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"Welcome to Tiana's Eats!" I greeted not looking up while I fixed my customers drinks.

"Bestie!!" I heard the loud squeal of Saniyah. My best friend as you could clearly guess.

"Hey love bug, give me one second," I told her and went to give my table their refills before making my way back around the counter.

"What's up? What you doing here knowing you called out?" I wondered.

"Damn, I did? I forgot. Anyway that's not why I'm here."

"Then what is it?" I took a sip of my coffee looking into her mischievous Hazel eyes that popped against her glowy dark skin.

"We have a job."

"Yeah we do, one you just called out on." I snickered.

"Not this job, a different one." She muttered.

"Oh? How much?" I quizzed.

"A milli each, if we do it tonight." She said excitedly brushing her 40inches out of her face.

"Tonight!? We don't typically do hits that fast Sani."

"But Kj, you're just that damn good! It's one target, some guy, really easy."

"Can't just be some guy if he's worth a milli each, but okay I'm in." I took my apron off upon seeing my customers leaving. I went around collecting my tips, just as Winnie came in for her shift.

We traded off and I told her goodbye as Sani and I left out.

"I'll met you at camp in 30," I told her getting into my Infiniti Q50.

"I'll be there," She got into her Benz and we both sped off. I stopped home to change and tend to my babies, Rose and Shadow.

Rose is my Doberman Pincher and Shadow is my Cane Corso. I got them both at the same time and trained them together and they've been best friends since as well as my best friends.

"Hi papa," I cooed at Shadow who stood up gently while wagging his lil nub and giving me kisses. "Where's mama?" I asked and he got down just as Rose came around the corner wagging her tail.

"Hi baby!" I gave her the same attention. Once they calmed and everything, they followed me into the kitchen knowing it was time to eat. They sat and waited patiently while I fixed their respected food and placed it on the floor for them to eat.

While they ate I went to change into black sweats and a top. I didn't want to shower yet because I didn't know how long this hit was gone take, but I knew it was outside so I'd have to take another shower afterwards.

About 10 minutes later, I had finished up taking them for a quick walk. Normally it would be longer,  but not tonight. I got them settled back in and made sure they had their toys and the living room tv on for them before leaving to go to camp.

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