Saturday morning rolled around and the atmosphere here hadn't improved. When I saw my dad in my room I was terrified.. I thought it was all over but John managed to persuade him to have a family meeting at his. I missed all my classes on Friday and my phone has been confiscated. You wouldn't think I was 19 years old
"Hey kiddo. Meg and mum just got here" John said rubbing the side of my arm
Dad came here without mum, she had no idea this is where he was going. I know it was Jess who told them but how she found out I will never know
"Okay" I mumbled walking downstairs, there on one sofa was my parents while John and I sat on the other sofa with Megan. The whole family were divided.. I never wanted this to happen

"So" Mum said trying to break the silence
"I don't know why we are having this meeting. We are taking you home young lady!" Dad said already yelling, I looked at John and Megan who were just as taken back as I was
"Why" I asked. I knew if I didn't fight right now, I was going to lose all I have built
"Why?! Why Natalie! You know why, you aren't meant to be at that school! That isn't the plan we decided on for you!" Dad said 
"No! That isn't the plan You decided on.. Dad I don't want to be a bloody doctor, I want to be able to chose what I do" I replied and he laughed
"Stop being a stupid little girl! This is not a career" He said standing up making John and I stand up
"Listen to her for fucks sake dad. Whether you like it or not Megan and Natalie are incredibly talented" John exclaimed
"Talent! Ha!" He laughed
"You wouldn't know though, because all this has ever been to you is a stupid waste of time but for me, this is the one thing in life that I love. The thing in life I can see myself doing for the rest of my life" I said making him look at me

"Why can't you be like Megan? She made the right choice" Dad yelled
"I didn't have a choice dad" Megan quietly said making Mums attention shift to her too
"You were constantly going on about how much you wanted the best for both of us that I fell out of love with dance, i lost my passion to please you.. And I'm so proud of Natalie for fighting that and pushing past your idea of a perfect life" She said rising to her feet
"Megan what are you talking about?!" Dad yelled
"She's trying to tell you that this is what she wanted to do too. Until you ruined it for you!" John said getting a little agitated
"I don't know who you think you are talking for your sisters. You are the reason this family is in this mess. You've single handily ruined this entire family" Dad spat at John, I looked back at him giving him a look to make sure he knew that wasn't true

"No" John replied looking at dad square in the face
"I'm the reason that this family is still together. I pick up the pieces you leave shattered everywhere and tie them back together. Natalie is an amazing dancer and you aren't taking that away from her like you did with Meg. You are a coward who can't understand that he is stopping his own daughters happiness" John said stepping forward
"Walk away" Dad murmured
"Or what? Your in my house dad" He replied 
"Natalie grab your stuff. We are going home!" Dad yelled stepping away from John and looking at Megan and I who were in a half hug at the moment
"No" Megan answered
"Excuse me!" Dad yelled
"You heard her" John said causing my dad to shoot him a glare
"Natalie is not going home, she is staying here and staying at that school dad" Megan replied
"She does that and she is walking away from this family. If you both help her then you'll be leaving this family with her" Dad spat
"So in order to give your daughter happiness you are willing to throw away all of your kids? How fucking pathetic" John argued
"If she was my fucking daughter she wouldn't be doing this!" Dad yelled again
"Why can't you just accept this for me, I never ask for anything. I bent over backwards for you in highschool.. This is all I want in return" I whispered and dad instantly shot it down
"You either come home with us now or you walk away for good" He replied stepping towards me
"mum" I asked hoping she would say anything but instead she sat on the sofa with her head bowed
"Come on mum please" I begged 
"Leave her out of this" Dad said grabbing my arm causing John to grab his arm until he released me
"You have 5 minutes to meet us in the car or i'll be driving away.. Leaving you all behind" Dad spat looking me up and down
I looked over at mum once more as she rose to her feet and followed my dad

As soon as they were out of sight my legs crumbled underneath me making me fall to the sofa. I placed my head in my hands
"Maybe I should get my stuff" I whispered but Megan sat in between my legs causing me to look at her
"No Natalie, you deserve this" She whispered cupping her face
"but I can't ask you all to give them up" I replied crying
"You aren't asking us Nattie" She whispered
"Yeah bug, dad is the one forcing this choice not you" John said sitting next to me
"What do I do" I asked
"Do you want to stay? do you want to go to the Academy? Or fall into dads plan?" John asked, I think we all know my answer
"Stay Nat, we will both be here to support you no matter what" Megan replied kissing the top of head as I clung to her hands 

I stood in the kitchen watching as mum and dad sat in the driveway waiting and hoping I was going to come out. It's been 10 minutes now and I think they are still hoping I change my mind but I just don't want to give this up. I promised Meg I would dance for the both of us and I promised John that no matter what Dad did I wouldn't give up
I just wish mum hadn't sided with him, how are we meant to live without our mother
The woman who was meant to be there through the thick and thin, through the tears of a breakup, through the tummy bugs everyone gets. Now we are without that
Yes we all know Megan will try and fill that position while John tries to be the father we all wanted.. I can't help but think this is all my fault
"Don't be so hard on yourself bug" John said standing next to me as we both watched them drive off
"How can I not? I just destroyed the family" I replied turning around to face him
"You didn't Nattie, dad did" Megan replied coming into the kitchen
"How about I drop you back to school early Monday morning and then we spend the day together tomorrow? Just the three of us?" Megan asked
"I don't have any work commitments until Tuesday anyway" she smiled
"I'd like that, what about you bug?" John asked nudging me
"I'd like that" I replied looking out the window once more and the place my parents once sat

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