Chapter 26

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  "Now then the armour may provide you protection from physical harm but..." the man leered at Karina's body, the armour shape reduces air resistance, but at the same time, it perfectly shapes her body figure.

  Even though Daniel couldn't see it he could tell that man was drooling, but he thought to himself could he even beat a guy of such power? As much as he needs to save Karina the main question lies if he could even pummel him down.

  "Wha! Wait hands off! You keep your hands to yourself. NO!! KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS TO YOURSELF!!" The man started getting handsy with his approach to Karina with her hands tied with no ordinary ropes.

  Daniel was fully aware of her abilities but the fact that she was unable to break free from her restraints, he clutched his fist to the point his nails would pierce his palm. He couldn't just stand still.

  Before anyone could process what was happening, the man was flung across the room. His back hit the wall so hard that the wall cracked. Karina looked to her side to see Daniel, but he had some unexpected extra appendages.

  "You... keep your hands... OFF HER!!" Daniel yelled his wings spreading out defensively. He never felt such strength even if it was quite evident by how hard he flung the man. The end of his wings works like ice picks and he uses them to slash the ropes apart.

  Daniel could barely hold back his anger and dashed towards him, using his wings and offensively swiping at him, he'd got close enough to strike him square in the face.

  Karina witnessed the immense strength that Daniel was displaying, it felt surreal as Daniel was considered pretty weak before losing his virginity.

  But Daniel was flung back close to Karina and on his feet. Before he could launch another attack, Karina grabbed his arm. He looked at her and he realised he lost his cool, he looked at the man staring at him with a dagger-like gaze.

  "Ah, it's you. As I thought... that power. You could've used it more effectively. But no you just have to act against our nature." The man mocked as he dusted off the debris on his clothes.

  "Knew it. So it was all your doing. Who would have thought you'd be this twisted? Well no matter what, you are going to regret even being alive." Karina spoke summoning her weapon which is that of a Shotel*.

  Karina dashed forward and in the blink of an eye she was directly in front of him, using her Shotel she skewered him through, and he screamed in the surging pain that passed through his body. He may be a demon but swords summoned by Hero Clans would always bring pain no matter how strong or old you are.

  Karina was simply prolonging his death, he bleed out as the weapon was pierced through his heart. Karina proceeds to twist her weapon counterclockwise before pulling the Shotel out.

  "Well then goodbye." Karina gave a cold smile to the man and raised her Shotel slashing him down at his neck. His body disintegrates to dust as she does so.

  "Karina your face, is all bloody up. Help is on its way. The people patrolling outside should've been handled by father." Daniel seemingly unfazed by the fact Karina killed someone approached her and attempted to use healing magic on her face.

  "Daniel! You alright?" The healing was interrupted by an outburst belonging to his father.

  "I am fine, father just helping Karina with the treatment," Daniel answered his father's worries.

  "Good, great. We have managed to get everyone apprehended. But I can fully understand why you sent that kid to us." Mr Alzerd spoke acknowledging Karina's good judgement.

  "Well first there is something else I need to handle so please excuse me," Karina spoke putting her face helm back over her eyes and walking out of the door where she was kept.

  Daniel looked at his father and back at Karina for a moment, his father simply nodded as if he knew what he was thinking about. Daniel followed behind Karina.

  "Curious about my work? Is just routine stuff at this point. Plus Maribel just so happens to be a pawn to that guy's experiment." Karina explained as she walked over to the door that the man went into before she sent her buddy away.

  Behind the door, is a prison cell, grey uneven wall tiles, cracked concrete floor and a worn bed, and there lies a girl, with that familiar strawberry blond hair, shaking, trembling in fear.

  Karina walked up, and taking out a closed bottle, opening it released a scent that calms the mind. The girl slowly stopped shaking, turning around she spots the masked Karina and Daniel.

  "Daniel!? Is that you!? Oh heavens thank you. I was terrified, I even thought that no one would find me. Is horrible... oh I can't believe I had to be saved by someone like you." Maribel sobs and runs to embrace Daniel and also spots Karina.

  Daniel was shocked and looked at Karina hoping she wouldn't misunderstand about his relationship with Maribel.

  "Uh... let go, we are not that close. Also, you shouldn't feel bad about being saved." Daniel startled and pushed Maribel away from him and glanced back at Karina.

  However her helmet's mask, makes it hard to read her emotions, all he can see is her mouth which is smiling.

  All of a sudden Karina laughed as if she was witnessing something funny then something offensive.

  "Such an interesting relationship you two have here. But honestly, if it wasn't for my work I would've dated you in an instant. I mean I see the appeal, I get you hon'." Karina spoke in a teasing manner towards the two.

  "Now then I have to handle another thing, as much as I am saying that so that you two could chat. Unfortunately, it is the opposite. As you should know miss and sir." Karina continued as if she was just a third-wheeler in this conversation. And she leaves the room.

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