Chapter 16

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  However even if any members of the clan falls in love it is difficult to say what can happen depending on the situation. For it could be different depending on who they fell in love with.

  Karina is a girl that is always dedicated to her work no matter the circumstance. But this is the first time she felt such feelings for someone, in addition to the fact that she didn't meet him for a decade now.

  'Karina you need to stay focus. You know it yourself you can't stay here. Once mission is over you have to leave. No need to leave. You can't have these feelings.' Karina thought, trying to distract herself.

  At that point she heard her front door being opened, and by that moment of time she knows that Daniel just left her apartment. Letting out a sigh, she dresses herself up, for she is meeting her mother not behind a screen, but face to face after a decade. But before she left, she recalled the comments her brothers gave and went back to get a perfume to cover the scent, for something like that, it can lasts for at least a week.

  It was already 7am reaching to 8am, that she left. But due to the time, she decided to take a walk, instead of taking a public transport. From her current apartment complex to her home a dozen years back it is roughly 30 minutes for a leisure walk.

  By the time Karina reaches to her mother's home, she senses something off. Karina cautiously walked up the door, realising that the front door is lock, but only one person is present from what she can tell. However, Karina thought about it and realised that it wasn't forced, meaning it wasn't broken into.

  Preparing for the worst, Karina open the door prep for an ambush, but was flabbergasted by the sight.

  "MOM!!??" Karina was stunned, to see her mother. . . WITH EARS AND TAILS!!! Karina was taken aback.

  But the woman that was her mother just simply turned around with a smile on her face.

  "My dear daughter, your back. Yes, yes I know that you are surprised by this event. After all you didn't know that I your mother was actually a fox. I believe that explanation is much needed on my end." Karina's mom knew what her daughter would want to hear, she raised her after all.

  Karina's mother casually walked up the stairs and Karina follows suit. To the master bedroom they went, Karina's mother sat on the bed and gestured her daughter to sit next to her. Karina obediently sat just a few centimetres away from her mother.

  "Karina, first of all I know that you are upset that I didn't say anything and so does your father. I am also well aware about what happened to him. In any case let's not talk about that. Yes I am a fox shifter, however we can only properly shift if we reach a certain age. I  wanted to tell you this because in the years time you will be doing the same thing, all your brothers gone through it. But you I wasn't too sure if you are like me." Karina's mother started explaining but was unsure with something about her own daughter.

  "What do you mean mother? What was different from me and my brothers?" Karina listened but spoke in question about what her mother could imply.

  "You see all hybrids are capable of emitting an aura that is hardly noticeable unless one is very sensitive to magic, like myself, but it wasn't the case for you. You didn't emit such an aura. So I wasn't sure. I would have love that you would just be normal, which seems controversial since your brothers has done the same ceremony. But, even so till this day I can't tell if you are like your brothers. But even so, 1 week before your birthday will be the time to tell if you are like your brothers." Karina's mother tried her best to explain to Karina about her lineage.

  Silence filled the room, as Karina processes the information that her mother gave her. One of the pros of being a fox shifter is that she can live a long life, but it means losing the life that she was use to, to readjust her new form.

  "So I have to do it on my birthday?" Karina thought for a long while and finally spoke.

  "Well not necessarily needed. But it is special so it is recommended. I know you are busy with your new mission. That I understand, so don't need to worry. Finish your mission then we can worry about the ceremony later." Karina's mother reassures her troubled daughter's mind.

  "Ok. Hm? Sorry mother I need to take this call." Karina looked at the callers id, Karina gave a smirk after looking at it. She stood up and walked to another part of the room, picking up the call.

  "Mr Alzerd, can I assume this would be about my mission?"

"You can bet on that one. I have some clues, from what my resources tells me. It was a student from Daniel's University."

"Hm... do all Succubus works in a bar?"

"That be utter madness. They'd be taking it like a drug instead."

"Hm... I may have just gotten an additional clue. But I'll need to confirm it myself. But in any case thank you for your assistance. Which reminds me, you can take this as a way of gratitude for that medication, from what I can tell you did unknowingly ask a Hero Clan to make the medication for your son. For free even. With that being said I thank you again."

  Karina hang up the phone, then she proceeds to use the clan phone to call her brother for more information.

"What's up? What do you need?"

"I'd like to know about the victims last place of visit before their current condition."

"Hm... it could take a while I'll ask the others to look into it. I'll give their findings if there is any."


Karina felt as if she is getting closer and closer to solving this case. Of course with the help of others that is, one was technically forced to help, but nonetheless he did sound much more relaxed compared to the last meeting, he sounded tensed almost aggressive, as if he would kill her, previously.

  Then she gotten a text message from Daniel, asking if he could with Karina. Karina subconsciously gave a smile upon seeing the message, she texted him back. Her mother seems pleased that she has a lover.

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