c h a p t e r - f o u r

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— Isabella's pov —
≪Are you serious?≫ Josh grabbed my arm before I could walk out. ≪Why Bella? What did I do?≫ His voice cracks but I don't even care about it. All I care about is myself right now. I don't need him and don't want him in my life. I always thought we belonged together. I realised it on our first date already and it was just a week after we met.

But since a few months ago I realised that I was wrong. It was never going to work out. All because the decision he already made for me. I never knew he was like this until then. And when it became worse I just knew this wasn't going to end well. And when I didn't end it soon enough, it got worse and I don't think I will ever get over it.

≪What did I ever do to you?!≫ He repeated his question but now he raises his voice and the grip from his hand becomes stronger, squeezing my arm. ≪Stop it Josh!≫ I yelled at him while I tried to get my arm back. It wasn't even worth trying. He was strong, stronger than me. But just a second later he realised what he was doing and let go of me.

≪I- I'm so sorry Bella.≫ He apologised with the same fear in his eyes than a few months back. ≪You should leave.≫ I said calm while I looked down my feet. ≪But Bella-≫ I cut him off shortly, not wanting him to finish his sentence that wouldn't have the good reasons to explain this. Or ask why I just ended our relationship a minute ago.

≪Leave Josh. We're done.≫ I said. In silence he left the room, leaving me with my arms holding each other, exhaling when I heard the door closing behind me.

Slowly I felt a tear forming into my eyes. I couldn't hold it back and it rolled down my cheek. I think I realized that I was actually running away from it instead of facing it. But I finally ended it I guess. But weirdly enough I don't feel better.

I went into the bathroom where I checked my face into the big lighting mirror that I adored a few hours ago. I wiped away the few tears that escaped my eyes and then someone knocked on the door. I just hoped it wasn't Josh.

≪Hey, how're u doing?≫ I open the door and Lya appeared in front of me. As soon as she saw my face which was still covered with tears, she was quiet and walked into my room. ≪Tell me, what happened?≫ It was like she never heard the story. That she never knew I had to end things with him.

I explained the things that happened just a few minutes ago. ≪But why are you crying? Isn't this a good thing?≫ Lya asked while raising one eyebrow.

Lya was still friends with Josh because he never did something to her or Luke. I don't think she actually knows how much Josh hurts my feeling. Just seeing him gives me shivers. Bad shivers.

≪You know what. We should all go out!≫ That's the only thing I understood from what Lya said to me. And this was maybe the best idea she had today.

My phone buzzed while I was doing a natural light make up look. Lya texted that they would all wait downstairs for me. Which means I'm the last one and that they're waiting a long time for me.

I quickly fixed the way my dress fit me. I was wearing that beautiful black dress I bought in London. I said I wanted to wear it if there was a special occasion for it. And I thought this would be the best time to wear it because I'm single after years.

≪Wow. You're so gorgeous!≫ Lya gives me a hug while I feel Josh is staring at me. Ignoring it, we left to go clubbing here in Bristol for the first time.

≪So what you all want to drink first?≫ Luke asked us all. We almost all gave different answers. Josh wanted a martini which is such a classic for him. Lya and Luke just wanted to start with a beer which is just super boring. And I just asked for some tequila.

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