c h a p t e r - f i v e

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— Isabella's pov —
Slowly I start waking up and my eyes begin to open. The first thing I felt was the most massive headache I've ever experienced. I looked around for a minute until I realised it wasn't a room I recognised.

As I looked through the room even better, I remembered that I went out tonight and got really really drunk. And something felt different. And then I mean felt as in, something felt different on my body. And when I realised I felt I didn't wore my dress, I looked under the sheet and found my body in shorts and a long tee.

Now I have to remember what all happened last night. Cause the only thing I know is that I went out after I broke up with Josh. I wore my black dress and got drunk, but now I'm in a room that I've never seen with different clothes on. And the only thing I could think of was being in a guys house. Laying in his bed with different clothes on because we had sex.

I had to take it in and think it all through. I closed my eyes and focused on last nights memories, but my headache hurt so much that I could not concentrate. But it got even worse when the loudest voice started talking. I grabbed the thick sheets and brought them more up to my face and buried my face into it.

≪Oi, Lando?! You got a girl in your bed.≫ I heard it like the person spoke through hundred microphones that were connected with another hundred speakers. ≪Shhh, she's sleeping.≫ A calming voice entered the room. He whispered while I heard footsteps through the room.

≪You've been smashing last night didn't you?≫ I heard him laughing bait and giving Lando a pat on the shoulder. ≪No Max, shut up.≫ He sounded annoying but still in his calming whispering voice. ≪Well, why is she in your bed then?≫ Apparently the guys name is Max and I already was annoyed to him.

≪She was at the club last night. She was all by herself and drunk. I didn't want to leave her alone but also didn't know where to take her because she had passed out when she got in the car. She told me she broke up with her boyfriend so don't be a dick.≫ They didn't realise that I woke up already and listened to every word they both said.

I breathed out when he said we didn't do anything. It was a wave of relief that left my body. But me moving and taking a deep breath, meant that they heard me and realised I was awake.

≪Morning.≫ I said as soon as they both turned their face towards me. They both looked confused or just really uncomfortable. I thought it was quite funny. You had to see their faces.

≪Good morning.≫ Lando said happy giving me a warm smile. I remembered his name was Lando but that was it. The memories of our conversation we had last night were still gone. And I was getting really embarrassed as I now sat up in bed while they both stared at me.

≪Yeah uhm. I'm gonna go now.≫ Max broke the silence and left the room quickly. But weirdly enough, Lando followed him. Was he actually just gonna leave me here?

But luckily he didn't. He came back with a bottle of water and my phone after a couple of minutes. ≪Thanks.≫ I said when he handed over the stuff. ≪No worries.≫ He stepped back and was about to walk out when he stopped and turned around to me.

≪You Uhm. Threw up over your dress so it's in the laundry now.≫ He pointed at me wearing his clothes as I nodded that it was alright. And then he continued. ≪If you wanna change, this is my dresser. Just get whatever you need.≫ And I kept nodding with a slight smile on my face.

≪If you want, I can make you some breakfast.≫ He sweetly suggested with a smile on his face. ≪Yeah sure, thanks.≫ I noticed his hands were close to each other and his fingers were fidgeting his ring he had on his index finger.

≪Hey Lando?≫ He again was about to walk away but this time I was the one stopping him. ≪Yeah?≫ And again he turned to me and his eyes met mine.

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