c h a p t e r - s i x

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— Isabella's pov —
≪Hey. I need to talk≫ Lya says while letting herself into my room. ≪Come on in.≫ I say sarcastically while following her further into the room. ≪So, what's up?≫ While I ask I see Lya nervously sitting on the bed and then standing up immediately.

≪So. You know that I can't let things go so easily and fast.≫ I nod at her as she continues in a hurry. ≪So I need to know everything about last night.≫ As she finished, I already kinda knew she was going to say this. I know her and I love her for caring about me. For wanting to know what happened to me yesterday.

≪As I said. It was nothing. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.≫ I think I did have to tell her some time but it was actually nothing. Nothing bad happened. ≪Can you just please tell me where you slept and who that guy was that drove you back.≫ Lya asked even tho it didn't even sound like a question. As I said. I have to tell her otherwise she would ask me a million times a day until I'm giving in and tell her.

≪Alright. I slept at a guys house that was in the club that night-≫ I saw Lyas face expression change. I knew what she thought immediately. ≪No, nothing happened. He was the one driving me here. He was a nice guy. Nothing to worry about.≫ I explain to her while she breaths out. I saw the wave of relief leave her body.

≪But I think it is time for Josh to leave. He needs to go home.≫ Lya nodded because she knew I already broke up with him and I won't be able to be close to him for that long. I turned around to grab my shoes. ≪Hey Bella, I am sorry that I brought them here.≫ She sighed. ≪It's okay. You missed Luke and of course Josh has to come too. Maybe it was good he came, maybe he'd leave me alone now because I broke up with him.≫ Lya smiled at me. She didn't even had to tell me because her face expression showed me that she agreed with me.

≪Can we just get lunch with them? After that I'll tell them to leave.≫ As she said that too me, I had my shoes on and I was ready to leave. And so was Lya, we both left the room and together with the boys we went to get lunch.

And as we sat at the table, I feel the tension of Josh his eyes that are staring at me. I look down at my hands like I don't notice anything. Later the food arrives and we enjoy it. We enjoy the time we have left for now. I just enjoyed the time with Luke and Lya who were being such lovebirds. I still don't forget my thought of Lya going with them back to the states.

There is a complete difference from when Lyas with me and when she is here with me AND Luke. I know that I can't force her to go because she is loyal to our friendship and she think I need her. Maybe I do. But she also wants to keep an eye on me, seeing if I don't do anything stupid.

≪Alright. Bella and I think that you both should leave today or tomorrow.≫ Lya didn't hesitate and threw the message right into the conversation. Their faces turned into a confused mess and maybe a little anger, especially Josh.

≪Why tho. So you can do whatever you want and hop into bed with every guy you see? Like that one guy you already fucked last night.≫ Josh started yelling and again I felt attacked. He doesn't even have the right to say these things and fill things in that didn't even happen at all.

≪Josh don't b-≫ I got cut of whole I wanted to stand up for myself, even tho I know I'm not the best at it.

≪Don't be like that Josh. Remember that she broke up with you yesterday. And what if she did fuck with someone. Then that's none of your business because you're not her boyfriend anymore. And that's definitely for the best. Now we're leaving to my room so you can get your gross ass stupid things out of her room and when we get back in an hour, you're gone with all your stuff.≫ Lyas speech actually got me smiling for a bit.

We left to Lyas room while we waited an hour for him to pack his stuff. Luke had joined us because he also had to pack his stuff. ≪I'm sorry babe.≫ She apologized to her boyfriend that already had to leave her after only a few days.

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