"So has dance always been your thing?" Freddie asked, I looked at him and chuckled as we walked back to the dorms
"It has, ever since I could walk. It's the one thing my sister and I shared besides a room" I replied 
"What about you? How did you get into music?" I asked 
"Well believe it or not, but in a family full of accountants. I was flying solo on this passion but regardless, from the moment I picked up an instrument at the age of 5. I fell in love with it" He smiled
"It's nice when family support your passions" I replied making him look at me a little confused
"Do your parents not?" he asked and I shrugged
"They don't even know I'm here" I replied. There is no way Freddie would ever be able to get in touch with my parents to tell them surely?
"What? That is crazy! Where do they think you are?" He asked
"Living with my brother John in New Jersey" I replied making him chuckle as we arrived at my dorm room
"Thank you for the coffee. It was nice to make a friend" I replied with a smile
"Did I just get friendzoned?" He chuckled and I shrugged
"It's that boy from earlier isn't it?" He asked and I looked at him confused
"I should have realised from his cold shoulder. Well hey, you have my number if you ever need anything" He smiled before leaving.. 
Cold shoulder? What is he on about


I knew he would be up here, I just didn't think that I would also end up there.
As soon as I walked onto the rooftop the sound of the door made James jump causing him to look at me
"Hey" I replied sitting with him but he looked away, he was purposely avoiding eye contact with me
"How was the date?" He grumbled and I chuckled
"James it wasn't a date. It was merely two friends getting a cup of coffee" I replied making him scoff
"Friends? You didn't even know him Natalie!" He said making me take a step back at the tone of his voice
"What is your problem" I asked making him scoff and laugh continuing to look away
"If you want to be a fucking child and ignore me then so be it James. I'm not here for games!" I yelled back
"If you wanted Games maybe you should go back to being close with Jess" I replied making him look at me finally
"Woah Natalie" he said
"Maybe I just fucking will" He said pushing past me 
All I wanted was to talk to him, I wanted to check he was okay, I wanted to find out what the problem was but I'm afraid instead all I did was push him further away until he snapped. And now he's snapped back into Jess' arms

The following morning was a Saturday meaning nothing but Team practice. The benefit meaning I was able to work on something that wasn't just partner work with James. The downside was I still had to see. But at least I wouldn't have to see him with Jess just yet
"good morning!" Ellie chimed as I walked in causing some people to glance over and to my dismay one of those people of course happened to be James
I placed my bag down and began stretching before Caiden came over 
"Hey kiddo, you okay? You seem to be distancing yourself" He asked sounding very sincere
"Yeah I'm okay, just a lot going on at the moment" I said and couldn't help but look at James as I did
"He maybe my brother but he can also be a dick at times. What has he done?" Caiden asked sitting on the ground next to me
"We had a little argument last night it ended with him agreeing he's just gonna go back to Jess" I replied making Caiden roll his eyes
"So you two broke up?" Caiden asked and I looked at him confused
"Broke up? We were never dating?" I asked and Caiden widened his eyes
"From how the pair of you speak of each other I was certain you were. What the hell" He laughed lightly
"we are good friends that is all" I replied and Caiden make a face that kind of looked as if he was in deep thought
"What was the argument about?" Caiden asked
"a guy"  I mumbled
"the guy you went and got Coffee with?" Caiden then asked
"How did you know?" I responded
"Because James wouldn't shut up about it. Jealous shit" He laughed
"I don't know why he was jealous" I replied
"Because, I could be wrong but I doubt it.. I think James likes you" Caiden said, I looked at him confused before turning to James and then back to Caiden
"I don't think so" He replied
"Like I said. I could be wrong but I doubt it" He said patting my back
"We are mainly going to be working on our own today, you can stay and work on your solo or if you want the day to yourself then you are welcome too okay? If you need someone to talk to either. Ellie and I will be around" he smiled opening his arms offering a hug
"Thanks" I replied smiling at him as I agreed to the hug 

I decided to take the day to myself. Nationals is still a month or so away and my solo is practically finished 
Sitting in my room I kept rethinking what Caiden had said to me. I don't think James likes me, he would have told me right?
He wouldn't have just run back to Jess either
I walked out of my dorm to go for a walk when I catch Jess' eye
"I told you that you were just a dog toy" She laughed, I narrowed my eyes at her as I see the boys approach
"What is going on?" Harry asked
"just putting Natalie in her place" Jess smiled clinging onto James' arm. Except this time he didn't shake her off
"Jess what are you talking about" James asked
"Why does it matter James? You made your choice" I said making him look at me as he finally shook Jess off
"Don't do this Nat" he said stepping forward
"Do what? You did this by getting jealous over a fucking cup of coffee" I laughed
"It was more then that! He was asking you on a fucking date and you went" He yelled 
"At least he had the fucking bollocks to James!" I replied with a tear in my eye. He looked at me while we had a crowd around us
"What" He whispered
"You heard me" I replied finally gaining to courage to walk straight past him

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