c h a p t e r - s i x t e e n

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— Isabella's pov —

«Hi.» Lando said.

I quickly chew and swollowed my sandwich so I could respond to him.

«What are you doing here?» I asked. I didn't know what I had to think. Like literally, what was he doing here. We left things pretty awkward. I told him I was a virgin and it felt like he was freaking out and i'm just scared that he won't see me the same as he did before. I really like him and he made me feel so safe during our trip. I hope he is the guy I thought and hoped he would be.

«We need to talk.» He said. «You know, about what happened on the trip.» I listened to him and nodded my head. I signed that he could come in. And so he walked in slowly and put his jacket on the rack.

«Let's just go to my room to talk.» He followed me to my room after he greeted Lya.

«So what exactly do you want to talk about?» I asked while I went sitting on my bed. I looked at him standing uncomfortable by the window which is on the other side of the room. «I just wanna say I'm sorry after that night in the hotel room.» he sighs softly.
«I'm just sorry for how the way I was acting. I panicked and I felt bad how I kept going even tho you wanted to tell me. And then the day after I acted like nothing happened and I'm also sorry for that.»

«It's okay, Lando..» I said but he interrupted me. «No it's not okay. Everything that happened between us is not something that I can pretend or act like it didn't happen. I am happy that it happened and I'm happy that you told me.» He was still standing there by the window while not knowing what to do with his arms.

«Really? Are you happy? You're not angry with me or disappointed about my decision?» I was so confused and in a way I didn't believe it. But it was Lando, he wouldn't lie to me, right?

«Yes I am happy and of course I am not angry with you for making this kind of decision. I think it's a good thing that you're waiting. And I'll be happy to wait with you for as long as you need.» At every sentence he said, he came closer and closer to me. And know he was standing right in front of me.

I was so relieved when he told me all this. I am happy he's not like Josh. But deep down inside of me I knew that he was a good guy and he would respect my decisions.

I stood up while looking into his blue eyes. They had the same spark in them as the night in the hotel back in the U.S. The corners of his mouth went up a little and when I noticed I smiled even more than he did.

«We're gonna take this slow. As slow as you need it to be.» He told me. He placed his hands on my cheeks while brushing them with his dumbs.

I really wanted to kiss him again. And for now I wanted to kiss him forever. I put my arms around his body and placed my hands high on his back. It felt warm and comfortable. It felt like we were all alone here and everything went into slowmotion. His hands were still touching my cheeks and his head came closer to mine. We touched our foreheads but the second after, my lips were collided with his again.

It felt magical. It felt like I finally found someone that gets me and likes me for who I am and want to be. Now I'm a 100% happy with the fact that I came here with Lya.

I felt his lips slowly backing off from mine so I gave him one more big kiss and looked him in the eyes when we pulled away.

«That's enough for me until you want to go further.» he said to me. Everything that I was worrying about, disappeared. I was happy. I am happy.

«Good, I'm happy to hear that.» I paused for a second so we could look into each others eyes again for a couple more seconds.

«I need to tell you something.» I sat back on the bed while Lando joined me. «What is it?» he asked.

«I don't know if you know already but you can not say to anyone that I said this.» I said with a smile on my face.

«Lya and Max kissed.» I geeked a little bit when I said that to him. He didn't seem surprised tho. «Yeah I know, Max told me before I got here.» Of course he knew, how would he not.

«Okay, well anyways I am happy for them, what about you?» I asked him in so much curiosity. If they would work out we could go on double dates and have so much fun.

«I think it's good for them. You know Max is sometimes a bit lonely and he seems much happier now with Lya and you around. So I hope it works out for them.»

«Exactly. But first Lya needs to figure out what she wants. She has Luke at home.» I like Luke. Luke is a nice guy. And way better than Josh. But I feel like Max fits with her more. They're made for each other. They're practically the same people.

«Yup we discussed that aswell. I know for sure they're gonna do it perfectly fine. I now just want to think about me and my girlfriend.»

I slightly widened my eyes with happiness. «Girlfriend huh? I like the sound of that.» I said while coming closer to him again and giving him a kiss.

We stood up and walked outside of my room with our hands together. Lya sat on the couch with the tv on and some food. We came to sit with her and enjoyed the show she was watching.

When it was over I walked Lando out and gave him a goodbye kiss.

«Goodnight girlfriend.» We both smiled. «Goodnight boyfriend.» I said before he gave me a big kiss and walked to his car.

I watched him drive away. I went inside after I couldn't see his car anymore but my smile did not fade away at all.

I have a boyfriend!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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