c h a p t e r - s e v e n

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— Isabella's pov —
≪What?!≫ I took it in for a few seconds and I was still confused. ≪You heard me. Why should we leave?≫ I still don't know where this is going and I don't know what Lya wants with this.

≪Well.. Our family maybe? And you have Luke.≫ Those we're actually the only reasons. We were the closest together and didn't really have that much friends around us. It's more about our family and boyfriend. ≪I don't know. Cmon Bella, we're grown ups. We can move wherever we want.≫ Where is the Lya I know? What did this do to my best friend?

I don't say I hate this plan. I just think it could be really difficult to get things started. I don't even know if we have enough money for a new home here. We need to transport everything and I don't think that it's that easy to even write ourselves in in this country.

≪We can do this.≫ Lya knew my thought with just looking at me. She definitely knew it was difficult. But maybe we do have to try.

≪And besides that. You already have this guy you know here.≫ I scoffed at her. ≪Yeah right. The last thing I wanna think about is getting a new boyfriend.≫ I really meant it. The relationship with Josh screwed me up and now I just want to be single and enjoy life while not being captured and owned by someone.

≪But... Maybe we could try your plan.≫ With a smile I let Lya know that I was excited for this kind of thing. It's a whole new experience and also a hard one.

≪Oh my god. We're really going to do this!!≫ Lya yelled. And to think that we came on this idea with just thinking of a hobby to do. If I would live here, I could actually get a job and start a whole new life here.

A whole new chapter. The first chapter of my new book where no one knows the characters yet.

It's been a couple days later. We've been making calls, dealing with the money and already been looking around for any apartments close to this place.

I called my family and at first they were so confused because they knew we were going on a little trip to England but the never expected us to actually want to move here. Later on they were super excited for us and that made me a lot more happier and relieved.

But I was still thinking of how to deal with this. I'm not really good with money stuff. When I bought my apartment back in the states my parents helped me.

Lya has been only looking for apartments and new furniture like we are millionaires who can pay all new stuff. Like we don't have some furniture in our other house.

I decided to go on a walk just to clear my head, feeling the wind blow through my hair and touch my face. But with that peaceful feeling, I felt something buzzing into the pocket of my jacket.

Someone was calling me and so I answered while I kept walking. ≪Hello?≫ Even tho I knew who's number it was it could still be someone else who stole his phone or something.

≪Hi it's Lando.≫ Again the deep British accent came through my phone right into my ear. ≪So how're you doing lately?≫ He asked how I was after I greeted him.

≪Normal people would say, good.≫ I chuckled a little bit. ≪Why? Are you alright?≫ Immediately I got a flashback to that one night I met him at the club. I drunkenly fell into his arms and he asked me if I was alright. Embarrassing.

≪I'm just stressed.≫ I didn't really wanna bother him with this even tho I already messed it up with the first question he asked me. ≪Why?≫ Of course I have to explain to him now. He's literally a happy guy who needs to listen to an annoying girl who is too stressed to buy a house.

≪Well, me and my best friend decided to move here. But I don't know how to fix those money issues or anything with moving actually. Especially because we don't even live here.≫ I sounded so desperate for help and I felt bad for him.

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