c h a p t e r - e l e v e n

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— Isabella's pov —
On the way to the airport, I was thinking about our trip. Our? Yes, ours. Lando wanted to go with me and I weirdly agreed on that.

I don't know what I was thinking. But I couldn't reject him. He seemed excited to come with me and have a little break from work.

It's just that after I agreed with him, I thought it trough. When I get home to get my stuff, I will definitely run into him. With him I mean Josh. We shared an apartment together so he might be there.

Luke and Josh wanted to stay in the apartment. Lya agreed on it because Luke didn't have a place if he had to move out. For me it was fine also, except now.
≪Hey Bella?≫
Because I had to go there to get all of my stuff. And I'm just praying that he's working when I'm there.

I was snapped out of my thought by the sound of my name. My eyes moved from the road to the person in front of the wheel.

≪Hm? What?≫ I looked at Lya who was concentrating on the cars in front of her.
≪Can you check again if you have your passport.≫ Lya made me sigh. She had asked that three times during this ride.
She's the one always forgetting stuff while I'm just chilling with all my stuff.

≪Does someone of you want a gummy bear?≫ Max stretches his arm from the backseat offering us some candy. Lando laughs as I take one of the gummy's out of the bag. ≪Thank you Max.≫ I turned my head and smiled at the happy brunette behind me.

≪Can I get one Max?≫ Lando forced his way towards the bag of gummy's while Max pulls it away from him fast. ≪Cmon don't be so childish, mate.≫ Lando says annoyed but amused. Max laughs and hands it over to him.

A while later,
-which is specifically five minutes later- we arrive at the airport. Lando and I get our suitcases out of the trunk. We both brought a suitcase for the trip even tho it's only for a day. Lando seemed to have filled his whole suitcase like he's leaving for a whole week. While I just have one clothing set and the rest space is for my clothes that are still there.

Before we went in, we split for a second. Max talked with Lando and I talked with Lya.

≪It's still weird that Lando didn't ask if he could come. He just made the plan for himself.≫ I said to Lya.
≪That's because he likes you, Bella.≫
She said with a smile on her face.

≪Stop it. He doesn't. He's just a friend.≫
I shushed her before they could hear what we were talking about. ≪Okay if you say so.≫ She shrugged and smiled.

≪Also I'm nervous..≫ I paused for a second, because it's been a while since we talked about Josh. ≪About going away alone with Lando?≫ She didn't even look surprised. Even tho she was wrong. But also kinda right. But I wasn't going to admit that to her.

≪No! About seeing Josh there. Because I know he'll be there, it'll be awkward, and with Lando being there too it's gonna be even more awkward.≫ I yelled in a whisper to her.

≪It'll be fine. Maybe he's working by the time you get there. Don't stress. And if you do, call me.≫ Lya put her hands on my shoulders and calmed me down.
I took a deep breath after I gave Lya and Max a hug and then turned around and walked inside together with Lando.

Together we waited to get on the plane. Together we waited in silence to get on the plane. Together we waited to get on the plane, staring outside to the sunrise at 6 am in the morning.

Right now it's 12 am in Chicago and if we will arrive it'll be about 9 am. Which we planned out great so we wouldn't have to rush.

I look to my side, seeing Lando watching at the except same thing as I was doing a few seconds ago, the sunrise. Lando was wearing sweats from quadrants new launch called 'clover motors'. It's really pretty and Lando even gave me a hoodie that I am wearing right now.

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