Chapter 1

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After two months it's school again.. I like summer vacation but after a long time it gets boring but I don't like school neither altough I did study hard and get good points. 

PEEP PEEP PEEP!!" ughhhh..." I slammed my hand on my alarm and fell asleep again.. 

An annoying voice woke me up again "Y/N WAKE UP GOD DAMMITT" I stretched my eyes open by the screaming of my dad. "YAHH UGLY B*TCH DO I NEED TO DRAG YOU OUT OF YOUR BED?!?!" I immediatly let him know I was awake and dressed as fast as I could.

When I came downstairs a hard slap got hit against my face "you better be fast ugly" and drank his bottle of beer out. " sorry" was all I could say I didn't eat and went to school. Since my house isn't far from school I walk everyday to school.

I was just on time at school and saw my two besfriends Lia and Sana waiting for me since we are in the same class we walk togheter to our class. Everyone was talking and all and the teacher wasn't there yet so we chose our seets and sat down. 

Our teacher Mr. Seokjin came in and start he's lesson, after 10 minutes the door opened and there he was Jeon Jungkook or should I say the populair boy everyone likes of the school, yes we know eachother we always were in classes togheter but were not really friends instead we hated eachother like no one else could. You really didn't really know why you hated him but it was something about him itself.

"Jungkook any reasons to explain why you're late?" the teacher asked "no" he said with nothing else but a smirk on his face. "Okay whatever since it's your first day take a seat but next time you get detention understood?"

Jungkook was still smirking and said "thankyou very much seokjinnie". Mr. seokjin rolled his eyes whille Jungkook took a seat at the back next to Hyunjin one of his bestfriends. 

After lesson it was break when I wanted to go out of class Jungkook let me fall over his foot. He was laughing at me when I fell and I could see everyone else staring holes in me, I was very shy but with him I dared to argue so I just stood up and looked at him. "Watch were you walk" he said 

"watch were you put your big ugly feet" I said and gave him a dead glare.

With that I walked away to my bestfriends. "You guys are never gonna be friends huh?" Lia said I scoffed because why would i ever want to be friends with someone like him. "In your wild fantasy dreams" I said.

We sat down for a while and talked until we hearded the bell, I went back to class only to see that the only seat that was left was next to Jungkook. I rolled my eyes and sat down "Hey ugly" he said, what he called me maked me froze because it's how my dad names me too.

I shook it of and decided to ignore it and just give him an answer back.

"Hey grumpy" I said he scoffed but we didn't say anything else for the lesson. 


finally..... you thought but that tought was soon washed over by the thought off your dad, I was always scared to go home again I never knew what to expect from him that's why sometimes I'd rather be at school but thanks to Jungkook it's not that fun too, and walking around the city is not something for me. 

I walked home with some music blasting in my ears, when I unlocked the door I saw my dad sleeping on the sofa. With beer bottles all over the living room I cleaned everything so he didn't get mad at me for not cleaning.

I was cleaning when I dropped a bottle his eyes got open and darted immediatly at me "AIshhhh our ugly is home" . He stood up grabbed me by the arm pushed me against the wall and slapped me at my face and punched me at my stomach.

"Dad stoppp" I cried but that never worked so I just let it happen, when he was finally done I was already laying on the ground crying he scoffed "what a ugly loser who can't even stand up" he laughed.

After a while I tried to get up and went to my room holding my body onto the rails of the stairs, he was already gone probably drinking some more at some bar, I went to my room and didn't dress into my night clothes since I was not in the mood.

I lay myself down and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.

I woke up drenched in a wet shirt and sweaty body, a nightmare I had it again I was used to it I almost had one every night, I lay down again and fell asleep



It's my first book and sorry if there are any spelling faults but my first language isn't English so yeah I hope you'll love this book! 

this was a little short ig ? If you want it longer tell me ❤

School Enemies  //JK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now