Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

I got very shy so try to hide myself until he combed my hair with his one hand and tilted my head by picking my chin which made me look at him he was smirking again he pulled my face to his and pecked my lips he pulled back to then peck my lips again he did it over and over until I was laughing by what he was doing..

He lay back after a while looking at my face I couldnt help but take a glanse off his lips they looked so soft and smooth so I kissed him deeply he was shocked by my sudden action but still kissed back he started smilling with his bunny smile which was to cute.

After our making out session we played more on the PS4 and I got better at it and even won a few times which made me get less shy around him. Just spending time around him made me feel better.

I felt my phone ringing next to me I picked it up and saw it was my dad "who is it" Jungkook asked I didnt aswer which was enough for him to understand he saw my hand shaking so he took my phone and put it at the other side of the bed.

He grabbed my cheecks and made me look at him "hey I'm here it's ok" he pulled me in for a hug. "We should go to bed it's late already" I nodded "yeah but can I shower first" he nodded as respond.

After the shower I noticed the make-up was gone and I was still to scared to show my face I yelled Jungkook's name a few times but he didn't came so I covered my face with my hands and went to his room. I stood outside while I spoke up "Jungkook?" "yes come in" since I couldnt come in I stood there "I cant" he didnt understand so came outside.

Jungkook pov

I didnt understand why she couldnt come in so I went outside and she immediantly turned around "what's wrong?" I asked she didnt really answered so I went to stand in front of her she covered her face with her hands. "W-where is-s the make-up-p?" she stutterd, now it was all clear. "Wait" I said while going to my mom's room to get the make-up bag.

I gave it to her "you dont need to cover up for me" I said. "Your gonna think I'm ugly or someone who cant defend herself" I couldnt believe what she just said. "No you are strong and beautiful I mean it dont hide yourself for me".

"D-do you r-really wanna-a see my f-face?" she asked shy "yes, show me yourself" I said and with that she slowly let her hands fall down still looking at the floor. "Look at me" I said soft she looked up what I saw made me shocked there was almost no natural skin color to be seen on her face it was al red blue purple.

Without saying another word I pulled her into a hug and spoke in her ear "You are strong beautiful worth it and much more remember that" I felt her sobbing in my neck so we stayed like that for a while I saw my mom coming up the stairs she wanted to say something but I signed her that it wasn't the right moment. She nodded and went back downstairs.

After she calmed down I putt her in bed while I was going to leave she spoke up "do you maybe wanna stay here I'm scared" she asked I looked at her and saw her nervous "Ofcourse" I said and lay down next to her.

She probably fell asleep but I couldnt stop looking at the bruises at her face it was just so horrifiyng it made me be even more thankfull for my family I maybe lost my dad but atleast he never hurted me and my mom is one of the sweatest so I'm really happy but her family her dad iss a monster and her mom just left her with him how could you even do that I asked myself.

After a while off thinking I fell asleep too.


I heard Y/n crying and speaking in her sleep..

"No.. dont do it dont leave  me please"

"Please mom I beg you..."

She cried more and more I shook her arm "Y/n" I spoke up she woke up she didnt say anything but went closer to me and crawl up into me altough her actions were cute it was sad seeing her like this. I wrapped my arm around her and we fell asleep again..

(the next day)

The whole day went as usual we decided it would be better if Y/n didn't came to school anymore this week. Since Hyunjin got suspicious about the thing that he couldnt come to my house anymore I told him since I know I can trust him. He was in shock and asked if he could come with me or not I said I didn't know so I texted Y/n she said it was ok but she told me to not tell anyone else and I said I wouldn't.

Now I am in my last two lessons of today which are so boring I would just fall asleep already..


Thankyou for reading <333

This was a little shorther but I hope you liked it.


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