Chapter 24

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Disclaimer there will be mentions of "Horror" related elements past the middle. I know is vague but well take a look out for that, is not that horror-ish but in the realm of fantasy to unspeakable can and will happen.

  Turning back and taking on the perspective of Karina...

  Karina and her little buddy leapt out of her balcony and hop on the streetlights, occasionally running on the walls of the buildings. Soon they came to the outskirts of the bustling cityscape, and a more private area under the city's domain.

  There the pair stood on top of a roof, across to their view lies the mansion in which their potential culprit "lives". Even with their head gears on covering their eyes, the pair turned to look at each other as if they acknowledged their eye contact from behind the mask they both nod in approval.

  The pair leapt forward, reaching the fence of the place, over the fence and into hiding within the shrubs placed near the fence. The time is quite late, so the chances of people being awake or around is pretty low. But neither pair waited and listens to their surroundings.

  "The cost seems clear, A16. It seems safe to head on in. Shall we proceed senior?" The kid questions.

  "Don't let your guard down. It may seem like the coast is clear, but we need to take precautions for potential witnesses." Karina enforced.

  The pair quickly make haste to the mansion's walls. The little one crouched around close to the entrance, he got yanked back around the corner of the mansion.

  "That was uncalled for! My heart just skipped a beat senior." The kid silently hissed at Karina.

  In Karina simply places her finger on her lips signalling him to be quiet. Then she points back to the entrance. The boy looked around the corner to see what was Karina pointing at, he spotted a particular light of red. It was security cameras. He looked back at his senior and gave an embarrassed smile. Karina could only shake her head and smile at her little buddy.

  Karina looked around and noticed a window, it was closed, but not locked. She quietly lifted the window and slip inside one of the mansion rooms, the boy closed behind her.

  To their surprise and luck. They managed to get into seemingly a sturdy room of sorts. Her little buddy and Karina tiptoe about the room, and as silently as they could ramage through the shelves. But they weren't able to find anything.

  The little boy carefully unlocked the door and tried to open it as slowly and quietly as possible. The little buddy was about to march out of the study room but was grabbed on the shoulders.

  Karina proceeds to knock a knuckle on the poor amateur's head on his lack of observation. The floor he was about to walk on is timber flooring. Karina had to make sure that the armour on her feet is absent to make sure the noise will not be produced. The little buddy follows suit.

  They split to quickly and quietly ran in the halls and took glances at each room. That was when Karina spotted stairs that leads down rather than up.

  "Why is it always the basement that is the last thing that we have to look at?" Karina questioned under her breath. The little buddy walked to her side and took a look at the stairs. He looked at the stairs and looked back up at Karina.

  Karina shuts her eyes for a moment taking a breather. And she opens them again, and walks down the stairs. With her buddy following by her side. They open the door and took a bold step into the dimly lit hallway.

  They walked and looked around. The little buddy felt his whole body tense up. He didn't like whatever is going on in this basement, he took a glance at his senior she doesn't seem fazed at all as she continued to take confident strides on her steps.

  Karina stopped at one door in particular, she's not sure what but she felt anguish behind it. She wasn't sure if she was imagining or not. But it didn't matter. She lock-picks the door open, and behind it reveals... jars?

  Both looked at the jars, each one held a glowing orb. But they hear something. Or rather someone. Chills go down the young buddy's spine, he was used to seeing blood but hearing the cries that seemingly have no source made him tremble.

  "H... el... p..."

  "S... av... e... me..."

  "It... s... houl... dn't... be... l... ike... this..."
  "G... et... me... ou... t... of... he... re..."

  The eery sounds of cries for help all simultaneously call out to someone's presence in the room. The pair listened, it doesn't seem right, these jars... they each hold... a soul...

  Karina then realised that this could be where all the victim's souls were. They were all trapped in these jars. The little buddy walked up to one to examine it. Whilst Karina walked to the desk at the end of the room. Seeing all the paperwork... no rather notes of whatever is going on.

  "It seems to be that these jars are cast with a mix of spells overlapping one another. But I can't say for sure how many." The little buddy gave his report, to Karina as she shuffles through the papers on the desks.

  "Huh... that's all you can find? I guess it would be difficult for us to find out more. For now, you should put it back we'll analyse it once we get the culprit. Wait... someone has returned home." Karina sensed the house owner.

  The little buddy was careful to peek through the gap in the door. Then someone opened the door of the basement and walked into the room, it was Maribel. She truly was the culprit behind all this, but doubt came over and he saw a man. He was confused, but the man's eyes quickly turned in his direction.

  The little buddy was quickly pulled away from the gap and he found himself behind the desk. Karina placed her finger on her lips signalling him to stay quiet.

  The man only spotted the boy but not Karina, due to her experience she can hide her presence, so she's convinced he would walk to the very room they are in.

  In which he did, slamming the door wide open. They feel sharp glares from the man making a sweep through the room.

  Karina quickly opened the palm of the little buddy and wrote something on it for him to remember, it was written in a language he doesn't recognise other than the secret code and a few basic phrases of all existing languages. But in the end, she wrote down a name.


"To Daniel"

  Before he could say anything he felt himself being sent away by a portal, only catching a glimpse of Karina standing up to confront the man. He hears her speak the words in the secret language.


"I'll be fine, just find him. It's their field of knowledge."

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