Chapter 12

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  Daniel was furious at his father, still treating him like a child? He paced around his living, feeling frustrated about this. Karina can sense his frustration from her apartment but choose to not hear it. It was this point, Daniel wanted to talk to Karina about the whole clan mission thing, but he also wanted just her company, but was also afraid if he's just an annoyance to her. But it was something he couldn't bare, he had to, no... he need to let it all out.

  With that he pluck up the courage to at least have a conversation with her. But hold himself back.

  'What if she's already asleep? Do I want to wait till tomorrow?' Many questions flooded to his mind as he was about to knock. But he couldn't bare he needed someone to chat with, plus he also liked Karina's company.

  Karina though she was actually asleep, could sense Daniel was at her door, as she is a light sleeper due to the fact that someone could potentially kill her in her sleep and also because she and many others needs to be extremely active due to their... considerable abnormalities. Really considerable abnormal. Though it felt too soon about Daniel finding out who she is, is disturbing to her.

  But it was that moment she shuts her eyes, sensing him in the room. She continued to pretend she's asleep, in the hopes he would leave. But it wasn't to her expectations, Daniel hesitated on his words but finally spoked.

  "Karina. If you really are a member of the Hero clan. . . I like you to just say it out, I gave all my secrets to you, I wouldn't even mind lending you a hand, helping you would be my request if that's really the case. I wrote a diary about our old days before you left at 5
Till now I still do, in the hopes to write down our reunion, which did happen. But. . . I know you are capable in defending yourself. But. . . I really wish you could stay here with me. I just wish to be selfish for once, can anybody blame me? Can you blame me? Karina? For being selfish?"

  Karina hearing all this feels sad, oddly. But even so.


"Sorry. . . Daniel"


  Karina secretly casted a spell that causes whoever she wants to sleep, she excels in this sort of sleep-related spells. She used it on Daniel who is a Demon, but she didn't need to worry, he was weak in magic defence, Demons are more prone to be affected by certain spells more easily compared to Demons with strong magic defence. But as a thanks to helping her mission, she placed Daniel on her bed. She would just need to. . . Adjust his memories accordingly.

  Daniel truly didn't know his old friend turned girlfriend in a span of 1 night, was still skilled in magic. He was knocked out like a log. Karina was able to unlock his door thanks to senses, 2... 1... 1... 2... she keyed in. It was a unique number to both her and Daniel. Karina walked to his room, click... the door was unlocked. Entering his room she went, she looked for his diary, which was quite easy, who in the world would place their diary in the open like this? She pondered almost as if he wanted it to be found. Karina took a read, well not exactly read but it is quick glance, really really quick glance.

  It wasn't even 5 minutes she reached the last page of his diary. From the read it really makes the conclusion, but there are some hints here and there, he also happened to write something about the recent incident.

  But it wasn't enough information, that   moment the her clan phone received a call. Picking it up and on the other end of the phone, it's caller mentioned about the medication they received that belonged to Daniel. They said that it is meant for Incubi and Succubi alike to suppressed this urges. However, the drawback is that it is not a permanent solution, the medication loses its affects over time. But it depends on the person taking this medication, many reasons can cause the affect of the medication to be ineffective, too many in fact.

  At that moment Karina gave an update about what happened with the deal with Mr Alzerd. It was that moment one of the superiors of the clan took over the call. Karina immediately greeted them with high respects, and a conversation was struck.

"Hello there A16 I have heard about the recent development about your solo mission."

"Superior may I be so bold to ask why I am taking a solo mission? This could be done much faster with my assigned partner."

"Well think about it, people will be suspicious about a 10 year old looking kid walking on the streets of a city, and finding a potential murderer. Potential murderer since no one is dead yet. Which reminds me that medication that was sent by you, it seems familiar to me. Oh now I remember. There was an anonymous Demon that practically demanded something like this. Something about a family member, oh that Demon has a child, but is so long ago."

"That must be Mr Alzerd! Oh my apologies Superior but did Mr Alzerd happened to ask for these?"

"Hm... it has been a while it might have slip my mind. Oh ah now I recall, yes Mr Alzerd did plead for such a medication to be created. But it seems that he was completely unaware I was a member myself. Oh the possible realisation."

"By the pervious reports I gave it has narrowed down the suspects a lot as there are approximately around 50 Succubi which is still a lot but is small enough."

"I believe you know what to do from here right?"

"Of course Superior start off small is the best way to narrow down the perpetrator. With that said I should hang up now. Goodbye Superior."

"Goodbye A16 and good luck."

  The conversation ended, Karina headed back to her apartment and alter Daniel's memories to make it look like she asked for his company when he got back. Memory alteration is a very useful spell if used correctly, it could do many things. After the alteration was completed, Karina decided to take her rest, as she still has at least 6 more hours before her patrols starts.

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