As soon as I stepped foot into the studio my eyes landed on her. The reason that I almost lost all of this, the reason I've lost my parents
Without a second thought in my mind I darted towards her
"You" I yelled causing everyone to look at me, Kieran pushed Jess out of my way whilst James grabbed my waist pulling me to his side
"Good morning Natalie, may I say you look darling" Kieran smiled probably hoping to defuse the situation
"I swear to god I'm going to end you" I said looking at Jess with nothing but darkness in my eyes
"Why don't you tell us what is going on" James asked, I tried to pounce again but James stopped me 
"This stupid fucking game you are playing Jess is fucking pathetic! Nobody is playing it but you" I yelled still trying to escape James' grip
"I didn't do anything!" Jess yelled back
"Morning class!" Leon said coming in but his presence wasn't going to stop me
"You are the reason that I almost had to leave! You made my parents completely fucking disown me and my siblings!" I yelled making Leon come over
"What is going on Ladies" He asked
"Natalie here is accusing me of something I didn't do" Jess said smiling sweetly
"Really? Because I have emails from my dad about you!" I yelled
"You want to fuck about with me Jess fine, I'll play! But bring my fucking family into it and I won't stop!" I yelled trying to move forward
"Natalie! Office now!" Leon yelled but I didn't move
"Now!" he said strictly
"No Class today" Leon said making the rest of the class groan as we all left

Was I a bit abrupt with how I handled this? Maybe..
Do I have any regrets? Meh
Would I do it again? Fuck yes
Jess' reign is coming to and end and I will make sure she stays down

"Natalie, what's going on?" Leon asked coming into his office about 20 minutes later, I sighed and looked at him
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't handle it well back there but she messed with my family" I said letting a tear slip. Suddenly my anger was now tears
"I don't care how you handled it Natalie, what I care about is if you are okay? Talk to me, what is going on?" he asked sitting in the seat next to me
"My parents never knew I was here.. They thought I was living with my brother for the year" I said making his eyes widen
"My dad had this whole planned built out for me and it isn't what I wanted at all." I explained
"My brother gave me this out and I took it. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me and Jess had to go and ruin it" I continued to ramble
"She's hated me since the day she met me, then she stoops as low as to email my father. I wasn't going to stand for it" I replied
"Both of my parents have made the decision to walk away from me and my siblings for good.. And it is all because of her" I cried, Leon sighed looking at me before getting up off his chair to get a book from his shelve

"what is this?" I asked as he handed it to me
I opened it to reveal a bunch of letters, photos, and tickets
"I'm confused" I replied
"My dad always told me that I was never good enough, that I would never make a career out of this profession. But he said that because he had never seen me perform. I have a suspicion that this is the case here to?" He asked and I nodded
"I've invited him to every single one but never once has he shown up. It's a stupid waste of time in his head" I confirmed
"look Natalie, you are talented. We've all seen that. Everyone but him.. I know it is hard that you lost him and your mother but if this is truly something you think you can handle then they'll either come to their senses and come back. Or you'll grow to use it and it'll make you a stronger dancer for it" He smiled
I sighed once more before looking at him
He was right
This had a silver lining at the end of the day. That doesn't condone what Jess did at all but it'll help me grow as a person and as a dancer
"When did you dad finally see you?" I asked
"my freshman show case in college" Leon smiled going to a certain page in the book
"he was so proud, I know your dad will be too when he gets the chance to see you" Leon smiled again


Walking back to the Dorm common room I could hear the room erupting with arguments and I would know that voice anywhere
"I don't give a fuck Jess, you fucked up. You made your bed" I heard James yell as I walk in
"Oh look who decided to show up. Gonna try hit me again" Jess said narrowing her eyes at me, I walked over to where her and James stood surrounded by everyone
"If you were that lucky" I replied as James intertwined our hands
"I can't believe you are about to throw away a 10 year friendship for that" She bit looking at me
"Jess, do you want to know something" I replied making her look at me with a dirty smirk on her face
"You are going to be so fucking lonely one day. You are going to realise your actions do nothing but push your friends away. We could have been friends, we could have been good friends but you burnt that fucking bridge just like you are about to burn all the ones you've built over the years" I reminded her making her laugh, she looked behind her to Ashley and Kelsie
"I'll always have my girls but you can have the stupid boys" She said rolling her eyes
"Actually" Ashley said getting up with Kelsie
"We refuse to be friends with you Jess, you went too far" Ashley said
"Way to fucking far" Kelsie cursed
I looked at Jess with a smirk this time
"Just remember that you did this Jess, I didn't do anything to you at all. This was a game you played with your self and you still fucking lost" I replied making her look me up and down before retreating away from everyone
"We are so sorry she did that Natalie" Kelsie said looking at me, I offered both of them a smile before they smiled back coming over and hugging me
I've made some true friends here, whether Jess likes it or not

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