Chapter 11

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  After the conversation, no deal, Mr Alzerd rose from his seat and left the restaurant, he was determined to find this Succubus in order to make sure Karina stays away from Daniel. Making a call to his trusting associates and inform them this info... they start with the work.

  'You will leave once I get the proper information... I wish for my son to not be in danger because of you. You will disappear and I will make certain of it... but what do you mean by 'I can stay away from Daniel... but I don't think he will'? Either way I will get this done.' Mr Alzerd aggressively thought, he truly despises Karina.

(Flashback to 12 years)

  "Dad I just made a new friend!!!" Said a younger Daniel, with a bright innocent smile on his face.

  "Really? Now that's great! What's their name? And gender?" Mr Alzerd asked curiously.

  "Is a she and her name is Karina. She's a very sweet and kind girl." Young Daniel said with excitement.

  "Oh, you seem to like being with her. Well how about the future? What do you think can happen." Mr Alzerd smiled knowing his son has made a friend at last.

  "I wish to stay by her side forever. Like you and mama!" Young Daniel exclaimed.

  'Oh my, Daniel finally has a friend he would want to be with forever? Now that's rare amongst all other Incubi. Maybe I should meet her parents when both are older.' Mr Alzerd thought happily.

  It was a few days later when Mr Alzerd accidentally met Karina along with her father and mother with his wife and son in tow. However, Mr Alzerd got the feeling that Karina's father was not who he seem to be, it was that moment that he felt like his defensive instincts kicked in. . .

That moment


He felt as if he has a knife at his throat


That someone was about to kill him


That moment


  "Hey sir are you alright?" A voice yelled out to him. . . Mr Alzerd snapped out of his daze and realised who spoked to him. . . It was Mr Kallfard, Karina's father that spoked to him. . .

  "Oh... um yah I'm alright thank you for your concern..." Mr Alzerd answered to the seemingly worried looking Mr Kallfard

  "Love... you got off from work early!" Miss Alzerd starts conversation with her husband as it was a rare occasion for Mr Alzerd to got of his work early, because of a massive pile of paperwork.

  However it was cut short, as he was cut back to reality, the present, Mr Alzerd shook his head, as if he was dizzy. He looked at his watch checking the time, it was nearly 8pm, Mr Alzerd looked up and pick up the pace and power walk home.

  The door opens and Mr Alzerd smiled and declared that he is home as usual, but his eyes widen as Daniel was home as well, which itself is rare due to his busy time committed to University, Daniel was helping out in the kitchen, it was just in time as dinner was just made.

  The Alzerd family, had a peaceful dinner, a family atmosphere would've have been present if Mr Alzerd wasn't quiet and giving a 'I am not in a good mood' vide. Which both his wife and son noticed and kept quiet.

  "I'd like to talk to you son." Mr Alzerd finally spoke, Daniel immediately sense that this is not going to be a calm conversation. But he nod in agreement. Mdm Alzerd on the other hand is concerned about where this conversation could go.

  After dinner, the father and son pair went to Mr Alzerd's office. Which just went through some. . . Renovation. It was built to be soundproof, for some reason, well either way, Mr Alzerd had a feeling that whatever he is bringing up would cause a commotion, which in turn could cause their neighbour to complain about them. However, all but the door was soundproof, to make sure he could hear someone knocking on the door. With that, Miss Alzerd was concerned and thus eavesdropping on the father son pair.

  The atmosphere was dense in the room.  "So father. What was it you needed to talk to me about?" Daniel broke the intense silence, but Mr Alzerd was surprised, not by Daniel's words from the silence but by how. . . Tough no, by how defiant it sounds, is as if Daniel knew what his father would talk about. But Mr Alzerd would dropped with that thinking for this conversation is important to him.

  "You must have already known about Karina's affiliation I assume?" Mr Alzerd questions with killer stares.

  "Maybe... maybe not. I have thought about it and really it made some sense. But by this conversation we are having right now. You don't seem pleased by this. Right father?" Daniel pointed out and gave a cold stare.

  "Is for your safety son. You know how dangerous they can get. Is for your own good." Mr Alzerd stated towards his son.

  "Dad I know what dangers could lark and I am prepared for that, plus I am not a kid anymore." Daniel in anger shouted to his dad.

  "She's only using you for information. Don't you see it?" His father list the obvious.

  "Well then explain this. Why was she willing to give up her first time? She would've walked out of the room and make a clone and that will be that. All of us knows a virgin when we sense one." Daniel shot down his father's claims.

  "What!? She's that willing to do that!? That sounds unbelievable. Wait. . . No wonder it felt off. Guess her 'training' payed off. Well either way she's leaving once she's done with everything. She has a mission and once done she will be gone." He criticised his son.

  "That I know, but I'll stay with her till the end whether you like it or not." Daniel notes.

  And with that Daniel, using his ability teleports away back to his apartment. Miss Alzerd opened the door and looked at her husband.

  "Daniel truly love Karina and though Karina doesn't show it, the feeling is mutual. Honey, you shouldn't cause a rift like this. I know is for the sake of our son but. Remember he is all grown up. We need to let him walk his path. Besides the future is uncertain many things can change my love." Miss Alzerd spoke in a soft tone. In which Mr Alzerd could only respond with a nod.


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