Monday rolled around and I was back, we got back late last night but John still insisted on taking me the whole way back. As I got into the dorm I put my phone back on to receive all notifications and when I say my phone blew up. I mean it had blown up
I look through them all realising that it was mainly our group wondering what was going on. I figured I could just tell them this morning
"Hey" I hear Mila call as I walked in, I smiled walking over there
"Hello" I said putting my back down
"Where were you? You had us all worried?" Kelsie asked earning a glare from Ashley
"I had some family things back home. Mum made it out to be an emergency which it was not" I replied with a laugh
"What was it?" Kieran asked
"My big sister got engaged and decided me and my brother couldn't be told over the phone" I said stretching my legs
I looked over at James who was looking at me as if something else was going on, I roll my eyes at him before Leon walks in

"Engaged huh?" James asked with his hands on my waist as he spins us in our routine
"Yeah, one of the Phillips Sister is officially marrying off" I chuckled bending backwards into his arms 
"For a second I had thought that they had found out" He said as we separated
"Believe me, I thought that too" I replied making him chuckle
We continued to dance through the routine before out time was over moving onto the next group
"mmm come here" Ashley said pulling me away from the group
"What's up" I asked
"be careful with Jess. I'm pretty sure she is plotting" Ashley said making me look over at Jess stood with her partner waiting for their turn
"Plotting what?" i asked and she shrugged
" i don't know but it probably isn't good" she said before heading back to our partners
"Everything cool?" James asked and I nodded still looking at Jess as she glared at me 


I was sitting in my dorm room trying texting Meg about the academy. I'm so glad that I was able to tell her, I trust she won't tell our parents
Part of me wonders if she would regret not taking up on this opportunity
"Natalie!" I hear Caiden say as he knocked on my door. I open it to see him stood there with Ellie
"Hello?" I asked
"You have been chosen" Caiden said making me look at him a little worried
"quit it you!" Ellie said hitting his chest
"What is going on?" I laughed
"just come with us" He said I chuckled but agreed
"Grab you dance bag" Ellie smiled, this was just making me more confused

As I continued to follow them I couldn't help but be more curious on what is going on
We walked into the studio we usually rehearse in only to see James in there too
"Man what is this? I could be in bed" James whined, I chuckled
"Nice to see you too James" I replied making him roll his eyes before hugging me
"well as you both know, or at least James knows. Each year the remaining people of the team that are leaving hand their torches down. It's was an easy decision to make. You two are going to be the face of this school" Caiden chimed, I looked at James before turning back to them
"I don't have a clue what is going on" I confessed
"Each year anyone leaving passes down their knowledge to the people they think would benefit the most. The ones they think are the future" James explained
"so what does that mean?" I chuckled
"That means you two just bought yourself a one way ticket inside this" Caiden said pointing to his head
"I don't think anyone wants that" Ellie said pushing him. Caiden playfully laugh before placing his hands on her waist tickling her
"What it means is that we will be working closely with both of you to teach you things you aren't going to learn in the studio" Ellie smile
"And to start with, Natalie, your turns are great, I love them however I truly think you could do them for longer so that is what we tackle tonight. As well as me teaching you what you missed Saturday" Ellie said
"So what are we doing?" James asked making Caiden nudge him
"We are documenting it so that when we leave you both can continue to hand it down" Caiden explained
"time to spin" Ellie said taking my bag off of me throwing it at James 

"You two are going to be magnificent when we are finished" Ellie smiled before we left them to head back to our dorms. It was around 9pm at this point
"Rooftop?" James suggested and I shrugged before agreeing
"Let me grab a hoodie though, it's freezing out" I said
"It's alright I have a spare in my bag" James replied not giving me a chance to go into my door room

Heading up to the rooftop I can't help but think that this is where the true friendship started with James and I. We came up there after our first day of classes
James handed me his hoodie as we both set down at our usual spot
"Has Jess lightened up on you?" James asked as I put the clothing on
"She hasn't spoken to me but I've been warned people think she is plotting" I said and James nodded
"Have you two spoken?" I asked and he nodded
"she is asking me to stop talking to you all together" He said making my roll my eyes
"But I don't want to do that" he mumbled
"It's okay, I don't want that either" I replied with a smile
"Call me crazy" he said, I looked at him confused
"Okay? you're crazy?" I replied making him laugh
"Why am I calling you crazy" I asked making him laugh again
"don't worry about it" He said throwing me some food he found in his bag
"Do I trust this?" I asked making him roll his eyes eyes once more
"Yeah, I put it in there this morning thank you very much" He said poking his tongue out
"Just checking. Who knows you could be plotting with Jess to kill me" I said
"Oh yeah and I'm going that by giving you a dodgy back of crisps" He said 
"Hey you never know now a days" I replied before we both burst out laughing 
At the back of my mind I'm still curious as to why I was calling him crazy

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