Chapter 10

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  Despite being in separate rooms, Karina is well trained in the arts of the clan, as a result her hearings is more powerful then regular humans. For this fact, she heard the conversation Daniel and his mother had. But again she has to act clueless in order to get information. At this moment Daniel entered his room with the plate of confectionery his mother gave.

  "Ah... don't mind the mess, you see it was my mother that plan this, I haven't been back here for a while so it was a little odd that she did that. But hey at least you would be bus- even that part of my closet!?" Daniel suddenly exclaimed. As his mother seem to also took out his clothes which to his surprise included his undergarments.

  "So despite being in a different house, you didn't take all your clothes how strange. Also is your mother a human?" Karina questioned, seemingly unaware about the undergarment situation.

  "Oh... she is a Succubus, a lust demon. I'll tell you more, but you should take a sit." Daniel gestured.

  Karina sat on the floor as it felt weird to sit on a bed of an opposite gender, Daniel took a sit as well and was about to continue when he was cut off.

  "But isn't it only the humans the Incubus and Succubus has to get with?"
Daniel was taken by surprise but regain his composure and correct Karina's misconceptions.

  "No, incorrect actually, they have to get with only the opposite gender, not just humans. Which means any species can do. Wait you don't really know the existence of other species. But yeah there's other species, like other sub-species of demons, angels and many more. But I rather not say the rest it could just fry your brain just to digest so many information." Daniel paused to prevent so much information as Daniel knew that this information could get Karina killed, however it was not to his expectations it wasn't the case, not to his knowledge.

  Karina sense that from him, and didn't continuing the conversation, knowing that Daniel won't say so much about the other kinds. Daniel proceeds to tell what happened over the course of Karina's absent in town, on the contrary Karina lies with a straight face about what happened to her "overseas at abroad school".

  It was going to be the dusk when they noticed the time. "I have other things to do at this time, so I shall head off first then. Sorry I couldn't stay for dinner. But I'll meet you back at the apartment, so see you." Karina move over and gave a quick pack on Daniel's cheek, and blushed a bit, but she moved away quickly and left his room. Karina left the house much to the dismay of Miss Alzerd, as she called out Karina for why she's leaving so soon.

  On the streets of the city, a seemingly familiar gaze looks over on her shoulders, sensing it immediately Karina turned and saw Mr Alzerd, Daniel's father.

  Mr Alzerd, gave a mixed expression by the aura he exudes. On one end he seemed confused, on another hand he seemed pleased, but there was one which stands out the most... he was FURIOUS! Karina immediately understood what was on his mind. But before she spoke...

  "I like to chat with you for a moment, you know who I am referring to." He spoke in a calm but firm voice.

  'It seemed to have worked, but this conversation might not end well... oh well time to face my fate. Or maybe strike a deal that could peek his interest.' Karina thought.

  Karina walked behind Mr Alzerd to a restaurant, she got the impression that this would be a place where he nor herself can do anything that is illegal, in the watch of the public eye.

  Both took a seat at a table, and immediately Mr Alzerd spoke "Why are you with my son? It may sound like I don't approve of you dating my son, but I don't want him to be involve in what you are doing."

  "Well I am pretty sure you heard of the incidents regarding... the lust rampage. Thus my presence here I need all the information that I need to find the one responsible for this. Fortunately your son was perhaps a "perfect candidate" to gain said information." Karina spoke in a low but firm voice.

  Mr Alzerd thought about what to say for a while, then he open his mouth and spoke. "So you just need the threat to disappear so you will leave? If that is so I have many connections that I can ask for help to know what they witness but I need more information on the victims."

  Karina's stilled mouth curled into a smile as she was happy to hear such news that can help her out. "All victims so far has been males all on the verge of death. Well to be frank we don't normally share this information, as they are very much quite confidential." Karina spoke in a somewhat teasing tone.

  Mr Alzerd in his mind he already know that the main perpetrator is indeed a Succubus. All he has to do now is find out her name and identity. "I'll need sometime to look into which Succubus is responsible. In exchange STAY AWAY FROM MY SON." Mr Alzerd firmly spoke.

  "Pfft... well I can stay away from Daniel but... I don't think he will if you think about why me, when clearly there's other fishes in the sea you could probably understand. With that said here will be my number make sure not to put my name, if you know what I mean" Karina mocked and rose up from her seat and turn to walk to the door not even glancing back, she smiled as she has stuck a pretty nice deal.

Back at Daniel's parent's house

'Why does it feel off I
thought about but there
seems to be subtle hits
she may accidentally
left out...

I don't want to suspect her off anything...

but her question seems
to forceful...

like she is trying to find

Like for someone that
was nearly assaulted she
should be avoiding anything
that could trigger her.

She shouldn't be asking
such questions unless
she has ulteri...

wait that can't be...
she couldn't have been...
is she?

No no no it
shouldn't be...

but then it could explain
why she was gone for a
whole decade. But then
that would mean...

if she is here to complete
a mission...

and when she's done
she will leave again.

And I don't want that I
wish for her to stay here.

But I would just
be selfish...

but can't I be selfish,
when I someone
I hold dear?'

  Daniel's thoughts went on for miles and was absolutely bewildered by the outcome but he was conflicted and what he should do and about his conclusion.

  In the end he sat on his bed and thought about all the events that happened, it was only a while when they were together, but so much has happened.

  He didn't want her to leave but her work is basically her life. Daniel groaned as he is absolutely speechless on what to do.

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