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" I just went walking with your mother around the house, just missing you and wanted to send you a picture of me. I love you baby:

 I love you baby:

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" I sent to Joe.
"Wow baby you are so gorgeous. Look at that beautiful smile. All mine. I'll be home soon baby" I replied
"Okay baby. Be safe my love. See you when you get here <3".
There's so many things about Joe that I can understand. His father was abusive and he couldn't take it anymore and no one should judge him of that because abusive parents or people in general shouldn't be allowed to be happy or to go around like they are some kind of king or queen when they aren't. Me and my mother never made up, I wish we could of but we don't. I'm just so happy I'm out of that place with a person like that. She will never change and now she's alone with no one to bully or abuse. She tries to text me to get me to spend nights with her but honestly no I wouldn't do that. Why would I?
"Hey honey" says dad
"Hey dad I missed you" I replied back. Since my dad has went to rehab, got his own place, and his own job for the past year, he's been amazing. I'm so happy to have a parent that loves me and who changed for me and for himself. He is such an beautiful soul. He's also has been going to see Joe's therapist and support group to keep him steady. I will forever love him with my whole heart.
"I miss you too sweetheart. How's you and Joe?"
"I'm good, Joe is going through a lot but he's okay. And me & him together we are amazing"
"That's so good sweetie, nice to see that you guys are still together. "
"Yeah I love him."
"So I have found somebody. She's a spiritualist. And she's also a mentor for mental health. I didn't want to tell you yet until I was sure. We've been together for 4 months now, well we've been talking and now we just made it official. I was wondering if you and Joe would be down to go on a double date one of these days?" He says
"Oh my god, Dad I'm so proud of you. I would love to meet her. You deserve love and happiness. Yes we will be down." I said back
"Okay my baby, I'll contact you with details soon. I have to start back working right now" he says
"Okay dad, bye talk to you soon" I replied back. My dad honestly deserves love and I'm so happy he's getting it. He's special.
Me and Joe's mom got back inside the house and we are just sitting down, chilling.
"How's Joe been really?" She asks
"Joe has been doing okay. He still go through his problems but he's been good other than that. He's starting back to see his therapist." I said
"That's good. Dr. Lisa is one of a kind. Really. How are you?" She replies
"I'm okay. Just trying to get my life together more and more each day. Haven't been in touch with my mother which is good but I wished we could of had a real conversation. Me and my father are better than ever."
"That's good that you have your father and that he changed his life, that's honestly so great for him. And about your mother, she'll realize what she did was wrong but it will be too late. You can't change a person no matter how much you try. If they don't want to change they aren't going to change. I know it hurts but trust me, you don't need that back in your life at all anymore" Joe mom says. His mother is like a mother to me, she helps me a lot, she listens to me, she loves me.
"Thank you so much mama bear" I said as I gave her a hug. While I'm giving her a hug, the door opens and it's Joe.
"Hey guys" Joe says
"Hey" me and his mother says at the same time.
"It's almost time for them to come." Says his mom
"Yeah. I know. " Joe says.
"We should all watch a little movie before they come." I suggested and they agreed so we put on a comedy. We were laughing, having a great time, talking. It was really nice and really needed for us three. By the time we were the done, the detective and cops were at the door. I got up to open the door.
"Hey there" I said opening the door letting them in, they all replied with hello.
"First I will need to talk with the mother alone, then we are going to go to Joe" one of the detectives said
"Okay" said both Joe and his mother. I grabbed Joe into our room.
"Are you okay baby?"
"I'm fine baby."
"Kind of" he says shakily
"Don't be baby. You got this my love. I believe in you." I said as I held him for a little bit. His mom knocked on the door
"They're ready for you"
"Alright thank you mom" says Joe as he walks to meet them. I came out of the room so I can hear the conversation.
"Hello Joe, nice to meet you I'm detective Howard and this is detective Asia and here are a few policemen who are just here for the questioning."
"Nice to meet all of you" Joe says.
"So your father was abusive right?"
"Please explain to me some background."
"For my whole life my father has always been abusive. He would always lock me in rooms in the dark, he would beat me with his belt, chair, burn me with fire, mark up my back with cuts and bruises, push me on the floor, call me names, said I was never going to be anything and told me that his life is better off without me. He would hit my mother many times in the face, push her down all the time, make my mom do things that she wouldn't, but I'm sure you guys know her side" Joe says
"Yes we know her side but thanks for telling a little about hers. So the day your father died? Walk me through that?" Detective Howard says.
"My father was screaming at my mother, can't remember why. He was pushing her, hitting her so much and you know, seeing my mom get hurt doesn't sit right with me so I knew I had to stand up for her, to protect her so I went running towards him, pushing him off. I just started swinging on him, hits after hits. He punches me back and my mom tried to intervene as I'm trying to stop me, but he pushes her on the ground which caused my mother to hit her head so I picked up a pot from the stove and hit him in his head with it, he fell and landed hard on the floor." Joe explains.
"Wow. We are so sorry to hear that. I know that just of been traumatic. After that happened, and you start to notice he was dead. How did you feel about it?"
"To tell you the truth. I felt relief. Relief because he could never hurt us anymore or cause us pain." He says
"Sounds like to me this was self defense." Says Detective Asia
"Yes it does" says Detective Howard while he looks at me weirdly.
"It was self defense. I didn't want him to kill us" Joe says
"Of course not. Thank you for the truth. We will need you to come down to the station. Answer the same questions to just make sure the story is the same and that there's no cracks in it and need you to make a statement. Once that's settled, and there's no cracks in your story then you will just have to be on probation for 1 month, and community service for two months, and one night in jail. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes it does, thank you so much for listening" Joe says
"Always. These policemen will take you now, we will follow behind" Detective Howard says as they left out of the door.
"Bye babe, bye mom, I love you" Joe says leaving out of the door and closing it. I'm so worried for him just as long as he doesn't mess up he's good. I hope everything be okay for him. My phone started to ring, a number I don't recognize
"Hello?" I said
"Hello, this is Dr.Lisa. Joe gave me your number to talk with you about what the police said so we can schedule a appointment together."
"Oh hello Dr.Lisa, Joe will have to spend a day in a jail cell, 1 month probation, and community service for 2 months."
"Oh okay. That sounds good. The day I have is next Friday. You think he can make it? Around 11:00 am?"
"Oh yes, I will definitely tell him that."
"It was really nice talking to you" she says
"It's nice to talk to you too." I said back
"Have a great rest of the week." Says Dr.Lisa
"You too love" I said before I hung up. She seems trustworthy hopefully she is because he deserves another loyal person he can trust in his life.

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