we starting with?≫ Max asked immediately. We went to their house and worked on the ideas we had for a couple of hours. And as soon as I got back to the hotel I caught up with Lya about all the plans we talked about. And a week later we started with everything.

It's weird but we're already 3 weeks later and the only thing Lya and I have to do is buy some more decorations and maybe two pieces of furniture.

Lya and I have been busy every day painting and moving all the stuff into our new apartment which is not that far from Lando and Max.

Tomorrow I fly back home to get some stuff I left before our trip. Most of our things got send here. The only things I have to get are the rest of my clothes. Lya already went two days ago but at the time I was too busy to come with her.

And about Lando.. let's just say there's not much to talk about. We were just busy with moving.

Right now I'm sitting on our couch with a bowl of fruit when Lando comes to sit next to me.

≪I just finished the kitchen.≫ He takes a deep breath and smiles at me in relieve. ≪You know I could also do that.≫ I chuckled at him. ≪And you know that I wanted to help you with your apartment.≫ There he was right and I was happy he wanted to help, because without his help I wouldn't have finished it so fast.

≪So.. when are we flying to your old place?≫ I look up immediately when he says 'we'. I just frowned my eyebrows in confusion.

≪To get the rest of your stuff.≫ He made clear what he was talking about even tho I knew what he was talking about. ≪Tomorrow was my plan.≫ I was and still am confused that he suggested going with me for just a day.

≪Okay, great.≫ He sounded really excited to come with me and now I was too. Knowing that I don't have to go alone is already fine for me but know he is going with me is even better. ≪Are we going to spend the night there or just fly there and immediately fly back when we have everything.≫ He asked.

≪It was my plan to just fly back immediately if you're okay with that.≫ I hoped he was okay with that, because honestly I'm not really looking forwards to spending the night in Chicago alone with Lando. I just imagine it getting too awkward or something.

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