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I'm going to India with my old friend. Her name is Blossom and I cut her off a long time ago because of my dying mental health. She has always been someone I've looked up to in this world, she's always brave to make the next step, she stands up for herself and speak whatever is on her mind. She's fearless but she does go through things like every other human being. I'm happy that we're going to be working on our friendship, this is something I needed because me & her as close friends was always a meaningful relationship, I can't wait to get to know her again.
I already miss Joe but I have to get my bags ready and Blossom is going to pick me up and we're going to go to the airport.
"Hey baby, I just wanted to check in. I miss you a lot, I will take pictures for you and I'll answer you here and there okay? Stay safe and tell your mother I said hello." I texted
"I miss you more than you miss me beautiful. Have a great time okay? And I will" he replied back.
I just crave him right now, I want to kiss him, I want to fuck him, I want to make him feel so good. The thoughts that I have about him is sexy and passionate. I need to do naughty things to him because truthfully, he deserves it. He deserves it all. Anyways, Blossom has arrived, I went out of the door and walked towards the car, & got in.
As Blossom is driving. We started to talk a lot, we have a lot to catch up on.
"I need to come out and say this. I'm so sorry for cutting you off, I wish I never did that because I really appreciate you. I was really struggling with my mental health and my parents that I just didn't want to burden anyone." I say
"Oh babe, you know I get it. At the time, I was hurt from that. I blamed myself for so long and I just missed you a lot and I always wanted to check up on you, message you, To fight more for our friendship but I didn't know how because I thought you wanted to be left alone and didn't want anything to do with me. I now know that this isn't the case, I totally understand where you came from and that was the best choice."Blossom Says.
"This moment right here, we get to know each other all over again and I really hope that this will be a great fresh start for the both of us." She also says.
"I love that so much, thank you for understanding." I say smiling
"Let's put on some music, remember the song mine by Taylor Swift that we use to always sing?" She says excited
"We use to YELL this song and annoyed all the people around us. Hell yes girl play that shit" I say.
She starts to play that song and we screamed the song like how we always used too, there are times like these that I hold close to my heart. The little things in life and with my favorite people are memories that I don't want to ever forget.
We're at the airport and I'm so nervous to get on the plane because I've never been on a plane before. I've always watched shows that made me scared to go on a plane like that one tv show, Grey's Anatomy When they got into that plane crash, that scarred me for life. I always thought flying high in the sky was always dangerous and it is but I also seen on tv that the clouds are so spitting gorgeous.
"Are you okay" says Blossom laughing
"I mean I'm scared" I chuckled
"Don't be. You'll be fine." She says holding my hand. We started to get our bags checked and now we're just waiting for them to say that we are ready to fly.
They called our flight, so we start getting on the plane, putting our bags up and we sat down in our seats.
"So tell me Is your parents still the same bitchy ones?" She says concerned
I tell her everything about my mom, my dad and my feelings towards it.
"What??? Are you serious? Your mother still haven't changed? What the fuck is wrong with her for real, And your dad, do you think he'll stay clean and that you both would have a slowly good relationship? " Blossom says
"To be honest I don't know what's wrong with her, she always makes me feel less than. My dad said he'll try to stay clean and if he can do that then I'll be more than happy to work on our relationship. " I say annoyed
"You aren't less than at all. You're enough. You deserve happiness. I hope your dad does change so you can have somewhat of a parent." She says
" I have a boyfriend now, his name is Joe" I say blushing
"Girl now you got tell me all about this" she says
I told her about the first time I seen him, how we met and the date. I also told her about me and him having a deep connection.
"Wow girl, I want to meet him. I just want to say be careful though because sometimes we think we're in love until we get to know that person completely. I hope this works out for you babe, I really do." Blossom says
"Thank you my love, I will be careful and of course you can meet him" I say
"I'm tired, I'm going to take a little nap." She says
"Actually, same" I replied.
We landed and I can't wait for the things she set up for us two, it's going to be sick. We get to the Uber and she told him to take us to our hotel room. As the man is driving, he's talking on the phone with his girlfriend I'm assuming.
"You need to understand that I'm not like those guys you want. I'm a good nice gentleman and you treat me so bad for what? Nothing. I've always gave you what you wanted from me. I loved you when no one wanted to even speak to you and now I get this from you? You cheating on me when I thought we had the moon together?" Uber driver says
Hearing what he said to her broke my heart because why would you do someone so wrong when they did everything for you? I mean of course everyone has their flaws but if someone loves you and keeps showing you that, why don't you just show it back? And if you don't want them, instead of cheating on them. Leave them. It just makes me really depressed because Is love really real? Does love last? I'm really starting not to think so. Is it a waste of time? I honestly think maybe I'm moving into this so fast with Joe.
We finally got to the hotel and I gave the man a tip because he deserves it for being a decent human being.
"Thank you so much" says Uber driver
"No problem, you have a great day" I say as exiting the car and taking my bags. We need more people like him in this world.
"Let's check out our hotel room" says Blossom
"Can't wait, it better be 5 star" I say jokingly
"Maybe it is bitch" says Blossom as we both started to laugh.
We get to our room and oh my god. There is a light pink cloud vintage with pearls wallpaper and it's so gorgeous. The living room area has big massage sofas with a vintage flat screen tv. There's also a balcony that has a beautiful view of sculptures and vintage modern buildings. This is legit so nice. The room we have to share since it's only one room in here, it has two nice twin beds but a little bigger than that and the walls are made of pearls, flatscreen TV that is sticking to the wall. We have a bathroom inside of our room and it's the only one but it's big. Two showers, two bathtubs, two big mirrors and the walls in here are made out of gold. This place is breathtaking.
"We're going out to eat" Blossom says
"Alright" I say
We walked to this little restaurant that's right by us. We ordered our food. I had ordered some samosas & chicken makhani with some water with lemon. Blossom ordered some chicken curry with aloo gobi & tea.
Our food arrived and we just started to eat and the food is so delicious, so warm, so tender, so juicy I love it. This food almost feel as good as sex.
"This food is to die for" says Blossom
"I know right, they make this food purely fresh" I say while moaning a little bit. Some time go by and we finished all of our food and it was something that made me satisfied.
"Is there anything else you guys want?" Says the waiter while taking the plates
"I'll get any kind of desert" I say
"No thank you." Blossom says
"Okay, I will be right back" waiter says as she leaves
"Why don't you want any?"
"Because I'm full as a balloon" she says laughing.
"Here goes your desert enjoy."
"Hey wait, here's the money" Blossom says.
"Thank you, have a good day." Waiter says leaving with the money.
"Let me take a photo of you" Blossom says
"Why?" I say smiling
"Give me your phone"
"Fine, here"
There was a pause for taking a picture because she was reading me & Joe's last messages.
"You better not be looking at my messages" I say laughing.
"I am" she says
She begins to tell jokes and make me laugh so hard & she snapped the picture and sent it to him.

""Girl omg" I say as I snatched my phone

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"Girl omg" I say as I snatched my phone.
"What?" She starts laughing hard
"Oh shit" I start laughing too.
"What a gorgeous smile, you are so beautiful. I miss your face. Is it your birthday? Why is there a candle?" He says
"No it's not my birthday, I actually didn't notice that until now. & I have to tell you my birthday." I replied
"Yeah we have a lot to get to know each other on" he says
"We do. I'm going to go now babe."
"Alright babe. Keep smiling" he says with a smiling face.

" he also sends

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" he also sends.
"All yours baby"
"Bye baby" he says
"Bye Sexy" I say
My gosh he is so hot, his face and his eyes. I can't get that out of my mind and I don't want too.
"Girl, he's hot" Blossom says
"I know right" I say
"Enough with that, we're going to go to the movies and going to go skate for a bit." Blossom says
"Oh my, we haven't skate for years" I say
"It's going to be wicked fun." She says.
It's time to try to get him out of my head because I keep thinking about him and I want to be focused on me & Blossom.

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