c h a p t e r - t h r e e

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— Isabella's pov —
≪Wow, I was already worried when you were not in your bed.≫ I heard Lya say as soon as I opened the door of the room. ≪Yeah it was weird because I woke up really early before my alarm and I got ready in like the next fifteen minutes after that. Also I ran into the guy at the stor–≫ Lya cut me off immediately when she realized I was talking about a guy.

≪A guy? What happened? How did he look? What was his eye color? His hair color? What is his name?≫ Lya overloaded me with question about this guy. But I just didn't want to talk about it anymore just because she put me under pressure and thought I would already be in love with some random British guy I met in the city about an hour ago.

≪Okay, so I was thinking about the plans we had about going on trips around London. I wanted to ask when and where we should go first, because staying here would be a little bored and I wanna see more of this country.≫ I changed the subject and explained about our plans.

≪I think we could think of it later. I am now really hungry and I wanna hear about that guy you met.≫ I sighed at her as I handed her over the sandwich I got her.

I sat ready for her to tell everything just because I knew she wouldn't stop.
≪So was he from here?≫ Was her first question. I was surprised that the first question wasn't if I knew his name. But I was scared for her to ask that question a while later.

≪I don't know. He is British so I think he is from somewhere close by.≫ I nod and explain and I see in her eyes that she has much more questions.

Lya is really nosy but that doesn't mean I hate it. Maybe sometimes but I like that she puts effort and attention to it.
≪How did he look?≫ Was her next question. And I couldn't figure out any other questions she could ask me except his name.

≪I think he was about 5'9. Brown hair and hazel eyes. I think he is in the early twenties. Nothing special actually.≫ I said casually. And I hoped this would be everything. But no it wasn't.

≪Did you get his name?≫ Was the last question she asked. The question I knew she would ask me. But just for the good I lied and I said I didn't. I knew her. She would stalk him. Well, she would first try to find him on Instagram just by getting his first name and then after she found him she would stalk him. It's actually really funny to see but this time I wanted her to stop with the boy drama.

I did met a guy that wasn't ugly. But first, I'm still in a kind of relationship with Josh. Besides my sort of relationship, I came here to forget about love and every other boy so why would I put all my attention to this guy I saw for like two minutes.

Luckily Lya could forget about this subject and we discussed our plans for the next few weeks. I was excited to see more of this beautiful country.

I close the zipper of my suitcase and get it off the bed. As I look around the room, I just love what I see. A clean hotel room that I'm about to leave after a few days. I walked to the big window where I watched the beautiful view that I won't see for a while.

Lya was downstairs in the lobby waiting for me. First we wanted to rent a car but that was a bit harder to get on a short time period. So we decided to just take the train or a bus and maybe rent a car later.

The elevator doors open and as I walk out, I see Lya waiting for me on a seat. ≪Okay, I'm ready.≫ I said when I stood next to her. She already took care of the whole checking out thing so that was nice. We left immediately and took the train to Bristol.

The ride was long. It was around 2 hours until we finally made it to our next hotel but now in Bristol. On the way to our hotel Lya talked about separate rooms. I don't know why she wanted it but actually I was fine with it.

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