c h a p t e r - e i g h t

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— Isabella's pov —
It's been a few days since I talked to Lando. But today we decided to meet up again at his place. We became friends but still didn't really know a lot about each other.

Lya obviously asked about him a thousand of times but I didn't say anything. I didn't because I knew she would think I would see him as a rebound. Or even think I already like another man and then she'll stalk him or something.

I rang the doorbell and it took a little minute before someone opened. ≪Hello, Oi Lando, it's the girl from your bed!≫ Max yelled through the house and a second later Lando came running towards the door. ≪Thank you Max for letting me know.≫ Lando said sarcastically while smiling at me.

≪Alright. Hii Bella. I think I'll just be in the office doing some work.≫ He smiled at me and then let Lando know where he would be. ≪Okay Max. Have fun!≫ Lando yelled after him with a laughter while Max walked away.

≪You're letting me out here freezing?≫ It was so cold that you would almost believe it would snow. I definitely didn't pick the right country for the weather tho.

≪Oh yes sorry, come on in.≫ He held the door farther open so I could walk through. I hung up my coat and together we walked to the living room slash kitchen.

This is the second time for me to be here but the first time I had such a hangover that I didn't even noticed anything that was in the house. I didn't even noticed that the house was pretty big.

He stood in the kitchen and so I joined him because I thought it would keep him company with what he was doing, even if it was just grabbing a glass of water.

And as I walked to the kitchen I see helmets. Every helmet in the same design but then in another theme. It got me wondering. And because I'm so curious I asked why he had those.

≪Hey Lando. I never asked you what you did for a job. Do these helmets fit with what you do?≫ I asked him even tho I already knew. But I think this would be the right time to actually ask him because of the helmets.

He started nodding. ≪Yeah it is. Uhm. What do you for a job?≫ I felt him trying to avoid answering the question which of course doesn't stop me.

≪No no no. You first, what do you do?≫ With a smile on my face I asked him. I was thinking about how he would say it. Would he brag about it or anything.

≪I don't want to brag-≫ He just held up his shoulders and started to shake with his head until I interrupted him. ≪Tell me.≫ He looked surprised at me.

≪I don't want you to think different about me.≫ He still was shaking with his head. ≪Is it really that bad?≫ As I asked, he nodded.

≪I don't care how bad it is. Besides that, I know I won't think different about you. So tell me.≫ I gave him a warm smile, hoping that he would tell me now.

≪I'm a racing driver.≫ I knew by the look of his face that he didn't mean to flop it out like that. ≪Okay. Tell me more.≫ I think he realized that he couldn't say no to me because I wouldn't stop asking for it.

≪I'm in formula one and I just ended my third season with mclaren.≫ And of course I knew who he was earlier. I've realized it a couple days ago when Lya showed me one of his insta posts again. Lya loves him. But before she showed me that a few days ago, I never thought it would be THAT Lando.

≪Okay. See that wasn't too bad right?≫ We both starting chuckling a bit. ≪I guess it wasn't.≫ He stared into my eyes with a grin on his face. ≪So what do you do for work?≫ I think he forgot that I don't know because I just got here a few weeks ago.

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