c h a p t e r - t w o

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— Isabella's pov —
We walk into the club and the first thing that our eyes fall on, is the big bar that's on the left side of the room. A lot of shelf's with all sort of drinks.

≪Omg yes, this is the best night already!≫ I yell out, even tho no one hears it because of the loud music. The music is real party music which make me run towards the dance floor immediately. But I just stood still because I had to make a choice between dancing and drinking.

≪So? What now?≫ Lya was standing right beside me, standing as still as I was. But then I realized what we were doing here. Something that I shouldn't forget. We're here to have fun. Doesn't matter what we do first or at last. It's what we don't do and what we do do.

≪I need a drink!≫ I yelled through the loud music before I crap her by her arm and drag her towards the bar. As we stand their, we have to make a hard time choosing our drinks. But luckily we got some help by someone joining us.

≪Hard time choosing here isn't it.≫ As I look over I just laugh and say yes.
≪Three margaritas for us please.≫ She yells at the bartender and then smiles back at me and Lya.

≪I'm Ria!≫ She hold out her hand as I shake it. ≪I'm Bella and this is Lya.≫ I point my thumb backwards as I say Lyas name.

≪So.. Americans. First time here?≫ She nods and says in her British accent.
≪Yeah!≫ I just look at Lya who is already focused on her drink. ≪Like it here?≫ Immediately I shake my head yes as we take a sip of our margaritas.

≪Anyway, I gotta go back to my friends.≫ She started and paused right after the sentence. ≪I'll pay for this.≫ Ria pointed at our drinks and turned her head towards the bartender to pay for our drinks. ≪Have fun and maybe see you two around.≫ She nodded and walked towards her friend group before I could say anything about the drinks or just a goodbye.

≪What just happened?≫ Lya asked confused while drinking from her glass. ≪Doesn't matter!≫ I laugh as I drink the last drop out of my glass and–again–drag Lya with me. But this time onto the dance floor.

I see Ria with all of her girly friend group. They laugh and drink a lot while Lya and I are dancing. Well, actually I am dancing and Lya just moves weirdly while checking her phone every minute.

It seemed like Lya paid more attention to her phone than me. That she actually didn't even want to come with me to England. And I said to her she didn't have to come with me if she didn't want to. I didn't force her to come but she insisted.

≪Is Luke that important to you that you can't even have fun with your friend?≫ Her eyes lay on me as soon as I said so. She tilted her head and then starting shaking it no. ≪It seems like he is. Listen Lya. I never forced you to come with me. And I'm not holding you back if you want to go back.≫ Again she tilted her head but now looked like I said something really wrong to her.

≪Yes I miss Luke. So much. But I chose to be here for a reason. Not just to make you feel good. But also because I want to be here with you. I want to be here for you and help you give yourself some time off. And I'm sorry that I didn't.≫ She explained while she sticked her phone back into her back pocket.

I knew she would miss him just the same day as we left and sat on that plane. But it was sweet she wanted to be with me. It started to get a bit emotional. Maybe not really emotional but more like our feelings would get involved in this. But I actually didn't want that to happen.

We both started to walk towards the bar and order another drink. After that we went towards the dance floor again and just enjoyed the night without thinking back at the small moment of true thoughts we had.

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