Chapter 8

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(Author's note: This chapter will have a little lemon and mention of drugs)

  This thought flashes through Daniel's mind as he pondered about it. But in the end, he dismisses it as it didn't seem that likely, it was evident that Karina's parents mentioned that she only went to study abroad with her other relatives. With that, he doesn't pray further into what is going on throughout the years.

  Karina is once again busy trying to find out who is the one causing all the incidents. When she hears a vibration of her clan phone, she picked it up and noticed an email which reads. 'A16 this is M09 here to inform you that there's another victim in the second week of your mission. You may need to speed up the investigation, again is the same result the victim is a guy and still clinging to dear life here. That's all good luck.'

  Karina clicked her tongue in frustration is only the 2nd week of her mission and a 3rd victim is found. At this point, she can only go so quickly as the only one that can give her the needed answers is Daniel. Karina changes to a much more suitable outfit and head to Daniel's apartment next door.

  Karina knocks on the door and she hears the door opening from the inside and a sudden 'thud'. Karina gave out a soft laugh as Daniel just slipped and fell. Then the door opened and Daniel was half naked, by the looks of things he was in the shower only wearing his pants. Karina looked away upon self-conscious action.

  "Ah... sorry 'bout that but well I can't keep you waiting right? Plus you already seen what my body looks like, so... why look away?" Daniel spoke in a teasing manner.

  Karina can only react by pushing him whilst avoiding eye contact as she feels her face being all flustered, almost giving a sneering look at Daniel for teasing her. Daniel chuckled at Karina's reaction as it is a very cute response.

  "Anyway in all honesty what brings you here? Need company?" Daniel questioned.

  "I came to speak with you about something... we should continue this inside someone would see us," Karina mentioned.

  "Oh alright come on in, just give me a moment I'll be right back. Just make yourself feel at home." Daniel answered, as he gestures to Karina that she is allowed to enter his home, and walked into his room to wear his shirt, as Karina proceeds to walk over to Daniel's living room and sat on the couch, moving her braided hair to her lap.

  "Alright, what do you want to talk about? Wait I could probably guess... it's about yesterday right?" Daniel spoke, as he walked out of his room drying his hair with a towel, and seating down beside Karina.

  Karina look away albeit a bit embarrassed that she was "that" easy to read. But she nodded in response.

  "Alright, I guess it doesn't hurt to tell you. I already mentioned that Incubus has to get together with females, whilst Succubus is with the males. I believe Troy mentioned this one as it doesn't hurt that much to tell, since we would erase those memories anyway. But this one is about the difference between "Love energy" and "Life energy". "Daniel stop midway to make sure that Karina catches up with whatever he just said as it is quite the concept to wrap one's head around. But all Karina can do is put her hand on the back of her head scratching her head to try and keep up with this information.

  But she looked up and spoke."Is the difference its properties of the 2 energies or something else?"

  Daniel nodded and continued. "The difference is that "Love energy" is more powerful than "Life energy" but it's difficult since it's only when an Incubus or Succubus finds themselves a significant other that which isn't easy to find love for our kind. So thus we rely on "Life energy" but even so there are a lot of good properties if we rely on "Love energy" as love itself is like a powerful form of magic, so we can do a lot of things if we do so. But it's also the same for "Life energy" but that form of energy is a little weaker. Oh right, it must be shocking to you... pfff" Daniel looked up, but soon laughed at Karina's reaction, as Karina looked speechless with her eyes widening and her jaw looking like it fell to the ground.

  "Hahahahahahahahahahah... oh Karina you should look at yourself, you are absolutely speechless, but sorry I shouldn't be laughing at you. But I can't help it. You're just too cute." Daniel laughed as he ruffled Karina's hair adoring her cuteness. But if only Daniel knew that Karina was only acting.

  "Sorry, we are getting off track, aren't we? Anyway, where was I? Oh, now I remember, however, there is a drawback with relying on "Life energy" The demon in question could get addicted to it like a drug. Also, it's important that they shouldn't feed on the same person as their lives will be cut short, or worse they could die. Ah, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry after what happened yesterday I shouldn't mention it!" Daniel quickly apologised for mentioning that part about death and pulled Karina to his chest and caressed her head as if he didn't mean it.

  Karina can only react to hugging back. However, in her mind, she can probably tell who is in charge of the incidents.

(A/n Karina and all other members alike will have 2 phones to work with. One phone is created by the clan and another phone works just like the other ordinary phones. There are 2 names given for each phone 1 is the 'clan phone' which is directly connected to the clan and installed with a GPS. Another is called the 'mission phone', that phone has no connection to the clan in any way and will self-destruct once the mission is deemed complete.)

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