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I had such a good day with him. Learning more about him is just so relieving. I'm already thinking of the future. I have to slow down on that because that is thinking about things a little too much. I'm in the house and seen my mom sleeping on the couch. She looks so precious even though she's evil. I pull the cover over her, turned the tv off and the light & went up to my room. I don't know why I just did what I did. I love my mother I just hate how she is. It sucks because I really want her to be someone in my life but that's never going to happen. I'm just so lucky to have Joe and his mother, they are beautiful blessed people. I took off my clothes and went into the shower. Taking long hot showers makes me feel so brand new, clean. It's like a euphoric feeling, a release even. I got out of the shower dried my hair and put them into dutch braids, I put on my pjs. I went into the kitchen to get me some ice cream, got some, came back to my room, turned the tv on & put it on bad girls club. I'm eating, laughing, just having me time. I ate the whole ice cream cart, I threw it away and turned off my tv and my lights.
"Goodnight baby" I sent
"Goodnight my beautiful queen." He replies back. I turned off my phone and went to sleep.
I woke up to find my mom standing over me.
"What do you want?" I ask
"I want you to go get my damn drugs from this guy."
"I'm not doing anything anymore for you."
"Oh heck yes you will. Don't make me beat your ass up again" she says
"Get it your damn self if you want it so bad"
"Fine" she says as she spits on me & walked out. What the fuck is wrong with this crazy bitch, spitting on me when I didn't know where her mouth been. That's hella disrespectful but what can I expect from someone like her. I went into the shower and scrubbed my face hard and my body. I came out of the shower put on a white camisole with some baby blue jeans, put on mascara, lipstick and put my hair into a high ponytail, sprayed on some pink sugar perfume. I feel clean, I smell good. I went into the kitchen and I started cooking some waffles with bacon. Something simple for this morning. I got done cooking and started to eat.
"Hey baby"
"Hi baby!" I sent back
"I miss you so much baby. How did you sleep?" Joe says
"I miss you more baby. I slept okay. You?"
"I slept fine babe, not too well but I got some rest" he replied.
"I'm sorry baby."
"Later, tonight. I'm picking you up in a limo. So wear something fancy, we're going to a ball room and they have food there as well." He sends
"Oh I like that. I'm so down baby" I say. We kept texting back and fourth. Just talking. Our thoughts.
"I'll hit you up later my gorgeous" he says
"Okay baby." I said back. My mom came out of her room high ass shit.
"What you looking at" she says
"Not you" I said
"Good because your face disgusts me" she says. I was going to say something but I don't feel like ruining my day or listening to her so I grabbed a jacket and walked outside. I can't deal with her and sometimes you just need to remove yourself from the situation. I decided that I was going to go to this park by my place and read 5 chapters of my book. I sent Joe a picture of my book at the park.
"I'll get started right away." He says back. Reading this book makes me connect to it in a way I haven't had before. The way the words are, the way the words flow. What the character is going through. How she feels and how she controls it, it's just a mystery. I finished 5 of the chapters and it was 5 different tragic but beautiful chapters I've ever read. I like this. I like books that makes me think, and wonder about it even after I put down the book. I got up, and took a Uber to a clothing store, it's mostly just a ball room dressing store but cheap.
"Hello Ma'am welcome to the love story. Could I help you with anything?"
"Hey nice to meet you. I was hoping you have a dress that's medium sized in length, something simple but glam and glittery?"
"I have a few of those. What is your size?"
"I am size 2 in dresses"
"Okay. I'm going to get the few I have. You can pick any one of these and try all of them on" she says
"Okay thank you" I said back. She comes back with 3 beautiful dresses and she took me to a changing room.
"Thank you"
"No problem ma'am." She says with a smile. I shut the door, took off my clothes and try on dress number one. She gave me pictures of the models wearing the dress. And I took some pictures of that in my phone:
1st Dress:

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