c h a p t e r - f i f t e e n

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— Isabella's pov —
«I kissed Max.» I heard my friend say who was looking down at her hands. I don't know how I felt about that. She has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who loves her. «What about Luke, Lya?» She faces me and I don't know if she looks like she regrets the kiss or that she feels bad that she doesn't like Luke anymore.

«I don't know, Bella. I'm not sure how I feel about everything.» She said. It was so confusing for me. But I can imagine it's also confusing for her. But like, Lya and Max? Also Lya cheating on Luke? That's so not her. Of course I can't say anything cause I'm the one being weird at the moment with Lando. Maybe she's changing as well since we moved here. Like a fresh start I wanted.

«It's okay, you don't have to figure out right now. Just take your time figuring out who you want or what you want. Luke doesn't have to know yet and Max can wait. He'll wait.» I never even thought about what I said, it kinda came out like that and I guess it wasn't all that bad.

«But that's always it Bella. I don't even know what Max thinks of it. What if I pick Luke. What will he think. Or even worse. What if I pick him and he doesn't even think that way.» She really sounded stressed out but I know that she is happy that she is sharing this with me.

«Of course he won't think like that. Cmon Lya. You're so cool. If he doesn't see that he is a prick. Or a dummy. Or a twat.» I kinda hated how she was thinking.

«You're trying to learn British?» She changed subjects just for a second with a chuckle. «Kinda.» We laughed a bit. «But I promise, Max isn't that kinda guy. He is loyal. He'll wait. Even if you don't pick him.» I don't even know how I could be saying this to her. She has to know this. She is so positive that she'll know how he is already. This is serious with her.

«Yeah, maybe you're right. I don't know why I'm so stressed out.» She sighed in some kind of relief. «And Luke you don't have to worry about right now. He's in Chicago and I guess if he isn't the one he has to deal with it.» He rubbed her back. Luke is such a nice and sweet guy. But I don't know. Maybe both of us need to let Chicago go. Maybe that's what we have to do to feel us fully at home here.

«Yeah, you're right. Thank you Bella.» She turned her face to me and smiled. «Of course. I love you.» I said and smiled right back at her. «Love you too.»

We just sat there for a second and the moment that I forgot about just got brought up. Not literally but because of what she said brought it up. «So tell me, how did the spending the night with Lando go. And answer honestly.» Lya lost her story so now she needs me to share mine. Which I don't know I want to. But of course she's my best friend and maybe I should. So fuck it and let's do it.

«We kissed.» I just said casually. «Oh my god I knew it. I knew it was going to happen on the trip. So how was it?» She sounded so excited and not surprised at all. «It was so embarrassing actually.» Her face shifted immediately. «Wait what, why?» She asked.

«I don't know. The kissing just kind of started to become something else. And well you can probably already know what happened after that.» I felt so embarrassed to say that as well. I'm not embarrassed for being a virgin, but just telling that I had a moment I had to reject someone from doing it.

«Bella. It's okay. I bet he doesn't care. He'll wait. He's a good guy you know.» Hearing her say that wanted me to believe it completely. But I couldn't. I'm not build like that. «But what if he doesn't want me anymore. Or even worse, what if he'll force me to do it with him. What if he doesn't care about what I want.» He head shot up to me again after she turned her head forward a few minutes ago.

«Are you crazy, Bella?! Lando is not Josh. And he'll never will be. A few days before you two left, you could see so well that Lando likes you. He is interested in you. He wants to get to know you. Every bit of you. I just know it. And you'll see it. You just have to trust me and especially him.» Lya was always good at speeches. And this was maybe my favourite. It was actually full of hope and I love that. «You just have to talk to him. Make things clear.» She said.

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