c h a p t e r - t w e l v e

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— Isabella's pov —
Finally after 9 hours we arrived in Chicago. After a nap, food and a talk we're finally standing up and leave the plane. I asked my mom if she could pick us up and from there we'll get my car.

After we got a coffee and of course our suitcases, we met my mother and walked outside together.

≪Hey mom.≫ I let go of my suitcase and hugged my mother tightly. ≪Hey sweetie how was your flight?≫ She asked but then paused when she noticed Lando standing behind me. ≪Correction. How was your flight?≫ She asked again. Of course it sounded the same but it's more like how she looked and said it. She was surprised I brought someone but she seemed fine with it.

≪It was alright, Mrs..?≫ Lando smiled at my mom but paused when he seemed a little bit confused with the last name situation. ≪James.≫ I whispered to the person behind me. As I turn my head his eyes frown of confusion. I'll explain him later.

≪Mrs James. Hi I'm Lando.≫ He held out his hand to my mother. ≪Nice to meet you Lando, you can call me Emily if you want.≫ She shook his hand and they both smiled at each other. ≪Thank you Mrs.... Emily.≫ He corrected himself with a chuckle.

≪Anyway, let's go home.≫ My mom lead us to the car and helped us with our suitcases. Together Lando and I went to sit on the backseat. Why? Well I don't know. I just wanted to be nice and didn't want Lando to sit on the backseat alone.

The drive to my apartment wasn't so long. It was about 10 minutes away from the airport. It was still pretty early so I first wanted to eat something and then worry about my stuff.

My mom dropped us off in front of my apartment. ≪We'll come by later today.≫
I said to my mom before she drove off. ≪Alright, love you.≫ she said, I replied and she drove off.

≪She's nice.≫ Lando says out of nowhere. The drive towards here, he hasn't really talked much. ≪Yeah she is.≫ I smiled and a silence was forming. ≪Alright, let's put our suitcases in the trunk of my car and then get something to eat.≫ I started moving while talking and he just followed me.

≪Your place looks nice from here.≫ He looks up to the building with his hand to his forehead protecting his eyes from the morning sun. ≪Thanks, it kinda is.≫ I smiled. ≪Or was.≫ I whispered to myself. I haven't been in there for a long time. Josh and Luke could already turn the house into a stink man cave.

≪Alright, Let's go I guess.≫ Lando opened the door on the left side of the car. The door by the sidewalk. The door where I was already standing. He'll figure it out once he steps in. But I already started to hold in my laugh.

≪And... this is not the passenger seat.≫ He looked confused by his own actions and then looked up at me who was holding back my laugh. But I couldn't. Although he started laughing before me.

≪It's not funny.≫ He said laughing. ≪Well, you're laughing so I guess it is.≫ I said, also laughing. ≪You know it's the other way around in London.≫ He says while stepping out of my car and walking around it to the right door.

≪I know. But it's still funny. You travel so much that you have to know where you sit on the left and where on the right.≫ I chuckled and got into the car. ≪Ugh shut up and drive, I'm hungry.≫ He said laughing as I drove off.

We arrived at the cafe I worked at before I went to London. When I decided I was going to move I emailed my boss -who is a really good friend of mine- and said I couldn't work for him anymore.

≪Is this the cafe you worked at?≫ Lando asked while we get out of the car. I looked at him surprised. ≪Yeah.. It is, and you remembered I told you.≫ I smiled at him, even tho he didn't see it cause we were apart for a second. ≪Of course I remembered.≫ He answers me shortly as he starts walking into the cafe.

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