Chapter 28

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  "You're leaving already?" There was an obvious dismay in his voice. His eyes looked at hers, giving a silent plea.

  "I should've known, I suppose." Daniel could only see her lips, which only formed an upward curl.

  He couldn't tell what her expression was now. Was she smiling to mock him? Ease him? He couldn't tell. Was it the whole point of having the top part of their faces covered? To prevent any forms of emotions from being seen? From being read?

  He really couldn't, he wasn't even sure if she was smiling at his naivety. He accepted the fact he was naive, that he wouldn't be able to be with Karina for the long term.

  As all those thoughts ran through his head, his face formed a gloomy expression. As Karina saw this change, she could tell what he was thinking.

  "Talk about putting your heart on your sleeve. I am not going anywhere, Daniel." Karina reassures Daniel as she reaches her hand on his face.

  "I know what you are going to say next, 'But you said you are going to leave.' Is true I am going somewhere, but it is only temporarily. I already told you about it. I will not be leaving, not so soon anyway." Karina spoke resting her two hands at his cheek.

  "But I am running out of time. I need to head to the airport, this instance. So I have got to go. So, so sorry. I'll see you in... ah I am running out of time. See you soon." Karina panicked remembering she was short of time. So she gave a peck on Daniel's lips and left, using teleportation magic.

  "Sigh~~~~~~  That girl. I guess it is one of the side effects. Sorry there pal, you'll hear her true words one day." Her brother patted Daniel's shoulder in comfort and walked to the door. But Daniel heard that last part. And turned back to face her brother again, as if he heard something unbelievable.

  "Wait, 'true words one day'? Are you saying what I think you are saying? Or am I mishearing you?" Daniel yelled the man stopped in his tracks, he didn't say a word, the only answer he could see was a nod of his head. He turned around again.

  "It'll take time for that girl, but I am certain of it. But she'll be away for about a month, at most, so you'll see her sometime soon. In any case, I should also get going for I am done here, you should too. Oh yes, give my thanks to your father." Her brother turned again and vanished.

  "Son, we need to go." Mr Alzerd approached his son.

  "Yeah Daniel, they are already gone. So we need to go." Maribel popped out as well.

  With that, they all left the mansion's basement and out to the yard of the house. Before being stopped by the same man again.

  "I believe you all know what to say and not say. So I wouldn't need to remind you again. But you young man... never mind, let your father explain." He disappears again, ending his words.


  The next day at the university, the teacher announced that Karina had some personal problems and would be unable to attend school, for at least a month. Even adding on the reason for her absence yesterday.

  Only Daniel knows the truth, during lessons he tuned out of the conversation. Staring absentmindedly out of the window. Sighing ever so often.

  "Psst. Hey, you okay there bro? You are zoning out." Daniel didn't answer, and Ray's words fell on deaf ears.

  "Hey! You alright there? God, finally you are focused now. You good there bud'?" Ray had nudged his elbow to Daniel's arm, to snap him out it.

  "Sorry about that. I was just thinking of something." Daniel looked away from the window and looked at the front of the room dazed.

  "Hey, I heard from the others about what went down with Maribel. To think that happened to her." Ray whispers to Daniel the news he heard.

  "News travels fast. Well yeah. Yeah." Daniel in a dazed answers haphazardly.

  Ray looked at Daniel, curious about what's with his behaviour today. Was it the fact that Karina was not around? Was there another reason? Is that why he looks this depressed?

  The bell rang and everyone headed for the next lessons. Ray had to give a hard slap to the head, Daniel flinched to the pain. Rubbing his head that got slapped, he looked at Ray. Daniel was about to open his mouth before getting cut off.

  "Come on, the next class is going to start we'll be late," Ray answered before Daniel could be mad at him.

  The lessons went by and lunchtime came around. Once again he was distracted, he didn't touch a single food on his plate.

  "Hey Daniel, sorry to disturb you but I really need to talk to you real quick. And in privet too if you wouldn't mind?" Maribel approached the group, asking for Daniel.

  "I have no reason to follow you. And I am not in the mood. So leave." Daniel retort Maribel.

  "Sigh~ Fine then. Well, thanks for yesterday." Maribel said her thanks and left the cafeteria.

  The rest of the days were that of daydreams and unease for Daniel. For he couldn't help but worry about Karina. He wants the trust Karina's words, that she would be back.

  Gazing out of the window, which overlooks the clouds. Karina absentmindedly looked out the window and was deep in thought. There unanswered questions she has but it isn't appropriate to ask on a commercial plane flight.

  In the end, Karina shut her eyes, as much as she would like to sleep, she couldn't. Her senses are at their peak in her current age and will stay as such unless she doesn't keep up with her training. All she could do was rest her eyes and nothing more. But there was something she couldn't help but open her mouth to ask.

  "Mother, where will we be going exactly? And how long would it be?" Karina asked the important question.

  "Oh, it's a village in the mountains. How long would you be there? I have no idea. Your brothers were there for at least 3 weeks. So maybe you'd be the same? Who knows? You will get all your questions answered over there, my dear." Out of habit, her mother reached out her hand to pet Karina's head. Karina didn't feel particularly bothered by such actions.

  "The plane will be arriving at its destination soon, so please stay in your seats and buckle your seat belts." The stewardess announced.

  "Ah, perfect timing. We will get there soon." Her mother said ending her actions of petting Karina.

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